Questions for all?


Junior Member
Assalam Alaykum!

So I have some questions I would like to know. But before I ask I thought maybe I should let you know of the position I am in at the moment. So I currently do not have a religion ALTHOUGH I do believe that Allah is the one and only God. I am definitely looking towards Islam!
I have a few questions that I am interested in knowing right now along this journey of mine to find the truth and to get to know Islam a bit more. So here I go, hopefully I can get some replies!! Thanks in advance to all!

P.s. If there is anything that you are uncomfortable answering its alright if you skip :)

Alright, so first of all, what is your favorite part in/of Islam?

How long have you been a muslim (if you are)?

Have you always been a muslim or how did you get into believe Allah is the true God?

If you haven't always been, did you have a religion before?

If you are a female, do you wear a hijab?

How often do you go to the Mosque?

Hounestly, do you pray 5 times a day? (If you dont mind me asking)

Is there anything at all that you don't like about Islam? Probably not?

What can you tell me about Islam? Perhaps something that you really love about it, or something that you find really interesting that I would love to know (really im interested in knowing ... well... everything!!!)

I'm sure that I will have some more questions as this thread goes on, but for now I think this is good. Look for some of my questions later on! Thank you!!!


to Allah we belong

Alright, so first of all, what is your favorite part in/of Islam? => there is only One God.

How long have you been a muslim (if you are)? => by birth

Have you always been a muslim or how did you get into believe Allah is the true God? => same as above

If you haven't always been, did you have a religion before? => NA

If you are a female, do you wear a hijab? => NA :)

How often do you go to the Mosque? => muslims hide their good deeds to avoid being praised.

Hounestly, do you pray 5 times a day? (If you dont mind me asking)=> its compulsory

Is there anything at all that you don't like about Islam? Probably not? => nothing at all. if i dislike something, the problem is with my wisdom and desires.

What can you tell me about Islam? Perhaps something that you really love about it, or something that you find really interesting that I would love to know (really im interested in knowing ... well... everything!!!)=> to submit to God, following His guidance which is better than ours and then earning His pleasure and enjoyment in Paradise forever as His gift.

I'm sure that I will have some more questions as this thread goes on, but for now I think this is good. Look for some of my questions later on!=> no problem. :) feel free

Thank you!!! u r welcome :)

may Allah guide you to His path.


1. I just like the fact that it makes the most sense to me, and I can feel comfortable believing all of its tenets. While I might agree with some parts of other religions, Islam is the only religion that I have complete confidence in. And that's the way religion is supposed to be.

2. Almost 17 years.

3. I was born into a Muslim family

4. n/a

5. Yep, for almost 6 years now.

6. Not very often. For some reason, I tend to not get along with other Muslims so well, so I avoid places with large gatherings of them xD Besides, I'm not required by God to go to the Mosque.

7. Yep.

8. Nope.

9. Let's see...something I really love about Islam. I like the fact that it fully supports the idea that no one race is better than the others. Even though Muslims often forget this simple truth, I think it's great that the Prophet spread that message.


Junior Member
Alright, so first of all, what is your favorite part in/of Islam? I love stories in Islam...although everything is great

How long have you been a muslim (if you are)?>>being muslim my whole life

Have you always been a muslim or how did you get into believe Allah is the true God? I have being Muslim always...alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah)

If you haven't always been, did you have a religion before?

If you are a female, do you wear a hijab?

How often do you go to the Mosque? around 5-8 times a day, and some days less. (knowing the mosque is very close to me)

Hounestly, do you pray 5 times a day? (If you dont mind me asking) >> YES, how can i live without praying? :salah: :)

Is there anything at all that you don't like about Islam? Probably not? >>I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT ISLAM...

What can you tell me about Islam? Perhaps something that you really love about it, or something that you find really interesting that I would love to know (really im interested in knowing ... well... everything!!!)>>One things i love always to hear is the stories of the sahaba (compainion of the prophet [pbuh]), those stories are so good that you can't put down the book.

By the way, we welcome all the questions you have about ISLAM...

