the Diary of Ramadan


La Ilaha Illa Allah
Staff member
i hope u r all fine and u all enjoy this wonderfull month, with its wonderfull spirit.
lets inchAllah talk about special or also normal things happening everyday of this month.
i´ll start inchAllah :
yesterday i´ve met with friends before Suhur and we´ve eaten togehther( hmmm, chicken, olíves, water, capuccino and some bread), and a friend of us took us with his car to the mosque, we prayed subh and we went back walking with two friends of mine it was a very nice feeling to walk in the fresh air back home.
that´all for now .
ur turn inchAllah :SMILY346: :SMILY346:


New Member
Staff member

Hey! I like this thread, although i don't have much to tell as I don't have friends here to eat Iftaar with, pray Taraweeh with etc..:shymuslima1: I only have my nanny to keep me company and she doesn't talk much :( Well, looking at the bright side, atleast this year isn't so lonely compared to last year when I was totally alone and the only time I hear a voice is when the Adhaan starts as I live in the same building of the mosque. Everyday is same thing for me basically but it's all good, I got TTI Alhamdulillaah! (yeah I know, so cheesy :p)


Junior Member
my days of ramadan were great compared to last year
this year i can stand the hunger n traweeh seems easier than before
alhamdulilah everything is great n i cant wait for the last ten days of ramadan because this year i want to get "lailatul qadr"
but i have no idea how im gonna do that when i have school


Junior Member

My ramadaan in this year is alot better coz I have no night classes, I'm done school by 3 pm, and I go taraweeh every nite insha allah.
And mansha allah today we ate iftar in our masjid, and after that we had muhadiro, and then pray traweeh. it was cool to see all the local muslims in my city came to the masjid there was a lot of people mansha allah.

:wasalam: :salah:


:salam2: akhi,

I am always looking forward to breaking fast because my mother will cook something special everyday ....yummy