sometimes i feel sooo lonely!


to Allah we belong

in my circle of relatives and friends, i can hardly see anybody aiming to gain Allah's pleasure and jannah. i prefer not to associate with them too much.

but then we have many pious muslims in our community also (alhamdulillah), but i feel like there's an invisible barrier between us. they are too good for me.

so one group dont remember Allah while other mashallah always remembers Allah.

alhamdulillah i want to obey Allah but have interest in other things also like games, surfing, tech, etc.:)

so it seems i dont belong to any of the group. i am a group in all myself:)

also there is tremendous hope that i am not frm ppl that are not interested in gaining Allah's reward but there is also great fear that i am not doing enough as i should do.


Fixing da foundation
walaikumasalam brother - can I join your club? I am in the exact same condition :)


Junior Member

brother it is not haram to have hobbies... (it depends on the hobbies of course...) beeing interessted in sports, hi-teck and so on is not haram everybody has hobbies if not sorry but it is borring...

and aslo this other things as you said can remind you at Allah too. remember that everything in this world belongs to HIM or is from Him: you like games don´t waste to much time with it and enjoy it cuz it is a way to think at sth other than the daily things... so i would regard it as a possibility givin to you by Allah to chill out maybe.... you like surfing... remember the waves belong to Allah... you are interested in high-tech... remember how brilliant our brain Allah has blessed us with is able to do... and of course Allah greater than that! so do not be so strict!

about your family, I´m sorry for you brother. I know how hard it is. But it is your DUTY to make dawa to them... if you can not explain yourself just invite your friends you said they are pious to your home once.

My idea is, since I have not much knowledge, to hang up pictures from graveyards everywhere in my home overnight... and then I will make sure that to fajr time the adthan is played very loud! my family will be very angry for sure but i will have the possibility to talk with them otherwise they would not take it serious...

never ever underestimate yourself... if you have sins repent. if you think your friends are more pious than you then strive to do good deeds to gain Allah´s pleasure to beat theam in that!

when there are moments, you feel you do not enough for Allah... just stand up knock the door of your neighbour ask him if he needs sth.. just for the sake of Allah! you can obey your parents, ask your mother if she needs help and thank her for caring for you just for the sake of Allah... small deeds with big effect inshaallah

you are from the ummah of Muhammed(saw) alhamdulliah and the ummah from Muhammed(saw) is from you! you belong to us (tti) and we belong to you. you are a part from our ummah that´s why you are beloved!



Junior Member
jazaak Allah khair for ur advices. but with graveyard pictures all over home, how can one have even meals properly?


hehe I have to confes this made me laugh... of course you don´t have to practice it... this is only my idea... I thought it could be an inspiration to you...? there are many other possibilities... however it would not really matter to me... lol I´m really crazy :)



Junior Member
Move over, I would like to climb aboard this train too. I'm in the same situation. Before I reverted I and most of my friends were bar or club-goers, ocassional drinkers, and .. well, other inappropriate things in there too. Though most of them have accepted & supported my embracing Islam most of them have vanished (alhamdulillah).

So now I have my brothers from the masjid that I talk to now and then - usually after salat or on weekends when the masjid has something going on. A couple of the older brothers have invited me to their houses for dinner, and one younger brother invited me fishing (hadn't heard from him since) but other than that I find that most of the brothers in my masjid are eager to be my BROTHER but very very few are eager to be my FRIEND. Part of this is the racism that runs rampant within the ummah. But as another revert brother recently said to me, "We're not in it for the Ummah. We're in it for Allah!"


Junior Member
brother danyalsac ur always welcome to this muslim community , plz dont feel that ur not part of us , who ever say that is not a muslim , ur as muslim as we are , so plz dont worry brother .


Staff member
assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

I do not think that anyone put anything especially unique, this is a problem throughout the world.

But, hey, I give you all a big big brotherly true friendly Hug !!!! :p

I met brother Yusuf1990 a few months ago, alhamdulillah

so, may Allaah unite us all .. and make our Ummah strong.


OntheWayOf ALLAH

As I see ummah's problem is the same everywhere...
There are many Islamic groups here, but some have their own members and never accept anyone else among them :girl3: I dont understand such people :( Is this Islam .. I dont think so...
Many times I wanted to enter their discussions to share information and get new knowledge however somehow they prevented :(
On the other hand alhamdullah there are many sisters & brothers who are trying to be closer and walk together in the way of Allah...
Insaallah when we try to be closer to Allah, we ll meet with the people walking in the same way :)

Allah protects all of us inshaallah :hijabi:



to Allah we belong
Move over, I would like to climb aboard this train too. I'm in the same situation. Before I reverted I and most of my friends were bar or club-goers, ocassional drinkers, and .. well, other inappropriate things in there too. Though most of them have accepted & supported my embracing Islam most of them have vanished (alhamdulillah).

