Thoughts Of A Muslim


Im Proud 2 B Me!
Thoughts of a Muslim

Written By: Talib-Haider “HaQQ” Joseph

Satan whispers thoughts and feelings of ecstasy
He tempts me and tries to get the best of me
I seek for Allah, for only he can set me free
He took me from three and put the one in me

He gave me knowledge with the strength of an army
Propaganda is only a catalyst that arms me
Revolutionary like Indians with Visions of Gandhi
I’m a soul who takes only what Allah hands me

Whether you speak to Allah or speak Patois
Seek to increase your deen through Taqwa
Instead of seeking for the latest Fatwa
Your first law is to take Taqwa and obey Allah

In this savage society don't forget your piety
The greatest prosperity is through forms of charity
Even in tragedy keep your soul drowned in purity
When you speak keep Allah in the highest Authority

I cry for the Muslims who died in the land of Falujah
Through our prayers for you we make our Duas
Oh you blessed martyrs don’t forget of the Surahs
So you don’t become khafirs like the people of Musa

In this nation of haram; our soul is feeling suicidal
The forefathers of our generation were lost in idols
We try to seek for truth when our mind is in idle
That’s why Allah gave us the Qu’ran for recital

Just as China is guilty for their way of Imperialism
We’re guilty for falling into the culture of materialism
We may be free, but our soul suffers the life of prison
How blind is our vision when we refuse to listen…

The world is still in fear from the quoted Prophecies
If only we could see what the Prophet see
We won’t fall to the whispers of Iblis – the ugly disease
We ask forgiveness from Allah before we’re deceased



Junior Member
As-salam, sister. Very nice and thank you very much for sharing. May Allah help you and protect you.


Junior Member
Thank you very much for sharing, for me I could relate alot to somethings.
Thank you Sister. Regards /Erik


Junior Member
:salam2: :mashallah:
Jazak Allah khair sister for sharing,Masha'Allah it's really nice.:hearts: