The Olive fruit;benefit and privilege from a blessed tree.



" By the fig and olive,And Mount Sinai."(Surah at Tiin verse 1 and 2).Allah swt has mentioned in the holy qur'an about the olives.This shows that the olives are also many unique features that rarely known and investigated.In the holy Qur'an,the olives called 7 times in which a total of two times as it is the call alone and five more times. it is described in the holy qur'an along with other fruits such as dates,pomegranates,grapes and fig.This description and shows how much nutrition olive fruit as other benefits to the lives of mankind.masha allah!

Olive fruit or botanical name known as olea europea planted in areas where cultivation meditanean but mostly found in Turkey,Tunisia, Morocco, Spain and Italy.
In Surah an Nur verse 35 was also mentioned about Olives and the respective Olive cultivation.

Today modern world,through scientific research in recognition of nutrition olives.Olive oil has a high value in the medical field.If Olive oil is taken as a food,it serves as food additives,cleaning and repair of the stomach and a poison antidote.It will helps patients suffering from gastric amd renal dysfuntion.If Olive oil is taken as external spreads,it acts as a smoothing and softening the skin,eczema and psoriasis have thus rejuvenating the skin.According Tarmizi and Ibn Majah,The prophet Muhammad s.a.w said,"Eat Olive oil,and rub it onto your skin with it because it comes from a blessed tree.

From the viewpoint of nutrition Science,Olive oil contains unsaturated fatty acids are classified as "monounsaturated" which can lower harmful cholesterol in the blood.A study conducted by experts at The Institute of Health Sciences,University of Oxford,the relationship between cancer and diet of a person.It was found that the countries that regularly consume meat and low in vegetable intake and risk of cancer cases of high but intake of Olive oil will reduce the rate case!Masha allah!
In the Annals of Oncology(January 10 2005)states that scientific expert Meditranean diet rich in Olive oil will reduce the risk of someone getting breast cancer because it"Oleic acid" contained. All types of Olive oil will soften the skin and slow the aging process.In addition,Olive oil to fight the toxins in the body by acting as a "laxative" and remove the worm in the body.

Looking at the situation and health of our society now,heart disease,known as the silence killer is on the rise.However,Olive oil intake may prevent it because it is rich with a "phenol".This material has a high antioxidant subtances as well as able to prevent the inflammation and blood clotting.Therefore, taking the Olive oil is very useful to prevent a person from heart disease.In addition,to this date,the benefits of Olive oil for beauty often divulged in the Newspapers and Electronic Media.This is because many cosmetics companies that use Olive oil as a raw material ingredient in the manufacturing of beauty products.Therefore,the advantages of Olive oil is no doubt.

Advantages of Olive oil can be seen in the situations that most closely with our lives in which their use as cooking oil.Although many think that the food is cooked or fried using Olive oil is not that tasteful compare to other oil,but it has its own advantages in terms of health.Edible oils other than those based on the Olives, when used repeatedly resulted in the total cholesterol oxidizes and becomes saturated and not good for health.The effect can be seen when the oil trap food debris and changed the colour and smell.However, unlike the Olives oil because it can be used repeatedly,will not experience the oxidation process and become saturated and will not change in terms of color and odor. After eating using a fried when using Olive oil,the stomach will feel light and comfort.The effect of the decomposition of the energy in heart of Olive oil has many nutritional benefits.

Therefore, it is undeniable that it will be the privilege of Olives can produce a range technology available today for public use.In this regard, Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w once said,"Take the Olive oil and rub it onto your skin.It helps to treat seventy and also Juzam disease(leprosy).Thus,not surprisingly,many who know the advantages of Olive oil, make use of the material for such as cooking oil, hair oil, beauty products, soap and has been used as food additives.Thus,nutrients found in Olives is Allah swt the Almighty god gift to us like was mentioned in the Holy qur'an .
And experts recognize the scientific world of using Olive will be special as was mentioned in the Holy Qur'an about the blessed Olive fruit.

:tti_sister:May Allah swt bless upon all muslim world wide~Amin!

~Happy Weekend!

Take Care!
Thank you,
~Wassalam :)


Salam Alaikum warahmatullah

Jazakallahu Khair for the information.....
May Allah SWT reward you for sharing this..
Barakallahu Feekum


~Salam to all!

Salam Alaikum warahmatullah

Jazakallahu Khair for the information.....
May Allah SWT reward you for sharing this..
Barakallahu Feekum


This beautiful gift from Allah swt everyone ought to know:ma:

Thank you for viewing it and you are mostly welcome brother :)

:tti_sister:~May Allah bless you and your family~Amin!

~Happy Weekend!
Take Care,
Thank you,

~Wassalam :)


~Salam to all!


JAZAAK ALLAHU KHEYR....for sharing this.....this is really very informative....


Jzakalllah khair for the beneficial post ukhti........

:salam2:wa rahamtullahi wa barakatuhu!!

jazakallah khairan for sharing:)!!it's beneficial and valuable info.......just like the olives:D!!!



Thank you for viewing it and you are so very welcome :)

:tti_sister:~May Allah bless you and your family~Amin!

~Happy Weekend!
Take Care,
Thank you,

~Wassalam :)


~Salam to all!

Assalamualaikum wr wb :)
Just an additional info, Olive oil is very good for hair as well.

JazakAllah Khayran :)


True!Olive bring so much benefit to human well being,internally and as well as externally:ma:

Thank you for viewing it and you are so very welcome!

~May Allah bless you and your family~Amin!

~Happy Weekend!
Take Care,
Thank you,

~Wassalam :)


~Salam to all!



~May Allah swt reward your generousity~Amin!

Thank you ,:SMILY259:
Take care!

~Wassalam :)


~Salam to all! :welcome brother.

jazak allaah khair for this nice thread!!



You are most welcome brother.

Thank you reading my post.
May Allah swt bless you and your family~Amin!

Take Care!
Thank you,

~Wassalam :)


salam from pakistan!
as a scientist i always try to do research on these plants and to find their pharmacological effects in the lab.. thats why i like these posts!!!


~Salam to all!

as a scientist i always try to do research on these plants and to find their pharmacological effects in the lab.. thats why i like these posts!!!



~May Allah swt help and guide you brother~Amin!

Thank you,
Take Care!

~Wassalam :)