

Junior Member
Okay forget. i''ll tell you the answer... but if you searched what loves company... you would find out Misery loves company...

the answer is misery! you know as the saying goes misery loves company.

here is and example of the riddle.

it is 'eid and you have these new nice clothes. you're excited to be wearing them. but as you're walking you're not careful and you trip and fall into this mud hole. your new outfit is messed up and now your friends will have much better outfits than you. you are at tears. this is going to be the worst eid ever!

just then your brother who is also wearing a nice new outfit trips over you and also falls into the mud. you, the person who just about to cry,starts to giggle and then you burst into a guffaw. your brother says: shut up it's not funny! and then he shouts man this is going to be the worst eid ever!

anyways first you were miseriful but at the sight of company, laughter joined from around the corner.

but i was saying as muslims this really shouldn't be the way because you were suppose to want for your brother what you wanted for yourself (which was to have clean clothes).

okay that is the end....and as you can tell I do make up my own riddles (except the one about the donkey lion and hay) thats why they're so "corny".


Be A Stranger
There is a man who lives on the 12th floor of his apartment, and every day when he goes to work he goes on the elevator, but when he comes home from work he goes on the stairs unless someone is getting on the elevator. Why does he do this?

P.S: Some of you might have heard this before. :SMILY231:


hmmm......is it because he's short, and the button on the 12th floor is in a lower position than the one one the ground floor?



Staff member
Assalamu alaikum,

How many dwarfs were there in cinderella?

wa alaykum salam

silly darling, there aren't any dwarfs in Cinderella, that would be Snow White.

Trick question I know, hehe, good thing I'm well versed in my Princess tales huh? ;) jk.

MY go:

I begin eternity,
And end space,
At the end of time,
And in every place,
Last in life,
Second to death,
Never alone,
Found in your breath,
Contained by earth,
Water or flame,
My grandeur so awesome,
Wind dare not tame,
Not in your mind,
Am in your dreams,
Vacant to Kings,
Present to Queens.

What am I?