I ask allah to guide you and us, to the right path of ISLAM. ameen

allah is with me

Rabana Wa laqal Hamd
well lemme say..
my favorite part in islam is la ilaha illallah ..

alhamdulillah! i have always been a muslim..

no, i never had a religion before..

alhamdulillah! i am proud of wearing hijab, and yes i do..

umm.. not so much ..

yes alhamdulillah, i pray 6 times a day, including tahajjud..

well, no i dont have anything against islam..

well i love islam a lot, and i am proud to be a muslim, i am not condemned by my religion..
i love every thing of islam, ..
i love islam's rules and regulation, coz it keeps us safe...
and i love my prophet muhammad (s.a.w), and i proud to walk on his sunnah, inshallah...


Junior Member
Assalaamalaikum warahmatullahi wabarakathuu,

Alright, so first of all, what is your favorite part in/of Islam?- Glorifying the One who created me and reading the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet (SAllahualayhiwassalam.) and the signs of the The Day of Judgement which are comingt true nowadays!!

How long have you been a muslim (if you are)? From birth Alhamdullillah and Inshall will be a true one till death.Ameen Ya Allah.

Have you always been a muslim or how did you get into believe Allah is the true God?

If you haven't always been, did you have a religion before?

If you are a female, do you wear a hijab?Yep

How often do you go to the Mosque?

Hounestly, do you pray 5 times a day? (If you dont mind me asking)Its compulsory!!!

Is there anything at all that you don't like about Islam? Probably not?Never Astaghfirullah cuz brother everything behind it has a logic!!! and Allah forbid if there is any hesitation its only cuz of my worldy desires which i pray to be saved frm till deat Inshallah.Ameen Ya Allah!!

What can you tell me about Islam? Perhaps something that you really love about it, or something that you find really interesting that I would love to know (really im interested in knowing ... well... everything!!!)Brother the truth it portays- One day or other We WILL die and then where will our wealth go???our desires !! give it a thought bro we cannot gurentee our next sec.Our Lord wants us to prepare for the Hereafter cuz Our Lord love for us is more than a mothers love.......ponder over it and give it a thought bro.May The Almighty One grant u and me Hidayat tll our deaths and Jinnatal Firdous in the hereafter. Inshallah.Ameen Ya Mujeeb.Ameen Ya Allah.Ameen.

Wassalaamalaikum waramatulaahi wabarakathuu.


Junior Member
Assalam-u- alaikum- Peace be upon you

Welcome. We will be more than happy to answer any question you have.

Alright, so first of all, what is your favorite part in/of Islam? Firstly its the only way to go to heaven. I love the fact that there is so much peace in my life after i have become more religious. When i read the Quran/learn it, i feel so satisfied. It has helped me become a better person and much more satisfied in life. Our main goal is heaven though

How long have you been a muslim (if you are)? Born Muslim 25 yrs( we believe that everyone is a born muslim btw)

Have you always been a muslim or how did you get into believe Allah is the true God? I have always been a muslim/ have always practiced allhamdullilah but lately my connection with Allah has improved allhamdullilah after i have started reading the Quran more, listening to lectures about the Quran. Talking to my non muslim friends about it has helped a lot as well as they ask me questions and i have to go and find out stuff. If you read the Quran you will realize that no man can author this book

If you haven't always been, did you have a religion before? N/A

If you are a female, do you wear a hijab? The women in my family do

How often do you go to the Mosque? Daily 1-3 times Allhamdullilah

Hounestly, do you pray 5 times a day? (If you dont mind me asking) Do you stop at every red light? i mean every one? why do you do it? because its the law right. Similarly we follow all commands of Allah because he is our creator, the merciful. Islam is about submitting ourselves to God. 60-70 yrs of obeying is not much compared to what you get in return. Allhamdullilah i have been praying 5 times since i was 9 i think

Is there anything at all that you don't like about Islam? Probably not? Islam is perfect.. Quran has answers to everything.If all of us could follow Prophet Mohammed taught, this world would be a better place

What can you tell me about Islam? Perhaps something that you really love about it, or something that you find really interesting that I would love to know (really im interested in knowing ... well... everything!!!) - There is so much to tell... My life is becoming better the more i discover Islam, so much at peace. What is amazing about the Quran is that its the same all over the world. It has been the same right from the first Quran, not one word has been changed. about 6 million people know the Quran by heart cover to cover, most of them dont understand the language but can still memorise it. Try pulling up 2 sentences of Chinese and see how hard its to learn. Allah makes it easy for us to learn.

