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Junior Member
:salam2: ,
There is one thing i dont understand ,why are there so many sectarian killings in Iraq now that the americans have took over. Why are they suddenly so riled up against each other. Is this some part of american intrigue or what?
I cannot conceive the idea of muslims killing each other just coz of religious differences. They must not realise that in islam if you kill another muslim its like you have killed the whole mankind. Who has twisted islam so and done all this brainwashing as to justify to kill another muslim if he is from a different sect.
Is it so very necessary to identify ourselves as sunnis or shias and not just as muslims.Cant we do without all of this? or is it impossible in this day and age.
There is another also I truly dont understand; most of the ppl who die as a result of insurgent's bombings are innocent Iraqi civilians(and once in a blue moon american soldiers) , now whats the point in killing their own ppl and why would they do that? whats that going to achieve?
Well you must have realised clearly by now that politics is not my forte, but I'll be obliged if anyone is willing to shed light on this.


New Member
Just a note, Rumsfield is likely to be tried in Germany (their court is considering case) for similar crimes. The prosecutors are American. I don't think anyone likes that guy, or Bush/Blair for that matter.

I think it should also be worth noting that the convicting court is an Iraqi court made up of Iraquis. I don't think it's completely fair to say the U.S. convicted him. His people convicted him.

As far as the chemical weapons that the US/UK supplied, let's see some documentation for that claim, ehh? It's easy to claim things like that, but you need to back it up.


Junior Member
"(...) but I find it so hypocritical that America want him to die (...)"

Actually it's not America judging the mass murderer Saddam Hussein but it's an iraqi court in Iraq that sentenced him to death today, so it's not the Americans who did that. The Americans, who captured Hussein, delivered him to the Iraqi justice on June 30, 2004.

Nevertheless I, too, think that it's inhuman to execute someone, even if he or she is guilty of killing. We should not answer to inhumanity with inhumanity.

America caught him bu America still control everything even the tailor mesure tribunal and justice that has condemned S Hussein. ( some of his lawyers mysteriously murdered etc ..)
Sadam Hussein is sentenced for crimes against Humanity then what about Sharon for instance..
Sadam Hussein isn't a faithful exemple ha has killed many ppl indeed.
No one has the right to judge because Allah Knows better what s wrong and not
wa salam


New Member
video about Iraq from 1993

Hallo all,
some days ago I found a video on YouTube about Iraq from 1993 (!) from british journalist and historian Michael Wood, it's about Saddam Hussein's regime and what he did to the people. It's very very sad (I didn't watch it to the end)

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
Part 6:


Junior Member
wow christina

since the invasion of kuwait by saddam,iraq is underconstant sanction by united states & there helpers who does not care how many human die with lack of suppy,since those sanction more then 125000 ifants have died already without medicine,firstaid,nutrition,during gulf war in 1991 iraq was constantly bombard by allied evil forces for more then 40days,resulted 260000 civilian deaths,since then iraq is strictly under no fly zone,nothing can go in & out without the will of usa,civilized nation decide to invade iraq after 10years of sanction & distruction cuz they new it,its easy to go in since its weak now,during invasion first on the name of bilogical wapons,then saddam hussian,then iraqi freedom now against terrorism or insurgents,in reality every one knows it was for oil & to stablished base in middle east 4 the security of isreal & future resources,now the estimate death toll including recent rise in killing is more then one million,tell me its not another holocast by civilized nation under the protection of dummy institution call UN.with all that influnce & establisment in iraq by us,uk & other civilized partner u still think iraq has its own justice system to put saddam behind bars or on death row?u really need study or some thing beyond fox news & cnn my friend.


New Member

He may be a monster as labelled by the media but he was the only one who could control the country. There wasnt all the problems there are now when he was in power.

Dont get be wrong, what he did was wrong but at least he had control.


control doesn't justify murder.


New Member
Hallo Paki Idol!
Hallo Stranger786!

About the second video: I think it's not right to take the very worst Americans that committed crimes and then say: all the Americans are like that. This video is a video that uses the suffer of innocent people that had to suffer because of the war – because of Hussein and because of terrorists attacking the US first – to incite hate against the USA. It’s a video that misuses human feelings of sorrow and grief and horror to turn your worldview up-side-down, to teach you to hate America.

In World War II (1939-1995) the American and British Army were bombing and fighting many cities in Germany, millions of german civilians died: men, women, children, innocent people died in these attacks.