So now I have my brothers from the masjid that I talk to now and then - usually after salat or on weekends when the masjid has something going on. A couple of the older brothers have invited me to their houses for dinner, and one younger brother invited me fishing (hadn't heard from him since) but other than that I find that most of the brothers in my masjid are eager to be my BROTHER but very very few are eager to be my FRIEND. Part of this is the racism that runs rampant within the ummah. But as another revert brother recently said to me, "We're not in it for the Ummah. We're in it for Allah!"

there was one companion of prophet (peace be upon him) called salman al farsi (ra). he was not arab (he was persian) but that did not stop him to come into the way of Allah.

so brother dont worry, be close to Allah and He will always be with you.


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalamu Alaikum dear brother:D

SubhanaAllah, you're kinda like me....though my family memebers are all Muslims, practicing Islam to the BEST is not always in my house. I mean we do the obligatory things, but that is about it! which somehow makes me sad!!!! So, as you and other brothers and sisters can tell, I spend MOST of my time here at TTI:D
that is why some of my family memebers sometimes call me computer addict.....lo0o0ol
anyways, brother when you feel lonely remember that you have us! I mean, we're all here for one another:D so, never say you're LONELY! and like sister Safiya said, sports and the other thigs you've mentioned are hobbies that you have, don't strict yourself.....enjoy what you like doing and also remember Allah through them:D
This life is truely a test, walahi..just right now I was thinking about this whole thing, see, ever since I started practicing I try NOT to listen to Music, but I do:( and it's not my fault! I mean, see I dont drive, so I usually ask my brother or sister to take me, and all aloong the way, there is CD playing or B96(radio station)! I mean, it's SICK!!!! I did remind many times, but my reminders never work! yea, the station is off or the CD is replaced with Quran...but then when it's time to pick me up:( the Music is on! so, it gets tiring...that is why my reminders STOPPED!......I am telling all these because I want you to know you're NOT alone!
I think about been Ghrubaa and that makes me feel better:) as you said "be close to Allah and HE will always be with you" and ALWAYS remember....YOU GOT US HERE ON TTI!!!!!
Allah hafiz now and always:D
~!Smille NOW!~


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalamu Alaikum dear bro:D
in my masjid are eager to be my BROTHER but very very few are eager to be my FRIEND. Part of this is the racism that runs rampant within the ummah. But as another revert brother recently said to me, "We're not in it for the Ummah. We're in it for Allah!"
:(:(:( so sad walahi, I wish recism didn't exist! I wish, we MUSLIMS could be smarter than this!
May Allah help us all.ameen
Allah hafiz now and always:D


a lonely traveller
As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu brother ahmed indian and all the brothers and sisters

Our lives are planned in such a way that we are bound to face such trials and problems. Otherwise what else can test our Eeman and Patience?

It happens with everyone who has greater inclination towards his Deen and love for Allah Subhanahu wa Taala. So do not think that you are the first person; but atleast sharing it can relieve you a lot of the tensions.

At my age, my blood pressure is a bit above normal. I am not going to disclose what I am going through, but you can imagine :)

These things on the other hand has a lot of benefits. Most vital of them is that it brings us more close to Allah Subhanahu wa Tala. Whenever a Muslim faces any problem, just put all your trust on Allah and keep on doing your job. Your patience and perseverance will bring out more strength in you.

And a dear brother advised me that whenever you face any problem always try to read the stories of the Prophets and Messengers. Our problems and trials are not even a least bit comparable to what they went through.

Lastly I just want to make duwas for all of you, so that you achieve whatever is most pleasurable in the sight of Allah. May Allah Az'wazal keep you always in the path of Righteousness.



to Allah we belong
jazaak Allah khair brothers mabsoot & husssein_mohammed and sisters safiya & amatuAllah for ur encourging wise words.

and yes, true.. by sharing our lives we see that we are not alone on the planet.

may Allah help us all and keep us under His mercy.


Revert to Islam

I think more or less everyone at some point in life feels lonely.

may allah protect you brother in faith