Quran gives so many signs that its from the creator, it talks about so many different fields. Mentions things which are only recently discovered by scientists. Please look at this link


New Member
Alright, so first of all, what is your favorite part in/of Islam?


How long have you been a muslim (if you are)?

whin birth

Have you always been a muslim or how did you get into believe Allah is the true God?

absolutely there are a god, if Allah is not the true God, so who is the god
if you thik good, you will find one way that there are one god who create us, and he can do anything, he is the highest, the strongest, the immortal, if you call him any time he will help you
who is he? he is allah

If you haven't always been, did you have a religion before?

no but i know of the other religion

If you are a female, do you wear a hijab?

i'm a male, bu If i'm a female i will wear the hijab

How often do you go to the Mosque?

muslims shold pray 5 times in the "almasjed" and thy can go any time
but peacaus my jop i can not go to the "almasjed" so that the god forgive me

Hounestly, do you pray 5 times a day? (If you dont mind me asking)

usually i do, but sometimes :(

Is there anything at all that you don't like about Islam? Probably not?


What can you tell me about Islam? Perhaps something that you really love about it, or something that you find really interesting that I would love to know (really im interested in knowing ... well... everything!!!)

i didn't understan the Question good
but the really love about islam is the mulslim believe that the god is whith him always so he dont fear anything but allah


Junior Member
Hello be welcome on this website,

I will try to give an answer to your questions ok

what is your favorite part in/of Islam?

i really love everything. My lord has created me, He Has send prophets to teach me, you and all the other humanbeing. It's very beautiful to know the purpose of live.
How long have you been a muslim (if you are)?

From birth

Have you always been a muslim or how did you get into believe Allah is the true God?

Yes always have been muslim. When i was a smal boy i had the feeling that Allah our creator Exists. And sometimes when i had problems ( recall i was a small boy) i cried and turned to Allah and asked him to solve my problem.

How often do you go to the Mosque?
Sometimes 5 times, sometimes more, sometimes less

Hounestly, do you pray 5 times a day? (If you dont mind me asking)


Is there anything at all that you don't like about Islam? Probably not?


What can you tell me about Islam? Perhaps something that you really love about it, or something that you find real

Like i said before islam is very beautifull. I really want you to experience what i experience about islam. But i cann't take it from my heart and put in your heart.

Take care


Junior Member
what is your favorite part in/of Islam?
the knowledge that Allah is there.

How long have you been a muslim (if you are)?
From birth

Have you always been a muslim or how did you get into believe Allah is the true God?
Yes always have been muslim. did drift somewhat but only due to Allah mercy praise and glory all of it is His ,he has taken me by the forelock and dragged me back.
how did i get to believe Allah is the true God.i always believed it in my heart.but i was aways interested in dawah even from small i used to look at islam as a non muslim would look .then i would ask the same questions and Allah would guide me to the answers .actually the fact that non muslims would go eternally t hell had put a strong desire in my heart to save as many as possible.I know Alah decides but pls pray that am able to save myself and oters inshallah from helllfire.

How often do you go to the Mosque?
20 times in four
i really love what ahmed has written.

Honestly, do you pray 5 times a day? (If you dont mind me asking)

it is not a question for muslims.

Is there anything at all that you don't like about Islam? Probably not?
the waiting time till paradise.mayb this will be easier after

What can you tell me about Islam? Perhaps something that you really love about it, or something that you find real

i love the fact that when you tell about islam to anyone it seems as if you have freed them from 200000000 tons of lies.
i love the fact that under the Mercy of Allah we live and in His Mercy we hope to die and I love when i am successfully able to sacrifice something for His sake that is the best a way that is islam.cant imagine sahaba lived that feeling 24/7 .Allahuakbar.


Junior Member
1. submitting to the one and only God

2. 2 1/2 years

3. found Islam in the christian church when they were saying lies about muslims:)


5. Yes

6.Only been to a mosque once. I live in the middle of no where, theres no mosques around...

7. Yes, but sometimes miss fajr from lack of sleep.

8. nothing

9. I love that if you are following Islam the right way, then it has an affect in your life, and personality, and the choices you will make you will think according to how it should be done the way Allah (swt) would approve. I like woman should keep modesty and also the men. The Qur'an states the truth, and in Islam you have real proof and faith.


Junior Member
hi, welcome to TTI.