The evil – Hitler and the Nazis - had took over Germany and with their lethal ideology the Germans killed millions of Jews, Gipsys, Homosexuals and political opponents. They strongly believed in ‚the Jews are the source of all problems‘, they believed in the shameless fake „protocols of the elders of zion“ which is a fake - they truely believed in that faked hate inciting *!*!*!*!, and lots of Germans – the majority - believed to Hitler and his ideology. I am German and when I was in school I visited one of the concentration camps with my school class, I saw gas-chambers. It’s horrible. Ahmadinejad is such a loon. How can he deny this. It is as if he would go outside, look at the sun and say: there is no sun, no, this is just a fake.

In the end, the US and GB and Russia defeated Germany. Millions of Germans were dead. 6 Millions of Jews and 3 Millions of other minority groups had died in the german concentration camps. Germany’s cities were very much destroyed. Nothing was working. No food, no water, no homes for millions of people that survived the war and thousands came from the former eastern territories that were now annexed by Polen and Russia. But the US didn’t exploit us nor did they treat the germans bad (the majority of the Americans who then occupied Germany – of course some did). Though the germans were the defeated people that had caused the death of thousands of thousands (I think 400.000!) of American soldiers. They helped (West-)Germany to build up our own new democratic constitution and parties and justice system. They supported us building up a strong and healtyh economy. Germany recovered and became a very strong and successful economy. We are living in wealth and peace since over 60 years now. We have a great social system: there is almost no poverty (poor people without work here have a home, food, clothes, school for their children, TV, - all payed by the social system), our social system is even much better than the American social system which is I think not very good! We have all kind of religions here: Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus and more (the huge majority is Christians). Everybody can live their life in freedom. If I’d decided to become Muslim, there is no law that forbids me to become. If a Muslim decides do become Christian, it’ll be very easy for him. Everyone has the same rights and duties.

The US in 2003 fought against an Iraqi goverment which they considered to support and nourish terrorists that wanted to attack the US from inside with terror attacks like 9/11 (and which furthermore opressed the Iraqi people). The US were also very much afraid, that Hussein might start with WMD like nuclear weapons. Why Hussein didn’t cooperate so the UN-sanctions could be taken off years earlier and the people wouldn’t starve and suffer any more? Saddam Hussein saw children dying from hunger and illness. About 500.000 to 1.5 million children were dying during the UNO sanctions against Iraq. Hussein had already used chemical WMD against his own Kurd people in 1988. That’s what Rumsfeld was talking about in the video above, though he is clearly losing his thread and seems to have something like a ‚blackout‘.

Imagine a terrorist attack in say New York, Paris or Berlin with a nuclear bomb. The US might have lied about Hussein allegedly beeing already in possession of such weapons, but the fear was reasonable because even if Hussein was not already in possession of such weapons, he was already preparing to and might be soon in the future. There were more points of reason for the US to invade Iraq I think. All had to do with the threat of islamic terroristic extremistic organisations. Oil is one of these points. An example. Imagine you live in a village and get the water from another village, where the water source is. You pay with money for the water and everybody’s fine with that. I mean, it's only water. But: your life and the life of the village people depend on the water. The other village has a lot of power because it can control you in saying: if you don’t do what we want, we’ll stop the water running for you. That’s perfectly OK for you as long as the other village is your friend. But now imagine a fool with tyrannic ideology who hates your way of life becomes the leader of the other village. He might send killers to you but he might also destroy your system by destroying your economy by stopping the water, even if you are willing to pay money as you always did. It’s also a threat – one among others - that you will have to consider when you want to protect the people of your village. You would not let them die of thirst. I know that Iraq already had stopped delivering oil and the true story is much much more complex but this was only an example.

The west is not the propaganda against Islam! Don’t misunderstand the west. E.g. in my country you can find all kind of opinions, and yes, there are some „islamophobics“ around here in Germany but it’s a few, very few! And even these few are not terroristic, they say, they don’t like Islam because they think: Islam is the source of terrorism. They say that and that’s it. We have perfect free speech here. The vast, very vast majority does not think that Islam is the source of terror but does believe that Islam is a respectable and peaceful religion and that terrorists misuse the religion for some fanatic aims. Just this afternoon I downloaded from an islamic german website a document: a letter from 38 Muslim authorities to the Pope (because of the Pope-speech in Regensburg) and they explain why the Pope was wrong in their eyes – I’m interested in it and downloaded it, everybody can, this is very pro Islam, isn’t it? It obviously doesn’t fit your picture of the west. People here don’t want any bad toward Islam. But people here don’t want extremists, they don’t want islamic terrorism. I mean, that’s natural, isn’t it. And by the way, in 2003 most people here were against the Iraq invasion of the US, even me was against, I was even participating in demonstrations against the war. But today I see things a little different and I can understand the reasons for taking Saddam Hussein off. In 2003 I didn’t know so much about him. As you, I was not so much interested in politics in these days.

The problem is, that I think, what you call ...

... is not telling you the truth or at least only a part of the truth. They’re telling you obviously a conspiracy theory that incites hate against Israel, "the Zionists", the US and the west. And: of course you will find Europeans who completely agree to that conspiracy theory! Don’t get confused by that! You can find any opinion here in Europe! Because it’s all democratic states with free speech here and everybody has the right to express himself. In Germany we do even still have some stupid Nazis, shame on them! Now imagine this! But please don’t believe to such people! They are paranoic people. Don’t give in the attraction of conspiracy theories, don’t think it’s cool to know „the truth behind it all“. Because it’s not the truth. It’s hate. It's not "the Zionists" behind it all. That's not the truth, it's hate! Please get rid of that nightmare! Please listen to my words!

I wish you all the best, Christina

P.S. the internet discussion forum is taking too much of my time, I need more sleep ... please don't be angry or dipappointed if you write an answer and I won't answer any more ... I will read it carefully and with full attention but I think I won't find enough time to answer. There's still a posting in the Pope discussion I need to answer ... after that one I'm going to stop.

Wow, that's well said. Thank you my german friend. I should point out that in the U.S., the vast majority of us are against the war (America as a whole voted for candidates in the last election who would help end the war!) We don't like seeing our friends and family die. We don't like seeing violence daily on the news.

I think


New Member
America caught him bu America still control everything even the tailor mesure tribunal and justice that has condemned S Hussein. ( some of his lawyers mysteriously murdered etc ..)
Sadam Hussein is sentenced for crimes against Humanity then what about Sharon for instance..
Sadam Hussein isn't a faithful exemple ha has killed many ppl indeed.
No one has the right to judge because Allah Knows better what s wrong and not
wa salam

That's ridiculous. Whoever told you that is lying.

Let's see some evidence.


New Member
since the invasion of kuwait by saddam,iraq is underconstant sanction by united states & there helpers who does not care how many human die with lack of suppy,since those sanction more then 125000 ifants have died already without medicine,firstaid,nutrition,during gulf war in 1991 iraq was constantly bombard by allied evil forces for more then 40days,resulted 260000 civilian deaths,since then iraq is strictly under no fly zone,nothing can go in & out without the will of usa,civilized nation decide to invade iraq after 10years of sanction & distruction cuz they new it,its easy to go in since its weak now,during invasion first on the name of bilogical wapons,then saddam hussian,then iraqi freedom now against terrorism or insurgents,in reality every one knows it was for oil & to stablished base in middle east 4 the security of isreal & future resources,now the estimate death toll including recent rise in killing is more then one million,tell me its not another holocast by civilized nation under the protection of dummy institution call UN.with all that influnce & establisment in iraq by us,uk & other civilized partner u still think iraq has its own justice system to put saddam behind bars or on death row?u really need study or some thing beyond fox news & cnn my friend.

You are throwing around a lot of numbers. Back it up with evidence please.


Junior Member
asalamu alykum.i don't think we can say saddam is not a muslim. because whatever he does is between him and his god . so someone who prays and says the shahaada is a muslim but there is a bad muslim and a good muslim. and everyone wrongs . sadam did all hee did because the west were telling him to do. and then they changed to him because of his oil. and now he has to pay for what he did . but don' t say he was not a muslim. i have a question for you all. did you see him not praying, did you hear him say i am not a muslim,i think that is no , don't say io heard someone say.


Junior Member
That's ridiculous. Whoever told you that is lying.

Let's see some evidence.

U seem to be very implicated but a little bit agressive to me..control yourself plz we re just talking and give our opinions.
I let u the "priviliege" to bring us ur "evidences"

Sister Delyan
wa salam


Junior Member
assalamu alaykum,

Some important points:

- More Iraqis are dying now then they were when he was in power.

- Saddam Was most powerful and was killing and gassing people when the US and UK were his allies. They were the ones supplying him with chemicals.

- He is not a Muslim, The late Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Shaykh Abdul Azeez Ibn Baz (Rahimahullah), had fatwa against Saddam since the 1970s stating he was not a Muslim. His beliefs as a Baathist, make him a non-Muslim.

Asalamu Alakum Bro Mabsoot

Allah told us in the quran if we did a wrong we have chance to turn to allah.
Sadam Hussein did a wrong but remember he turn to Allah as we see and his last speach was SHADAH.

