Questions for all?


Junior Member
salam alaykum wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh

yes we pray five time and we add what we call "TARAWEEH" it's ramadan prayer, we do it just after the last salat ""ISCHA"
salam alaykum


New Member
asalaamualykum my sister, may Allah ortect you

Alright, so first of all, what is your favorite part in/of Islam?

How long have you been a muslim (if you are)?
i am born muslim, but my grandparents reverted

Have you always been a muslim or how did you get into believe Allah is the true God?

If you haven't always been, did you have a religion before?

If you are a female, do you wear a hijab?

How often do you go to the Mosque?
eid prayer and for islaamic lessons

Hounestly, do you pray 5 times a day? (If you dont mind me asking)
alhamdulillah, yes, i think , it is knowing that if i dont pray i am a disbeliever.
The prophet said something to this effect: That whoever forsakes prayer, after he has believed, thus certainly he has disbelieved... may allah save us

Is there anything at all that you don't like about Islam? Probably not?
for a man to marry a second wife, let me say , i accept it for others but i would find it hard to accept for my husband to marry another, I think that is my weakness, purhaps i need to learn more about that.

What can you tell me about Islam? Perhaps something that you really love about it, or something that you find really interesting that I would love to know (really im interested in knowing ... well... everything!!!)
:ma: This has always touched me and in it i feel i have all the power and need not ask anyone for help except Almighty Allah, You may have read this before, The prophet said to a lad, SOMETHING TO THIS EFFECT: Oh, my Lad can i teach you something, Protect Allah (islaam) he will protect you, Protect Allah you will find him infront of you, when you ask ask Allah , when you seek help, seek help from Allah. and know that if a nation gathered to benifit anything from you , they will not benefit athing unless Allah has written it for you, if a nation gathered to harm you, they will not harm athing from you unless Allah has written it for you, the pens have been raised and the scrolls are dry................this is from my head, but in sahih bukhari you can find the correct hadith.
1. If you converted to Islam, what made you do so? How did you find out about Islam?
Hmm long story...I purchased the Qur'an before I knew anything about Islam or Muslims...then I started to meet Muslims after having bought the Qur'an, it was like a key to a new world...I spent years being around Arabs and learning about their cultures and the religion and the difference between the two.....eventually I knew that I couldn't deny the faith and I couldn't accept the just wan't logical and Islam is. With Islam, it encomasses everything in life...some people like to argue that "church and state" should be separate, but how can we live Godly lives and separate God from certain aspects according to our wishes? That means we are trying to bend the Divine to us and that will never work, we must bend to the Divine...make sense? I am rambling, maybe because my story is too long to type. I will say this though, I said I would NEVER be a Muslim and here I am now subhan'Allah....just keep an open mind while you preconceived notions about anything, and insha'Allah you will be guided to what is best for you. Don't make a hasty decision, be certain about your decision. That is my advice to you. Best to you!!!

2. Have you read the Qu'ran? Yes for the most part...trying to learn it in Arabic now...

3. Do you plan to visit the 5 pillars someday (if you haven't already done so)?

Absolutely insha'Allah! ;-)

4. Are you from a Muslim family? No, Christian....devout Christian.

5. Does anyone know where a good place (maybe a website, video or something) to learn Arabic (to read and speak)? So I can read the Arabic version of the Qu'ran and to know it!!

Yes check out Al Huda Institute can Google it...mash'Allah I have learned so much!