Pourquoi pas?!!


Umm Zubayr
:salam2: a tous mes freres et soeurs, j'espere que vous allez tous bien inchallah.

Je me demandais pourquoi il n'y pas de sections speciales pour les soeurs/freres.... comme dans la version anglaise, parce que je pense qu'on pourrait ainsi se benificier l#un de l'autre inshallah.

Juste une proprosition.




La Ilaha Illa Allah
Staff member
je vais poser la question à l´administrateur et je te ferai part de sa réponse inshAllah.


La Ilaha Illa Allah
Staff member
j´en ai parlé avec l´administrateur et les modérateurs, et ils sont de l´avis qu´on devrait utiliser les sections existantes, c´est à dire le sisters´club et le brothers´club, et qu´on peut poster en francais, pour ceux qui peuvent parler francais y répondent, ce n´est inshAllah que temporaire, peut être que dans l´avenir, on créera des sections en francais.
si tu as d´autres questions, n´hésite pas à les poser.
jazakillahou khayran


Dont really know french but this is what im getting from the first post,

salaam to all my bros and sis, hope you're all well, i want to ask if we could have our own special section for bros and sis, like the english one, it will be beneficial inshaallaah, just a propostion

Was that right?

wa asslamualaikum




so then next you say,

Ask the administrators and they will reply inshaallaah

And so libin replies,

Jazakallah my brother.

and so u say, and this bit looks hard!

I asked the administrators and moderators, about how these sections doesnt exist. You can post your question in french in the brothers club and the sisters club, and they can reply in french, for the time being (temporarily), until they create these sections in french. if you have any questions, dont hesitate to ask, may Allaah reward you for the good.

Im really not sure about this.


Junior Member
it would be intressting am sure

:lol: :lol: :lol: c`est une tres bonne proposition moi aussi je me suis pose la question bien venu a toi ma soeur. republique islamique d`allemagne!!!!!! ne rigole pas on`y travaille incha`llah


Junior Member
Multiple nightmares.

My brother and sisters, mi hermano y hermanas, mon frere et soures :salam2:, buenas dias y bonjour. I speak a bit of English and hablo un poco Español et je parle un peu de Français aussi. I hope you are all well, espero que ustedes todo esté bien, j'espere que vous allez tous bien -InshaAllah

It is a great idea to have a website for each language, es una idea muy bien tener un Website para cada lengua, Si, c'est une idée tres grande d'avoir un site Web pour chaque langue. But, Pero, Mais - Think of all the work we would uneccessarily be putting our already over worked administrators through. When the French site is up, the Spanish speakers will demand the same treeatment, so will the Afrikaans speakers, and the Mandarin speakers, and the German speakers, and the etc.. This would be administration /moderators nightmare. I'm sure to get the picture.

Its probably best if just left as is, this way all members are exposed to all cultures and creeds and give each member this amaizing opportunity to learn from one another, especially foreign languages. Just look at how well our Brother ShaheedU is doing and I'm certain he would agree with me. I for one would like to improve both my Español and my French so is there any of you multiligual people willing to help? Just imagine Da'wah in every language, or am I dreaming?