Sadam is a some one who died after he turned to Allah,and we have to take care to say someone bad he/she stand up infront of Allah,it will be came the day that Allah says:- This day shall every person be recompensed for wht he earned. this day not injustice(shall be done to any body) truly Alllah is swift in
reckoning. SURAH Gafir Ayah 17


Junior Member

In my opinion, a murderer deserves nothing less than death. Someone who murders obviously doesn't value life and doesn't deserve to continue living themselves.

Saddam Hussein may have been sentenced to death by hanging by a judge, but no one can judge him as fairly and justly as Allah will on that Day.



Allah is Merciful and just maybe he is forgiven for the crimes he comitted becuase since his capture and before that he was a good practising muslim. Allah knows best
we should always talk good of a dead even if they are not good.

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
You say: "I hope one day the larger War Criminals such as Bush, Blair and all their cronies also get tried for their War Crimes"....

...when thousands of US soldiers gave their young life for a free Iraq where people hopefully will live in dignity and freedom one day (the Kurds do already start today: see video:

...when another thousands of US soldiers got blessed or got damaged in their mind health because they tried to stabalize and bring security to Iraq

even if the didn’t succeed yet

And they still do desperately and will not leave until there is a chance to come to some kind of stability for the Iraqis and help the Iraqis to build up their own safety guards and institutions and they still risk their lifes for that.


New Member
:salam2: there is a vdeo on google vidseos the full execution of saddam it's soooooo shocking type in ''saddam hussein execution''


Junior Member
assalamu alaykum,

- He is not a Muslim, The late Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Shaykh Abdul Azeez Ibn Baz (Rahimahullah), had fatwa against Saddam since the 1970s stating he was not a Muslim. His beliefs as a Baathist, make him a non-Muslim.

Narrated Abu Dhar:
[073:071 Sahih Bukhari ]

That he heard the Prophet saying, "If somebody accuses another of Fusuq (by calling him 'Fasiq' i.e. a wicked person) or accuses him of Kufr, such an accusation will revert to him (i.e. the accuser) if his companion (the accused) is innocent."

Allah '3lam how he died and what he believed till the day of his death

To call him a non-believer and a man-killer and to speak bad talk about the dead is forbidden in islam whether he be muslim or non muslim, to talk about what his beliefs were and stating them as facts when is reality no one but Allah knows who is a believer and a non-believer is wrong. There are many people we see at the masjid who look like mashallah, muslims with strong iman but in reality they have hypocrisy in their hearts.

Volume 4, Book 52, Number 147: Sahih Bukhari
Narrated Sahl bin Sad As-Sa'idi:

Allah's Apostle and the pagans faced each other and started fighting. When Allah's Apostle returned to his camp and when the pagans returned to their camp, somebody talked about a man amongst the companions of Allah's Apostle who would follow and kill with his sword any pagan going alone. He said, "Nobody did his job (i.e. fighting) so properly today as that man." Allah's Apostle said, "Indeed, he is amongst the people of the (Hell) Fire." A man amongst the people said, "I shall accompany him (to watch what he does)" Thus he accompanied him, and wherever he stood, he would stand with him, and wherever he ran, he would run with him.
Then the (brave) man got wounded seriously and he decided to bring about his death quickly. He planted the blade of the sword in the ground directing its sharp end towards his chest between his two breasts. Then he leaned on the sword and killed himself. The other man came to Allah's Apostle and said, "I testify that you are Allah's Apostle." The Prophet asked, "What has happened?" He replied, "(It is about) the man whom you had described as one of the people of the (Hell) Fire. The people were greatly surprised at what you said, and I said, 'I will find out his reality for you.' So, I came out seeking him. He got severely wounded, and hastened to die by slanting the blade of his sword in the ground directing its sharp end towards his chest between his two breasts. Then he eased on his sword and killed himself." when Allah's Apostle said, "A man may seem to the people as if he were practising the deeds of the people of Paradise while in fact he is from the people of the Hell) Fire, another may seem to the people as if he were practicing the deeds of the people of Hell (Fire), while in fact he is from the people of Paradise."

Narrated 'Aisha :

The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said, "Don't abuse the dead, because they have reached the result of what they forwarded."
-[ Sahih Bukhari Volume 2, Book 23, Number 476: ]

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge

"Ya Allah! Ya Allah! Save the beleivers from the fires Ya Allah! La illaha Illala! Muhammadur Rasooloolah! Wa Allah Ali Muhammad!"


Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
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