the danger that the youth face.



a few days ago, i had a discussion with one of my teenage employees. it was very informative to me. as i listened to him and his beliefs of right and wrong; i couldn’t help but ask myself about where the world is heading towards. today’s youth, muslim and non-muslim alike has been so brainwashed. everything that is considered to be haram, is today’s new version of halal. i don’t know how the topic came up, but we ended up talking about the sin of zinaa ( fornication ). he mentioned all of these evil scenarios, and asked me as to whether or not i would give in to committing zinaa. when i responded by telling him that i wouldn’t do it. he was shocked. he was even more shocked when i gave him my reasons for not committing zinaa.

so many of the youth today do not see the harm in disobeying ALLAH SWT. they have been taught this new idea , that if something feels good, you must act upon it. so many have lost the fear of ALLAH SWT. when i tell them why they shouldn’t commit zinaa, or do other haram things. they respond that they only have this life to live and that they might as well live it in enjoyment. i explain to them, that it’s the fact that we only have one life, which demands that we do good with this life because we have only one chance. that we will eventually meet our Creator and we will be held accountable before Him.

everything in this dunya has become a god to many of our youth. rap music, promiscuity, money, fashion and other vices among others. people think that the sin of shirk only refers to people worshipping false gods. but it can also mean the worship or making material things out to be god as well. so many do not see the point in making salah. so many do not feel the need to wear their hijab. all of this is troubling to me. to see the youth living lives that will only lead them to hellfire; is very frightening.

but my main concern is for the muslim youth. i see so many young muslim brothers joining gangs. yet their parents are doctors and lawyers or engineers. i’m 100% positive that a lot of the junk in this dunya is being pushed onto the muslim community’s youth in the US and the UK, so that these precious youths, the sons and daughters of muslim parents will become the newest to fill in the roughest prisons in the US, UK and France.

however, my talking about this sad state of affairs means nothing if i do not act to help my young muslim brothers and sisters. therefore, from now on; if i can help steer a young brother or sister aright and keep them from falling into the shaytan’s traps, i will do so inshallah. i hope that the readers of this post will do the same, inshallah.


Servant of Allah
InshaAllah we will brother. i hear ya, i've seen it with my own eyes in school, and if i ever even mention religion they jump down my throat. they don't want to hear or see or act upon religion because they see it to be boring and awkward. i'll help too brother inshaAllah.


Asslamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

JazakAllah khair for bringing up interesting issues

Firstly about youths joining gangs. I believed one of the parents must stay in the house to teach these childrens. The problem with youths joining gangs is that they have no one at home to discipline them when you have both parents working. Well, you cannot ask the father since it is his duty to find money outside to feed the family. Thats why i feel it is very important for mothers to stay at home and be with their children , this does not mean though the mothers have to do every household.

Another reason why i believe they are joining gangs is because of identity. Nowadays, the youth are facing identity crisis. They want short term enjoyment and do no thing far ahead. Only when they grow old , they will realise it especially when they have their own families.

About zinaa, it takes two hands to clap, hence to commit zinaa , you need 2 people. Im not taling about zinaa of the eyes, ears and the tongue. It is the zinaa of sexual intercourse before marriage. I feel thats sisters are better in controlling their hawa nafsu or desires. So i feel sisters play an important role to prevent such things from happening. I am not saying sisters are at fault here :SMILY286:, but they have a bigger control.


There are many reasons behind this disaster which faces our people, not teenegers only, but one of the reasons is our so called Ulama scholars, they talk too much about US foreign policy and peace summits and too less about Zina ?????


i hear that a lot brother. i don't have much experience with many of the ulama personally. it's pretty sad. it seems that many have there priorities mixed up.



Asslamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

JazakAllah khair for bringing up interesting issues

Firstly about youths joining gangs. I believed one of the parents must stay in the house to teach these childrens. The problem with youths joining gangs is that they have no one at home to discipline them when you have both parents working. Well, you cannot ask the father since it is his duty to find money outside to feed the family. Thats why i feel it is very important for mothers to stay at home and be with their children , this does not mean though the mothers have to do every household.

Another reason why i believe they are joining gangs is because of identity. Nowadays, the youth are facing identity crisis. They want short term enjoyment and do no thing far ahead. Only when they grow old , they will realise it especially when they have their own families.

About zinaa, it takes two hands to clap, hence to commit zinaa , you need 2 people. Im not taling about zinaa of the eyes, ears and the tongue. It is the zinaa of sexual intercourse before marriage. I feel thats sisters are better in controlling their hawa nafsu or desires. So i feel sisters play an important role to prevent such things from happening. I am not saying sisters are at fault here :SMILY286:, but they have a bigger control.


very good response brother. do you think the identity crisis maybe because of this >>>> a young kid pakistani kid born here in the US, american accent, american friends, but he is named Zahid Shaheed? that there is a hard time differentiating being let's say, american and muslim? that american lifestyle seems more natural to them than islam? i know a lot of muslim young people that were born here in the States but don't know much about islam, yet their parents and uncles back in pakistan memorized the entire quran and yet the american born struggles with AL-FATIHA. i hate to see people lose their islamic identity. i want the to love islam like their parents do. but so many want to party and do other haram things that we do in america.

i get so happy seeing many foreign born muslims doing well here in america. i'm not pakistani or saudi but i get so proud to see muslim doctors and engineers and such. it bothers me that some of their children are joining bloods and crips, punjabi boys etc.



