so many people in this forum

Seeking Allah's Mercy

Qul HuwaAllahu Ahud!
:wasalam:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu....

well akhi i think we all kno each other:)we are brothers and sisters in islam.struggling for a common objective:ALLAH's pleasure and ultimately jannah:)!!

TTI is a big muslim family.these days it's been just a lil heated but the love and respect members normally share here is really a blessing:)ALHUMDULILLAH!!

may all of us be successful in getting our good objectives.



Fantastic is it not?!

Hamdulillah, i come and go but always there are my familiar people when i come back. We are connected


Junior Member
yes bro i agree with you,, it is one very big family
Alhamdulilaah it is a blssings from God
Don't you feel like it's home? lol


Staff member

After being here for like 4 years I can quite say there is... and have been many people in the forum. Some people cycle, come, stay and when their time comes they leave and I pray the best for them, and others have been around for quite a while and I pray we continue to find whatever benefit is here.

=) Welcome and I hope you too will find khayr within the forum



make dua 4 ma finals
I wonder how many we are....thousands, millions oh wait maybe billions?? Allaahu 3alim:)
all I know is....this is the BEST forum EVER....mashaAllaah, and it feels like a second home, with soooo many brothers and sister. AlhamduliAllaaah:)
indeed a blessing of the most high....subhanak!


A Muslim
brother TipuSultan, have u ever been to srirangapatna?

I wud love to be there. I know the city has moved from older to newer location . *sighs*

I love Tipusultan. Had there were no traitors, the present britian wud be different and present sub-continent wud have been different as well.


brother gernada :)

yes I have been there so many times. the place where Tipu shaheed is buried just opposite there is a mosque.the whole compound is so peaceful.

the city is still at the same place and has also expanded a bit. but it is not so developed.