Alright, so first of all, what is your favorite part in/of Islam? everything in islam is my favourite, nothing less or more then each other to be honest.everything in islam makes sence for me and has good reasons behind it so therfore everything is my favourite.

How long have you been a muslim (if you are)? alhumdulillah born muslim thank allah for that.

Have you always been a muslim or how did you get into believe Allah is the true God? always been a muslim who belived in allah.

If you haven't always been, did you have a religion before?

If you are a female, do you wear a hijab?

How often do you go to the Mosque? if i have the time out of the 5 prayers i mostly go 2 or 3 times a day.

Hounestly, do you pray 5 times a day? (If you dont mind me asking) yep.

Is there anything at all that you don't like about Islam? Probably not? nope nothing i dislike everything is perfect for mankind and whoever follows it will be succesful in this worlds and the hearafter inshallah.

inshallah ( god willing) ul realise how butifull this religion is just do your researche and talk to the brothers and sisters who have converted to islam .

thank you take care .

Fatima S.Ar

Happiness = Islam
wa alaikom
welcome honey , feel free to ask anything :)

Alright, so first of all, what is your favorite part in/of Islam?
Every thing in Islam is great and suitable for human
if something is not allowed it's for our safe and health
Islam protects us , so It's GREAT
but the best part is ( There is only one God )

How long have you been a muslim (if you are)?
I born as a Muslim - thanks for Allah - .

Have you always been a muslim or how did you get into believe Allah is the true God?
I've always been Muslim al7amdu lillah

If you haven't always been, did you have a religion before?
the same one :)

If you are a female, do you wear a hijab?
yes , I wear it and I cover my face and my hair

How often do you go to the Mosque?
rarely , I'm as a female dont have to go Masjid 5 times aday as men .

Hounestly, do you pray 5 times a day? (If you dont mind me asking)

yes thanks for Allah
I really cant imagine the life without prayers !!
I pray 5 times coz it's a pillar of Islam
and I pray Sunnah prayers too .. I dont say this to show u that I pray but I say this coz I wanna u to know prayers make my life happier and happier so I cant leave praying .. as well as I pray more than what I have to pray coz I feel comfortable in praying
Ma sha'a Allah :)

Is there anything at all that you don't like about Islam? Probably not?
NO thing
Islam is perfect as what Allah said in the holy Qur'an
If I felt that there is something I dislike , that means I misunderstood it
here in my country we have a good Islamic education so I can understand every thing well .. thanks for Allah

What can you tell me about Islam? Perhaps something that you really love about it, or something that you find really interesting that I would love to know (really im interested in knowing ... well... everything!!!)

how can I talk about a great religion such as Islam in few lines ? :)
ask and we'll reply ^_^

May Allah guide u to the right path

take care honey


A rough answer

Assalam Alaykum!

Alright, so first of all, what is your favorite part in/of Islam?
Rough meaning of some of koran verses:

''If you accept any other religion except islam it would not be accepted by Allah swt''.

''Oh mankind you have no knowledge except what He (Allah awt) has given to you and He has the power to take it back''.

''Do they (disbeliver) not see that the heaven and earth are joined together and we asunder it............''

''.... We are constantly expanding the universe......''

''....they (desbeliver) spend their wealth to take people out of My way (ISLAM) but indeed their spending would a source of their regret......''

''..... they (disbeliver) plot and plan (against islam) and we plot and plan and He (swt) is the best of the planner.....''

''.... Say (to the christian) do not say trinity, it would be better for you.......''

''...... Say ( to Jew/Xtian) do not go the extreme, neither Isa (AS) was son of whore nor son of God, he (AS) was son of marray.......''

These are few of so many amazing verses of Koran that are still alive as it was 1400 years ago.

Assalam Alaykum!
How long have you been a muslim (if you are)?
By Birth
Assalam Alaykum!
Have you always been a muslim or how did you get into believe Allah is the true God?
Assalam Alaykum!
If you haven't always been, did you have a religion before?
Assalam Alaykum!
If you are a female, do you wear a hijab?
Assalam Alaykum!
How often do you go to the Mosque?
In all normal and usual circumstances.
Assalam Alaykum!
Hounestly, do you pray 5 times a day? (If you dont mind me asking)
Yes, of course. I pray 5 times a day.
Assalam Alaykum!
Is there anything at all that you don't like about Islam? Probably not?
I like everyting in ISLAM. But I would like it more if Allah swt had not withdraw His punishment of total obliteration of nations that He swt had done before Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). THere are many nations which Allah swt had destroyed completely because of their wickedness.
Assalam Alaykum!
What can you tell me about Islam?
A famous Hadith, ''Everything that happens to the believers there is good in it. In good time they thank Allah swt and in bad time they keep patience for the sake of Allah. Either way they achieve reward in this life or hereafter and that is better for the believer.''

