As-salaamu `alaikum warahmatullaah!
Alhamdulillaah for your reversion dear, sister. Welcome back to Islaam! It'd be quite awesome if you shared your journey to Islaam with us(I don't know 'bout the rest but I'd LovE to hear it..or read it in this case

) May Allaah SWT's(subhaanahu wa ta`aalaa) aid be with you in whatever you wish to accomplish! Don't worry sister, you'll learn how to pray in no time, Allaah willing. It really does not require much practice.. It's just 'bout 5 steps being repeated over and over again. I honestly wish i could post up a link and what not about praying the right way for you, but it's, unfortunately, impossible for me at the moment.
However, if you visit the main page(or 'Home'), you'll notice that on the upper right side there's a square-like box that reads 'step by step guide to prayer' or something similar. So click on it and insha'allah, it'll be of great benefit to you.
As for prayer schedules, there's always Islamic finder. Go to Click on 'prayer times'. Search for your country in that long list that pops up. And if you can't find your city in the results, type it in the 'search another city' box and you'll get your schedule, insha'Allaah!
Welcome to the Forum!