Secular or Oppresive?

um muhammad al-mahdi

لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
Staff member


I believe that the best country to live in as Muslim, talking about Europe, is England!Specially London or Birmingham!!No doubts!


being content
To stereotype any community would probably be wrong. That's what they do to us. We should know better.

My question really was regarding the French laws. Do you think for instance that if some one started praying in a garden opposite the parliament houses at Westminster; the authorities here in the UK would object?


Umm Zubayr
I think the problem is that in France they expect you to be French first and Muslim, Christian, whatever second...:rolleyes:

Personally, if someone ask me what are u: my first answer 'll be: muslim then french...

French people are 'naive' (not all of them, but some), they believe wht they hear on TV and wht they read...:SMILY71:

Now, the guard shouting : 'no religion, no religion' is really disturbing, when compared to here in the UK, and i really think that you could pray in a garden opposite the parliament houses at Westminster, no one would say anything to you, you may get some stares but that's it...:eek:

I think you're right to stereotype any community would probably be wrong. That's what they do to us. We should know better. So i'm gonna stop it here :)



New Member
Salam alikoum

I am a French muslim and I can confirm all that was said in these posts.

Yes, in France :
- we can't pray in front of people, in a park, or a street. If you do it everybody will be choked and will see you as a potential terrorist. You can also be attacked, even if you are white, a french converted to islam. It doesn't change anything, French are afraid by muslims and by the practice of religion in general. In my university some sisters were praying in a little corridor where no body passes. A member of the univ saw them and , he souted "don't pray, it is forbiden!!!" and they have been fired! We have to hide very carrefully to pray. And since this time, there is a guardian who check the classes rooms, the corridors, the urgency stairs at the time prayers to see if we pray and to catch us. In my university, we study arabic language, so there are a lot of muslim and everybody got used to us. There are kind, but they don't like religion.

- we can't work with the hijab, there is a law for that. Some do but it is VERY difficult to find an open minded employer, it's very rare and even if we studied and if we are smart and skilful, we find only phoning with a lot of luck. When you wear hijab in France, you are almost sure that you won't work

- we can't go to school under the A-levels with hijab, ther is a law for that

- at the university, we still can wear the hijab because there is no law to forbid it but the government is preparing a law against us. Even, there are professors who don't want us in their courses sometimes

- we have difficulties in hospitals, in townhall sometimes, in everything wich is connected with the State actually. It depends of the towns. It happen that a mayor refuses to marry people because the wife wears the hijab. It happens that a policeman refuses to take a woman's complain because she entered with hijab in the police office. The State is studing a law to forbidd the hijab in every public place : towhall, hospitals...

French people don't like religion, most of them don't beleive in God. Some of them are christians but they don't practice a lot. Nothing to see with english, american people. French people don't respect religion. If you talk about religion, most of them run.

You can leave in France being muslim, but to not have problems, a muslim has to be very discreet, to not talk about religion, it has to stay "private". But when a christian wears a cross, no problem. But still, he has to stay discreet as well.
They don't understand that islam is a part of us and that we can't hide everything. They don't respect religion freedom.

That what I can say. For my part, I wich I will manage to leave France to find a more open-minded country.

If you have more question, ask me.

Salam alikoum

This is what I can

um muhammad al-mahdi

لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله
Staff member

:salam2: Shiriko!

I cannot believe that!!! That's unbelievable!!....I thought and seen about the problems in France about "Islam" that's true!...Anyway, if we wanna be good Muslim and follow our Prophet(pbuh)...we gonna have to suffer so much...just like him, to get a place in Jannah, :inshallah:


Umm Zubayr
This is the country that promotes Human rights...

Their devise is : ' Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite' which means: liberty, equality and something like broherhood, but noot exactely (if someone can find a better word, please post)...

They insist on being laic; i mean if their teachings are laic they shouldn't impose atheism!!!!! especially at schools!!! makes me sick...
blah, blah, evryone should be equal, no religion at school..

They think religion is something you can take off and put on!!!!


Asslamo Allaikum Brother,

France, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece are BAD brother...Its not stereotyping; its reality.

If you go into these countries without adequate research, you will be in a lot of heartache.

Prepare yourself and then you are fore-warned.

To stereotype any community would probably be wrong. That's what they do to us. We should know better.

My question really was regarding the French laws. Do you think for instance that if some one started praying in a garden opposite the parliament houses at Westminster; the authorities here in the UK would object?


Fière de ma religion
:salam2: experience in France hasn't been nice either!...Nothing like this happened to me, alhamdulillah, but every time I have been there I've been really "sick" to have these people looking at me like "from the moon"...but anyway then it was in Paris...
I've been in other European countries and nowhere has been like in France..I don't know.They should just "open" a bit their mind...

Je ne crois pas que celà soit possible ma soeur, ils sont trop bornés pour ça!!!!!!!:hearts: :wasalam:


being content
Dear Shriko I have to admit I did not realize things were that bad. Why can't the students who were expelled from the university for praying, not take the university to the european human rights court?

By the way dear brother GP I have been to Greece and have a few Greek friends too. They have been under Turkish rule in the past as you know. I don't think they are totally opposed to muslims in general. But what do I know. My Greek friends are very good people though.


New Member

Dear Shriko I have to admit I did not realize things were that bad. Why can't the students who were expelled from the university for praying, not take the university to the european human rights court?

By the way dear brother GP I have been to Greece and have a few Greek friends too. They have been under Turkish rule in the past as you know. I don't think they are totally opposed to muslims in general. But what do I know. My Greek friends are very good people though.

Salam alikoum,

You know, if we go to European Human rights, we won't win because they are capable to change the european low and things will get bader for all other european countries where muslim religion is respected like in UK.
A friend of mine who studied law told me that in Turkey, a sister took her university to this European court because she couldn't wear her hijab. The court said that the university was right thanks to the laicity which is totally wrong. Turkey wants to enter in European Union and is ready for everything, The courts are afraid of terrorism, integrism and don't want to be "cool" with muslims. I think we will never win, they will always change the laws against us without morality.
But I want to say that we still can live as muslim in France, all the muslims are not attacked, most of French people don't care about us if we stay dicreet and French people are the victims of the medias as well.

Wa salam


Muslim Student
salam alikum....

I went to france many times, and when I go to hotel and the reception guy know that im muslim he starts to act rude with me, while he is nice with others... and i dont know why when i ask them in english they replay in french...while in other euopean countries its not like that, anyway i feel more comfortable while staying in asian countries.

wa slam..