stupid co workers


New Member

Ramadan mubarak

i just got a job repairing cell phones

it is a good job, and it will hopefully help me support my family and get through college.

i found the job through a brother who used to work there.

it was a blessing because i moved to the area nearly a month ago, and i finally got this job.

the owner of the business is Muslim, and he seems nice enough (ive only met him once)

but the other people who work there are so crude. i am having a hard time dealing with it.

i like the job because there is a room where i can pray and i don't have to feel strange about my religious practices because the owner prays and seems to be a good Muslim.

one of the guys that works there is always talking about the women he hangs out with and the women who come into the shop.

the other one says he is interested in Islam, but is really crude and obnoxious.
not to mention he goes along with the other guy when they are together.

i have only worked there one day, the owner travels a lot and doesn't seem to be around much.

and these guys have to train me how to do all the work in the shop.

i am used to dealing with crude people, but i haven't had to since i started practicing regularly.

i have to support my wife, and aside from the people this job seems really great.

i am just wondering if anyone has any advice as to how i should cope with stupid people at work.


New Member
Staff member
Wa alaikumussalaam,

Indeed just be patient and just do you what you have to do and don't mind them. If you come to think of it, you're very lucky to be working where you can practice your deen and working for a good Muslim Mashaa'Allaah. It would be really nice if you and your boss can spend some time to sit and talk.


Signing Out.....
Wa alaikumussalaam,

Indeed just be patient and just do you what you have to do and don't mind them. If you come to think of it, you're very lucky to be working where you can practice your deen and working for a good Muslim Mashaa'Allaah. It would be really nice if you and your boss can spend some time to sit and talk.


Plus it's a great opportunity for da'wah!



Junior Member

Bro be patient insha allah, u said u work only one day give a time always the first day its kind of taugh since u dont know them. Insha allah it will get easy as u get to know them, be nice to them and teach them what u know abt islam. insha allah I will make duaa fr u so be patient bro.



Junior Member
Remember that the Quran says some peoples hearts are as hard as rocks, but even water will flow out of the hardest of rocks.

Be patient and be a good example.


Live for Allah and His Rasool (saw)
Asalamulaykum... sounds like a gud job... but with them guys jus a lil problem... brother.. when ur at work.. be in zikr of Allah n forget them guys... get trained from them.. thats it.. jus get training from them yeh.. n jus have faith in Allah... jus hav in ur head n heart that Allah is watchin all... n do dua n soon watch ur problem will go away inshAllah! jus be patient.. as others are sayin and watch... Allah will put a smile on ur face.. when u least expect it ! inshAllah!


New Member
Anywhere you go you might find that kind of characters, so be patient as long as you are trying to earn a halaal money. I've been working for a non-muslim for quite sometimes and it seems that they understand muslims needs. Be patient and say salaam...


Junior Member
Be patient. The crude guy who says he's interested in Islam reminds me of someone I used to know... He would always harass and degrade women and would ask sisters all sorts of things to make them uncomfortable. Then one day he converted, out of the blue, and changed completely. anything can happen...