Tarabi payer, fasting and Iftar give me immense pleasure. I feel so happy that the end of ramadan I cannot enjoy.....


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
Welcome to TTI's great to have you around..and inshallah you'll find what you seek from this site and the brothers and sisters part of its members' body :)

first of all, what is your favorite part in/of Islam?
My favorite part is the sense of *closeness* to Allah that Islam instills in the heart.

How long have you been a muslim (if you are)?
I was born into Islam..but..I did not practice any of it until at the age of 18..almost 19 or so

Have you always been a muslim or how did you get into believe Allah is the true God?
No I was not always a Muslim..I believed in Allah..but did not know anything about Islam beyond *the very basics* (some of which were *wrong* too!)..and did not care much about practicing it or learning about it..I was raised to believe that so long you believe Allah is The One True God..then you're sufficient..and I lead my life that way..unfortunately..this all changed when I was assigned the responsibility of writing an article for the school's newspaper..which required me to read into the biography of The Prophet (pbuh)..which in turn..provoked me to read the Qura'an (something I did annually or semi-annually at the rate of 1 to 2 pages per reading)..which in turn..made me look into the various pillars of Islam..then into the various beliefs..then into the values..then into the laws..and so on and so forth..and before I realized it..I was skipping classes and pulling all-nighters just to sit in the library or at home and read about the religion I claimed to be part of only by *name*..and now I'm here practicing the best I can (alhmadulillah)..and looking for ways to do more :)

If you haven't always been, did you have a religion before?
Answers to questions 1 & 2 would be sufficient for this one :)

If you are a female, do you wear a hijab?
Yes I do..alhamduliallah

How often do you go to the Mosque?
As much as possible (at least once or twice a week)

Hounestly, do you pray 5 times a day? (If you dont mind me asking)
Every so often a prayer will slip through my mind or I'm forced to delay it..but alhamduliallah..I'm blessed to at least realize what prayer is in this deen when before I thought it was *optional* (yes..I was THAT ignorant!)

Is there anything at all that you don't like about Islam? Probably not?
Well I'll tell you the thing I didn't like *before practicing*..I did not like Hijab..I mean I DETESTED hijab..I hated it with a much that I wouldn't even sit or stand next to a hijabi or allow the chance for ANYONE to see me AROUND one!..I always made sure that my friends were either non-Muslims or Muslims who are non-hijabis..because I did not like it AT ALL...but sobhanallah..after learning about Islam..and specifically the duties of Muslim women..Hijab was THE FIRST thing after prayer that I wanted to commit fact my outlook on hijab became the opposite after that..when I would see a hijabi I would feel a warmth in my heart and tear up because I wanted to be like I wouldn't give it up for all the world and what's in it..and even though I'm not allowed to wear it (my parents do not allow me)..I wear it in secret..and I LOVE's just a part of me and I wouldn't see me without it *at all*..and the idea of modesty from the Islamic stance is so embedded in my mind that every so often my mind tosses the idea of niqab but with my situation it would be a bit difficult..but the transformation from a *hate* to *love* is just astonishing..all I can say is sobhanallah..

What can you tell me about Islam? Perhaps something that you really love about it, or something that you find really interesting that I would love to know (really im interested in knowing ... well... everything!!!)
Well you know how in the first question I said that my favorite thing about Islam is that *closeness* to Allah?..once again..I'll state's something amazing..Islam does not put barriers between you and Allah (swt)...Allah (swt) Himself declares that He is closer to each one of us than our own jugular vain..and to me that's a thought that makes a chill go up and down my Islam..Allah (swt) is always just a thought away..a sentiment away..a tear away..a prayer away..He is always there watching..listening..and with utmost generosity *granting* you that which you were in need of or that which you were's a feeling that's otherworldly..because NO ONE can attain such closeness and such status in your life..young..old..close..far..male..female..NO ONE..only Allah attains both things with utter perfection and incessancy..and the fact that Islam *emphasizes* this bit..just gives me all the more reasons to love it and try to adhere to it with all my heart and soul..I think this is something worthy of your attention..and I think it's something you should learn more about as well :)

I really pray that Allah opens your heart to Islam..and instills its beautiful truth deep within your spirit..and count you amongst the guided and the successful in this life and the next!