Assalaam aleykum brothers,
I am also quite fearful of the current situation for our youth to try to grow up in. I do not currently have children but do hope to have kids one day. I just pray that Allah will bless me with children who will be pious and walk in the way of Islam. Otherwise it is too scary for me to envision bringing a child into this current society. There are just so many dangers and temptations to cause a person to go astray in the world today. May God protect us and keep us safe!



very good response brother. do you think the identity crisis maybe because of this >>>> a young kid pakistani kid born here in the US, american accent, american friends, but he is named Zahid Shaheed? that there is a hard time differentiating being let's say, american and muslim? that american lifestyle seems more natural to them than islam? i know a lot of muslim young people that were born here in the States but don't know much about islam, yet their parents and uncles back in pakistan memorized the entire quran and yet the american born struggles with AL-FATIHA. i hate to see people lose their islamic identity. i want the to love islam like their parents do. but so many want to party and do other haram things that we do in america.


:salam2: brother,

I dont quite know whats happening in the West so i am not in the position to answer that.

But in my country Singapore, the youths are facing an identity crisis. They think joining gangs, smoking is cool. Sadly whenever, they is fighting being reported, my mind will think that it is done by some muslim. A lot of muslims here are commiting zinaa, no doubt about that. The parents are usually to blame for this. A lot of them have dual income families and hence no one to look after them, except maybe their maids. Some maids even spend more time with them rather than their parents themselves.


yup i agree with you....
im a youth(17yrs old) and i pray to Allaaah(swt) I never get caught up in this western culture of materialism and se x whcih is such a danger to my deen's destruction
after converting to islaam(elhamdulillah) 2 yrs ago i gave up alot of things such a music, Tv aand video games...
since im a convert(All prasie due to allaah(swt) i still go to christian school and live with a christian family.
this is the worst nightmare of my life for my deen
at home all my younger brothers do is play videogames and watch tv...its like there zombies and are possesed.....
at school its even worse
all these people do is talk about is sex
all i heaR All day from my classmates
"how many girls have you slept with blah blah blah how many guys have you slept with blah blah blah"
(note: i could post worst things then this that they talk about but i wont, but anyways you get the point)
then this one time i couldnt take it. these girls at my table were so dirty i coudlnt take it so i told them to shut their dirty mouths and i said to them "don't you know what your doing is a form of adultery and dont you know in your own book it says Thou shall not commit adultery"...they just looked at me like im a freak and gave me a dirty look. the sad thing is
this culture of se x and materialism is destroying these people while they percieve it not..the sad thing is that this is just normal for them...they dont even know what they do is wrong....may Alllaah(swt) guide them and us all
in the rich living areas in pakistan the western style and customs have already been adopted....zina is getting quite common in those areas


yup i agree with you....
im a youth(17yrs old) and i pray to Allaaah(swt) I never get caught up in this western culture of materialism and se x whcih is such a danger to my deen's destruction
after converting to islaam(elhamdulillah) 2 yrs ago i gave up alot of things such a music, Tv aand video games...
since im a convert(All prasie due to allaah(swt) i still go to christian school and live with a christian family.
this is the worst nightmare of my life for my deen
at home all my younger brothers do is play videogames and watch tv...its like there zombies and are possesed.....
at school its even worse
all these people do is talk about is sex
all i heaR All day from my classmates
"how many girls have you slept with blah blah blah how many guys have you slept with blah blah blah"
(note: i could post worst things then this that they talk about but i wont, but anyways you get the point)
then this one time i couldnt take it. these girls at my table were so dirty i coudlnt take it so i told them to shut their dirty mouths and i said to them "don't you know what your doing is a form of adultery and dont you know in your own book it says Thou shall not commit adultery"...they just looked at me like im a freak and gave me a dirty look. the sad thing is
this culture of se x and materialism is destroying these people while they percieve it not..the sad thing is that this is just normal for them...they dont even know what they do is wrong....may Alllaah(swt) guide them and us all

Brother, it is refreshing to hear from someone like you who is so young but has such a strong sense of morals in spite of your situation. May Allah bless you many times over for your steadfastness! Keep up the good work - you are truly a role model for many, although you may not have realized it yet. I know that although many non-muslims may look at us like we are "freaks", there are those that are refreshed and inspired by seeing a good example for living put forth.


Junior Member
It is true what the brother said! It is sad to think but before i reverted to Islam all those things were the norm! Everywhere you go and everything on the television is fornication, scandal and sleaze, it is what children grow up on Eastenders etc!! Alot of the parents are brain washed by all the crap so there is no hope for the children!! InshAllah they will get on the right path!!


New Member
Assalamualaykum brother.I believe that there are many muslim care about these problem.Actually,these problem not only happend in Uk or us,but also in my country,indonesia.Many youth muslims forget that there will be hereafter,and they have to be responsible for all their deeds to Allah.i do hope that i can help to solve the problem,but sometimes i don't know what must i do,some of the youth even don't care with halal and haram.Their mind have been washed by the enjoyment of the dunya,especially from the media...


Junior Member
This does not only happen in the UK and US, it happens right here in Malaysia as well. I have Muslim friends that drink and I am not one to preach but I will let it be known to them that they shouldn't try to make me drink with them. I have non-Muslim friends who are more respectful of my religion than those who share my religion. Now, how sad is that??