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sister :)
nope..i wish i could go to sleep though :lol:

The next person is drinking pineapple and grapefruit flavoured green tea and lovin it


New Member
Nooo.. Just normal tea with milk for me,
although coffee and hot chocolate is so nice mixed together,
next person doesn't like cold milk?


sister :)
sister maria!!! ur back!! yayyy....i cant drink tea with milk in it and i dont like hot chocolate...dont ask why its a long scary story !! :lol:

I like cold milk though....

Nope i cant fly little brother always used to make me help him fly one when he was alittle was soo annoying :lol:

the nest person can't ride go carts


muslims RocK
ya sis im back!!!!!!!:) iv been gone for 3 days and it feels like 3 months
p.s. did i miss much??

anywayz sis y dont u like hot cho. yummmm its sooo goood

and i love go carting:SMILY346:

next person cant swim lol


New Member
yaaaa i like to swim.. I once had an octopus grab my leg when swimming in Mallorca once, it was so scarry at first..

next person likes hot weather


sister :)
no i cant swim :(

Hehehe well when i was really really young..probably about 6 we had a sleep over at my and sum of my cousins...we all drank hot chocolate and then found out it was out of date!!! Well im pretty sure thats how it happened...i may have altered teh story abit cuz it was sooo long ago..but basically after that i have never liked hot chocolate....i just dont like the taste

:lol: yeh i know im weird..cant help it..

The next person has a twin


New Member
No twin.........I hate the winter as it last too looooonggggg here..:frown:
can we have more sun shine tomorrow plz

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
^Message not clear here? :lol: Next person gonna make Dua, Isha Salat? LoL cause that smily is for making dua. There's a sperate one for Salat. LoL "Namaaz". Another Bangladehsi/Urdu/Hindi word. Laugh Out Loud.

Next person has a kid brother who's REALLY younger than him/her (don't say ma name :D)

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Darn got ther before me! Oh well. No I don't work out sis. LoL that's over Hilariously funny. LoL waht's a 13 year ol brat gonna do with big muscles, show off to his classmates?? LoL But I'm gonna start doing that soon. My muscles are neraly dead. They used to be tough and hard before but now their like Jello. HARAAM!!!! Nah jsut kidding. LoL

Next person is a brother who works out (brother Osman) LoL.
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