starting up my own little business inshallah


Junior Member
aselemu aleikum wa rahmatu allah ,

brothers and sisters i need your help and advice.

inshallah im moving to the south of spain this summer to live and work there.
i have already lived there for 1 year back in 2005, so i do speak the language hamdulah.

inshallah im planning to start something for myself there, im yet struggling to find a good bussiness idea that will suit me inshallah.

as we muslims hamdulah want the best for eachother fi sabeel allah i figured i ask my sisters and brothers for help...anything would help me from small ideas to experienced info on what to do..or on what NOT to do.

obviously it must be a halal bussiness, so nothing haram involved inshallah.
selling cold heinekens on the costa del sol is no option lol even though it sounds so lucrative. ( both money-wise as dunub wise lol )

i was thinking maybe a shoarma / kebab / pizza place..nothing too fancy since i have a very good friend over there who has experience in this sector.

inshallah yall will help me with ideas, im quite aware that even the best of ideas on paper arent a guarantee for anything!! Its ALLAH ta3ala who provides us with everything we have !

jazakum ALLAHU gairan katheera!!!


Junior Member
aselemu aleikum everyone!

i noticed nobody left an idea mashallah.
there is no need to be ashamed for whatever idea or advice you may have.

please brothers and sisters, it would be a very big help for me, inshallah ta3ala will reward yall for even having read this thread!

m3a selema


Islam is my life
Staff member
salam aleikum
Well its hard to advise because I never been in Spain or Europe ,but I had my small businness in US .It was simply a kiosk ,a cart in the Mall ...which u just rent in the mall and then selling whatever u want ..
I dont know anything about food businnes ,and people are different there .
Here everything sells.You asking for any ideas ,ok I'll give u one ,dont think it will work for Spain though :D
If you are going to a touristic place for a summer you can do smth like T-shirts for people with their picture and their name ,its very easy start up business :D just find a good spot in the park or crowded place ...

waaleikum salam



As noted by aisha, a good spot would bring good business.The rent might be expensive though

Staff member
As Salaam Alaykum Akhi,

I don't know a,b,c's of business.
But, InshaAllah I can tell you what Rasoolullah :saw: said more or less

"Allahumma Barikli ummati fee buquriha"
"Oh Allah bless my Ummah in their early rising"

And also, he advised one Sahabi RAA to start his business early in the morning. And later the Sahabi RAA became quite rich.

So my advise is, start your business early in the morning and get the Barakah

I don't know the sanad. But,
1. I have heard Muhammad Alshareef quoting it in his talk.
2. I had asked this to one student of knowledge and he said there is such a hadeeth. Someone here can tell us the sanad?


Junior Member
wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

I have never been in spain, so can't come up with anything specific... But u could look around, see what u think they need, like what is missing on the market? Perhaps something from Netherlands? or other countries? Or if there is already some shawarma thingies down there, then u could add a little extra to the menu? or what about a nice family restaurant where there is a possibility for men and women to be seated seperatly? it all depends on the market..
u could also to import/export business :)
that's what i can think of at the moment


Junior Member
aselemu aleikum!

i really appreciate the help i have been getting from yall mashallah!

indeed location is essential...its best to be located where there are plenty of people walking.
close to paseos maritimos (beach avenues)

lol @ people in america buy anything..wolahi i know thats a fact over there haha people are addicted to buying..they buy to uplift their moral mashallah
if they only would know the power of 2 simple ruku3aat of prayer haha.

i agree with u aisha..simple things may work out very well + the investment is not too big..however i want something that will work inshallah the entire year.

the kuffar have it a bit easier than us muslims, they just open up a bar lol
no matter if there are 40 bars next to eachother..everyone will gain plenty of money from alcohol and cigs.

keep it up brothers and sisters wolahi im very thankfull!!


Junior Member
aselemu aleikum brothers and sisters..

seems like i need to revive this post since i really need help with ideas and inshallah maybe yall can help me!

come on im sure there are plenty of commercially thinking muslim brothers and sisters out here inshallah!

again i would be very very thankfull!

fi amanilah


sister :)

All i can say is that my dad has a restaurant and it's very stressful...then again if your up for it then go for it...wish u the best with whatever you decide inshAllah


Junior Member

I would say, look at opening a business, that can utilize local produce, that would benefit the wider community aswell. Vegetarian food is always going to be popular with everyone, and I am sure there will be local people who are growing food you can use. Just an idea.

may Allah guide you and help you in your decison making. Best of Luck with it


Junior Member
aleikum selem brother..

i appreciate the info and the time you took for me mashallah!

jazaakhu alahu gairan brother!

fi amanilah


Junior Member
Salam Alikom Wrahmatou Allah,
Dear brother Nizar,

A kebab, shawerma restaurant seems to be a very good idea. As far as I know, Spanish people do like kabab. However, there are several points you should not neglect.
1. look for a Strategic site,
2. Perfectly clean form the doorstep to WC (many kebab restarant aren't very fussy about cleanliness).
3. Never forget that you are selling a whole concept not simply a sandwich.
4. Waitressing is almost an art. Never forget that customer is king especially European people like to be spoiled.
5. keep smiling. This is your real capital.




Junior Member
jazaku alahu gairan brother!

very helpfull ! indeed cleanliness is essential...i dislike eating outside just because of this fact...many times the places i visit dont seem to clean mashallah/

thnx brother