New Member
Alright, so first of all, what is your favorite part in/of Islam?
The glorious of khilafah, and our prophet's promise for it's re-establishment in the time before the end of the world (kiamat)

How long have you been a muslim (if you are)?
since born, alhamdulillah

Have you always been a muslim or how did you get into believe Allah is the true God?
always been a muslim

If you haven't always been, did you have a religion before?
No, of course

If you are a female, do you wear a hijab?
Not female, but my wife wears it

How often do you go to the Mosque?
Not so often

Hounestly, do you pray 5 times a day? (If you dont mind me asking)
Absolutely, that's the different between the believers and those whom not

Is there anything at all that you don't like about Islam? Probably not?
Insya Allah there's no such thing .. After you falling in love with Islam, you will love everything that comes from it

What can you tell me about Islam? Perhaps something that you really love about it, or something that you find really interesting that I would love to know (really im interested in knowing ... well... everything!!!)
I really miss living in a world where syariah is rules, it'll bring real justice (not a disguise) to human being (not only to muslims, but to non muslims also). Where school, home, electricity, water, and all public basic needs is free. Where dinar and dirham is the currency, and all of others I cannot mention here ..


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member
Assalam Alaykum!

So I have some questions I would like to know. But before I ask I thought maybe I should let you know of the position I am in at the moment. So I currently do not have a religion ALTHOUGH I do believe that Allah is the one and only God. I am definitely looking towards Islam!

Peace be on to you too.. Walaikumsalaam !

I wish you the best in your journey towards the righteous path. You are doing something very commendable and beautiful.. seeking the truth.. seeking closeness to Almighty God. :)

May Allah swt guide you and make it easy for you. Ameen.

I have a few questions that I am interested in knowing right now along this journey of mine to find the truth and to get to know Islam a bit more. So here I go, hopefully I can get some replies!! Thanks in advance to all!

P.s. If there is anything that you are uncomfortable answering its alright if you skip :)

We don't shy away from anything. Islam is the 'haqq' (the truth). There is nothing to hide or feel uncomfortable about.

Oh and we love answering questions. :SMILY126:

Alright, so first of all, what is your favorite part in/of Islam?

Just as I have a relationship with everyone I know and love like my father, mother , sibling, friends etc. Islam gives me a direct close one on one relation with my Lord, my creator. When I face and pray towards my lord, it brings me peace both inwardly and outwardly. :)

How long have you been a muslim (if you are)?

Good question. Although I was a born into a Muslim family, I wasn't very mindful of my religion in my young days unfortunately.

But some health problems and tough times changed all that for the better and Allah subhaanawaa tallah had mercy on me and guided me towards my deen Islam. Like a huge magnet, I gravitated back towards 'submission to my Creator' or as it is called in arabic 'Islam'. :)

Have you always been a muslim or how did you get into believe Allah is the true God?

Seems like I got ahead of myself a wee bit.. hehe.. It's up there ^. :D

If you haven't always been, did you have a religion before?

Sure. It was a religion of following my own whims and desires without being mindful of my duties towards my creator, Allah swt.

If you are a female, do you wear a hijab?

This one isn't for me. :)

How often do you go to the Mosque?

I am quite regular with the help and mercy of Allah swt. I love praying in congregation and being among muslims. :)

Hounestly, do you pray 5 times a day? (If you dont mind me asking)

With the help and mercy of Allah swt, yes.

Is there anything at all that you don't like about Islam? Probably not?

I honestly can't think of a single thing. Maybe we muslims have a few shortcomings here and there, but Alhumdulillah (praise be to Allah) our religion Islam guides us towards the righteous path and towards true inner peace. To follow it is for my own good, so there is nothing to dislike.

What can you tell me about Islam? Perhaps something that you really love about it, or something that you find really interesting that I would love to know (really im interested in knowing ... well... everything!!!)

Islam gives me a direct relation with my creator, with my Lord. This has given so much calmness and peace to my heart.

