Question about the new Notice!!


A Muslim
wsalam brother tipu
I was a bit busy and distracted due to many things. I am back and focused now ;) how are you? You must be happy in ramdan as you dont get beated by your wife ;)

Ramdan is goign as a breeze due to weather but girls with lesser clothes makes it hard sometimes lol

I can imagine ramadan in india with big rush in markets near iftaar time and then in taraweeh. Such a spiritual atmosphere in subcontinent. Here, its all plain. Not much different u can feel.


yeak akhi in UK fasts r short in india the fast are about 14hrs but still I really enjoy them.

yes i had been to uk empty roads, quiet atmosphere I felt like I was in some jungle.but akhi most of the people I spoke to were really nice and helpful even though they were non muslims.


Junior Member
Assalamou Alikom Warahmatou Allah,

Awwwwwwwwwww .....Obviously, I've been away too long since I didn't get this message until now :(.
Even if I never did send messages or proposals of that type (that would be very silly!) Back in 2008 we used to send and receive PM from brothers and sisters as long as respect was maintained.

I've send a PM to a sister few days ago because she commented on one of my posts and to not go off the subject I PM her with explanation. Here is the message:
Assalamou Alykom Wrahmatou Allah sister,

Here is what I meant earlier :)
<some URL containing the explanation>
Anyway, I'm going to delete my post to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding.


Even if by any stretch of the imagination my message does not suggest anything weird, given this new rule, I think I owe her as well as
the moderators an apology.
It was a honest mistake sister. Sorry :(
