struggle of a xtian girl


Junior Member
im super mad. you talk to some people and you would think when talking to some people claiming they live for God or want to be a (christian) minister they would understand people being conservative. i was discussing with this acquintance on the phone who is a guy, and he is going to become a youth pastor. and i was explaning how i dress, and how often times people mistake me as being muslim, when im not wearing headscarf. because i like to wear the embroidery/ beaded tunics and jeans, or ill wear teen clothes and just layer, like a dress over a top and jeans, which is very fashionable right now.

but i told him i dressed very different than when i was younger, clothes were more fitting and shorter but still i dressed that way cuz i liked it and not for a guy; but now since im older i dress differently; and not going to dress differently on purpose in order 2 attract guy , so that maybe he'll date, and years later maybe he'll marry me. but he told me oh well your face is pretty why dont you show off the rest of your body. and i asked him why do i need to show off the rest of my body ? i told him i believe in modesty and that i dont show off my body , i can still dress nice with accesories and not show skin and look feminine. but than he goes on to ask me do i have low self esteem and is that why i dont show my body. err..... western concept of self esteem is very warped. if you dont show your body you must have low self esteem or low confidence, and if you're pretty you're suppose to show your body. and so many christians have been influenced by this society......


New Member
Staff member
salamu alaykum

Welcome to TTI. You are in the right place to be. I am sure that u will find in islam that which u will not find anywhere else. I am glad that u have realized how women in the west have become slaves to the men. You can't even by a car without having a almost naked woman next to it. Women have reached the lowest level and treated only as merchandise. That is why you have also realized that islam gave the dignity to women which they never had anywhere before. When you look on TV channels, every single game, show, movie have to have some naked women in the background otherwise their show would not be popular. And that is the freedom that the west is fighting for their women. A muslim women on the other hand is considered as a pearl in the deep ocean, a diamond in the deep earth, and expensive gold, she is very hard to reach. She is a mother, a sister, a wife treated in islam with most respect. We love our women and we dont like to share them with no one. She doesnt show her body to strangers but to her husband. She knows that a real man who loves her, will spend the rest of her life with her and not only date her cause he wants to satisfy his desires and then leave her. Islam is beatiful, and that is why out of every 4 people who accept islam, 3 out of 4 are women. It's because they have found out that the dignity for them can be only given in islam, becauses it is the message of all mighty ALlah. The ONe who knows what is best for his creations.

Anyways, there are alot of sisters here who can give you a little more understanding, then a guy like me :)



Junior Member

Come on Blackivy393! What are you waiting for? Your heart is muslim you just don't want to accept it!:muslim_child:


Junior Member
You should say to him how come men don't walk around half naked? Are they lacking self-esteem? Why are men always covered up except at the beach? Ever notice that? In the office he is covered up in a 3 peice suit and tie..the woman next to him..hmm...miniskirt. A mechanic..all covered up..any kind of worker man actually..think of any job and a man is covered up except olympic athlete or sports player. If you think about it..the one with the most clothes on is always the one in power..a judge, a priest/minister etc..Clothes are powerful..showing skin makes you vulnerable. Did you know one of the reasons women have such small clothes is because they charge you the same price but get to use less material? The laugh is on women and the designer laughs all the way to the bank. Why don't men wear shorts to work? In fact its against company policy for them to do so! Why? Isn't that oppression? Why don't men fight for their right to be half naked? Why? Because they know deep down that its not important at all!

Just some things for you to think about but I can see that you are really aware of things and I congratulate you on that..I used to be Christian too but it took Islam to really wake me up. I hope you can find the respect you are searching for.

warda A


You should say to him how come men don't walk around half naked? Are they lacking self-esteem? Why are men always covered up except at the beach? Ever notice that? In the office he is covered up in a 3 peice suit and tie..the woman next to him..hmm...miniskirt. A mechanic..all covered up..any kind of worker man actually..think of any job and a man is covered up except olympic athlete or sports player. If you think about it..the one with the most clothes on is always the one in power..a judge, a priest/minister etc..Clothes are powerful..showing skin makes you vulnerable. Did you know one of the reasons women have such small clothes is because they charge you the same price but get to use less material? The laugh is on women and the designer laughs all the way to the bank. Why don't men wear shorts to work? In fact its against company policy for them to do so! Why? Isn't that oppression? Why don't men fight for their right to be half naked? Why? Because they know deep down that its not important at all!

