


My dear brothers and sisters I need to say farewell. I hold nothing but love for everyone. I have to attend to health issues. I have enjoyed posting. I have learned a lot. Insha'Allah this will continue to be a beneficial site.

my love.

your aapa.


Travelling towards my grave.
wa'alaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

May Allah grant you good health and have mercy upon you dear respected sister.

wassalam 'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


Junior Member
May Allah give you good health ,and grant you Ager(Reward) and Saber ....InshaAllah you return with more faith .


a lonely traveller
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu dear Aapa

May Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala' give you the best in this dunya as well as in the Akhirah.

Ma salam.


Assalamu Alaikum

:salam2: Aapa,
Well there seems to be EXIT season in TTI these days. Well it was great to have you as our TTI Aapa here. Mashallah i have learnt a lot from you. May ALLAH SWT reward you with the best in this world and in the Akhira.



Junior Member

Inshaallah you will return and will be well. We also love you sister and always wanna see you among us. I appreciate your wisdom and I really hope this farwell is not meant to be forever....


saima abdullah

my life iz 4 Allah
asalam o alykum wr wb
may Allah give u health ....n peace n bring u to us sooon:) la b'ass tahoraan inshaAllah
wsalam wr wb


Junior Member
Assalamu Alaikum,

I ask Allah the Almighty to grant you and your family health and happiness in this life and in the Hereafter.



Blessed Muslimah

Sister we all have Love for you too May Allah Al Wadood love you also.

May Allah grant you shiffah and restore you to health and bless you and your family with Jannah and bless you with the best of this world also :tti_sister:

Jaza kallahu khair for all you helpful posts and kind words :hearts:

:wasalam: :hijabi:



I wish to thank everyone for the kind words. Insha'Allah all will be well. And each and every one of you is in my dua.

Walaikum salaam.

sister herb

Official TTI Chef

May Allah grant you a good health and keep you happy.

We are here waiting you back some day. :hearts:

your sister in Islam,
sister Harb