Islam has protected me from the bad (drugs,alcohol,fornification etc) and encouraged me to do good (be charitable, have good manners , be kind, friendly). Islam develops and purifies the heart and keeps it away from worldly corruption and immoral things.

I am very attached to my family especially my parents and grandparents. Islam has taught me how to express my love towards them and how to respect and take care of them. Islam forbids me to disrespect them and even utter a small dis-pleasantary (like 'uff') when they have aged. I love that my religion teaches me what I want to be.

Islam has given me the biggest family. Every believer is a part of my family.

I can go on more. But I think that would be too much to read for you. :)

I'm sure that I will have some more questions as this thread goes on, but for now I think this is good. Look for some of my questions later on! Thank you!!!

Please do ask us questions. As I mentioned earlier, we love answering questions. :D



Junior Member
Salaams :)


Alright, so first of all, what is your favorite part in/of Islam?
Goodness - can I only pick one?!! lol. It is the inner calm that results from believing their is One God and that you have been provided with guidance on how best to live your life through the Qur'an. The fact that we believe that there is always a bigger picture and the confidence you have that everything happens for a reason even if we're not aware of it at the time. If I can write another one (?!) it is also the importance of self development but in a very spiritual way - success is re-defined as improving your character and I love the constant learning and striving.

How long have you been a muslim (if you are)?
I converted in April 2008

Have you always been a muslim or how did you get into believe Allah is the true God?
I used to be a Christian but I was introduced to Islam through a friend and the reason for my initial interest was so competitive! His answers made more sense than mine and he knew about Christianity, whereas I didn't know anything about I decided to learn more about it. The more I read and more questions I asked the more it made just got to the stage where I thought - this is the truth! Alhamdulilla!

If you haven't always been, did you have a religion before?
See above

If you are a female, do you wear a hijab?
Yes and very happy to do so

How often do you go to the Mosque?

I'm fortunate that I work very close to the mosque so fairly regularly

Hounestly, do you pray 5 times a day? (If you dont mind me asking)
Yep and I know it sounds like a lot but after you get used to it, it feels wrong if you miss something's missing. It gives you 5 opportunities every day to take time out and check yourself - make sure you're not getting swept up in everything. It's just a few minutes between you and God - alhamdulilla

Is there anything at all that you don't like about Islam? Probably not?
What I don't like are the lies and myths that are spread about Islam in the media. I wish people would explore it for itself and see the beauty in this religion. Im not saying everyone should convert, I just wish people respected it more.

What can you tell me about Islam? Perhaps something that you really love about it, or something that you find really interesting that I would love to know (really im interested in knowing ... well... everything!!!)

I love the confidence it gives you, the peace of mind and assurity. I love the fact it provides answers and guidance for all aspects of life. I love the way it stands up for what is right regardless of who that means we should support. I love the fact it stands up against injustice of anyone who is oppressed. I love the emphasis on equality - across genders, ethnicity etc. I love how it stresses the importance of learning and self development. I love how it teaches to remember God at every moment and helps your mind mature. I love the fact I can still be me but (inshaAllah - God willing) a better version.

Hope this helps - please feel free to PM me any questions you have. I dont promise to have the answers but I'll try and help!

Wasalaam / Peace

sister myriam

islam is my way

what is your favorite part in/of Islam?ethics that a muslim must have
How long have you been a muslim (if you are)?
born muslim

Have you always been a muslim or how did you get into believe Allah is the true God?i was born muslim but i was not praing or puting my hijab...i was not happy...feel i am not in the reight for the real life and islam...change my life... follow the prophet peace be upon him ...reach the hapiness
If you haven't always been, did you have a religion before?no

If you are a female, do you wear a hijab?
yes yes yes... and proud to be...and want to put niquab inchAllah like the wives of the prophet peace be upon him

How often do you go to the Mosque?sometimes

Hounestly, do you pray 5 times a day? (If you dont mind me asking) can i not to do...
Is there anything at all that you don't like about Islam? Probably not?
islam is the religion of Allah a servant of Allah i cant dislike any thing that Allah wants me to do but to say we listen and we obey
What can you tell me about Islam? Perhaps something that you really love about it, or something that you find really interesting that I would love to know (really im interested in knowing ... well... everything!!!)
all the prophets where muslims...the true beleivers how want to worship Allah will discover tha cristianity judaisme and islam came from the same source...