Just some things for you to think about but I can see that you are really aware of things and I congratulate you on that..I used to be Christian too but it took Islam to really wake me up. I hope you can find the respect you are searching for.

right on sister, i was actually going to ask same things, men dressed up actually primmed up and women wear slinky clothes, check them at important functions, men in tux and women , well .............slits to you know where.
self esteem is actually how strong your emaan is.



قل هو الله أحد
You should say to him how come men don't walk around half naked? Are they lacking self-esteem? Why are men always covered up except at the beach? Ever notice that? In the office he is covered up in a 3 peice suit and tie..the woman next to him..hmm...miniskirt. A mechanic..all covered up..any kind of worker man actually..think of any job and a man is covered up except olympic athlete or sports player. If you think about it..the one with the most clothes on is always the one in power..a judge, a priest/minister etc..Clothes are powerful..showing skin makes you vulnerable. Did you know one of the reasons women have such small clothes is because they charge you the same price but get to use less material? The laugh is on women and the designer laughs all the way to the bank. Why don't men wear shorts to work? In fact its against company policy for them to do so! Why? Isn't that oppression? Why don't men fight for their right to be half naked? Why? Because they know deep down that its not important at all!

Just some things for you to think about but I can see that you are really aware of things and I congratulate you on that..I used to be Christian too but it took Islam to really wake me up. I hope you can find the respect you are searching for.

Masha'Allah ... good points


Striving for Paradise
What is still holding you back blackivy393 ???

You know xtianity is not a thing for you. It is soooo artificial and full of controversies.

Come to Islam and you will be liberated. You will get respect and peace of heart and mind that you are on the right path, and in the next world ... Paradise.

What more could you want ???
The Oppression of the Western Women

Dear sweet BlackIvy,

If only more Western women thought like you.....

You see, Western women are of seen as sexual objects. The freedom of women in western countries is her being used as a sexual prey. Who can deny this?

Evidence is found in all over the magazines. Next time you go to magazine or book store pay particular attention to the subliminal messages portrayed in those magazines. Notice how every women is looking skimpy thinking they are doing the right thing. Less clothes equal more sales. What kind of a society is this? Astagfirallah.

Flip the channels on your TV and see how they are exposed on shows and commercials. Notice what they are wearing when they are trying to make a sale of some object. Western women. especially teens watch many hours of TV and watch hollywood actors and models with fat-free bodies. This makes it tougher for females to reach this "standard" - that women should look like this and not like that.

It is a well-known fact that many actresses who reach stardom in Hollywood end up having shattered lives in pursuing a fake idea of success. A woman who's purpose of life lies in beautifying oneself, exposing the beauty, acquiring fame and running after the riches of this world, is a woman who lives for this temporary world. So when these things are taken away or lost, their purpose of life, their goals and dreams are shattered resulting in the women to believe that there is no longer a 'need' to live. To become an undue slave to one's lowly desires and the hunger for this world, is the worst form of oppression because not only do they lose in this life, but they are also amongst the losers in the Hereafter.

It is not uncommon for western women in night-clubs to be made drunk and then exploited by their boyfriends, and even in cases, gang-raped by men. These pitiful women are made drunk and then exploited by multiple men in order to "socialize." Deceived by the low status that society puts on these women, they willingly subject themselves to maltreatment. There is no honor, respect or dignity.

As soon as they reach the age of 21, they are expected to meet a certain "social standard" in order to be "accepted" and that is their first step to losing their honor, dignity, and virginity.

The solution to a healthy and moral society is only through Islam. God willing you find the path of Islam as the truth to your meaningful life.


Junior Member
If you get the chance to speak to this "pastor" again you may want to give him my POV. (keep in mind I am western born and raised) This is my body and no one has the right to look upon but who I choose. My body is sacred and not just for anyone to gaze body, my right.

Tell him he needs to show up in church in tiny shorts and a form fitting shirt so everyone can see he has a good self esteem. Ask him of prostitutes have the best self esteem of all..because they barely wear anything while doing their profession. We all know prostitutes have lost all esteem and value to themselves and that is why they no longer protect themselves.



Junior Member
I salute the lady for wanting to dress modestly.

As for the youth pastor this does not surprise me. Lots of times the qualifications to be a pastor are next to nothing.


Answering to the pastor's opinion, I loved the response of sister ShyHijabi.

Self esteem, freedom of sexuality....are all excuses to exploit respectable ladies, who are daughters, sisters, mothers and wives of the society.