


My dearest brothers and sisters, I have been trying to understand an article I am reading. I wanted to share some serious thoughts with you. Our Beloved Prophet stated that jannath would be filled with fools. This is the truth. Fools because they believe. They believe and do not prostrate before any other gods.
We who live in this modern world bow our heads to constructs such as standard of living. At first reading I thought this was not serious. However, upon contemplation I have to agree that standard of living has found itself into the world of Islam. I need to have a working toilet, a hot shower, a washing machine, a dryer, a house that is heated and air-conditioned, a dishwasher, a vacuum cleaner, a car, a computer, an oven, a refridgerator, a tv, a bank account, some/several credit be able to say my -prayers.
We become so busy in maintaining these items that we have forgotten what is important. At the end of the day we spend time in trying to accumulate more and more and more. We ease our souls by giving a few pennies to charity.
We serve the makers of these consumer products. We submit to their demands of needing and wanting. We place the manufactures as our gods. We hold the desire of these needs to such a degree that we have created words to help us understand/accept our state of need. We call it standard of living. We help to divide the world with this construct. It is not real.
We spend our energy and by the end of the day we are tired. It is shirk. I am guilty of this.
We have forgotten that our heritage lies in both action and contemplation. We need to go back to what our real standard of living is. We need to devote equal energy to Islam.
I pray, Insha'Allah, that several of you will respond to this.
your aapa.


Servant of Allah
SISTER I COMPLETELY AGREE. this is so true. and it is so sad cause we don't even realize it and even if we do realize it we don't acknowledge it. it's a shame. thank you for this awakening. we've all been in our sleep way too deep.



It is very sad that we busy ourselves with things that are useless to us . We are always at a loss...

Thanks for the awakening !!


:salam2: Dear Aapa!!!!
you are cent% made us think again.....
sometimes we forget our main purpose.....
May Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) reward you for this awakening call...
jazak Allah Kheiran


Strangers on earth

Dear Appa,
That was a very nice wake up call as usual everything you give us is beneficial Alhamdullilah
I think we are all guilty when it comes to that and we should pray more to Allah to give us the courage and strength and will power to stand up again as one family and defend our Islam and not our worldly things
May Allah make us strong in Emaan:tti_sister:

bintul islam

biz musulmanikh


Wait I didn't get that, are you saying that Jannah (Heaven/Paradise) will be filled with fools? Fools because they believe and they do not prostrate before any other gods? I would love to know the reference for that hadith, seriously.

How can one be a fool when they believe? In my opinion, they are the smartest of all the people. Jannah will be filled with good people, prophets, messengers, friends of Allah, widows, orphans, martyres....who prostrated to no other gods but Allah so how can they all be fools? More like hell will be filled with fools.

Our Beloved Prophet stated that jannath would be filled with fools. This is the truth. Fools because they believe. They believe and do not prostrate before any other gods.


Junior Member
Asslamu alaikum dear sister,

It's a wonderful awakening call,but you know I don't think that there is no contradiction between having a good standerd of living(as long as we are not occupied just by fulfilling those demands) and being a submissive slave to Allah.

The problem comes up when we make our main goal is just having and maintaining those worldly needs regardless whether it is from lawful or un lawful source,so if thereis any contradiction, the priority should be for Allah'orders,

By the way where the hadeeth about the fools was mentioned ?it's the first time to know about it


We are slaves to this world, it is so sad, mashallah. We give our all, and for what?? In the end, its all about striving to get to the place where we won't have to worry about rent, food, bills etc.. we will be free from this dunya and everything in it, Alhamdullilah!! Let us get back to Allah the way we are supposed to and not give all to this world. Jazakallahu Khairan for the wake up call dear sister MirajMom.:hearts:



Related to Mâlik's words are the Prophet's hadîths:

"O Allah! Do not make any loss of ours be in our Religion, nor make the world the greatest concern, nor make it the sum total of our knowledge!"

"Most of the people of Paradise are the naive (al-bulh)."

"Forbidden to the fire is every gentle, lenient, easy-going one who is near to the people."

"Paradise says: None enters me except the weak and the wretched among the people and their simple-minded (ghirratuhum)."

"The believer is guileless [h1] and noble (al-mu'minu ghirrun karîm) while the wicked man is perfidious and miserly (wal-fâjiru khibbun la'îm)." [h2]

"The believer is easy and lenient (hayyinun layyinun) to the point you will think him a fool (ahmaq) in his leniency."

The ghirr and bulh are those who were ignorant of evil ways in the world but knowledgeable in their Religion, or those whose hearts were guileless [h1] towards people, or those who lacked skill in worldly ways, or those like old women, Bedouins, and their like, who remained staunch in their Religion. Ibn al-Âthir cites some of these narrations under the entries b-l-h and gh-r-r in al-Nihâya (1:154, 3:353), as well as Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr al-Razi in Mukhtâr al-Sihâh (p. 26).

I pray this answers your questions. Faith has nothing to do with position in the world. Hell is not filled with fools...maybe the ignorant. As I wrote in the first post we have to be careful with the constructs we use. We need to return to Islamic thinking. We are not the judges of the hearts of mankind..that is Allah subhana tallas decision. We need to busy ourselves of ridding of the stains of this world on our hearts.


Junior Member
Salam alykoum! Jazzakallah khairan for what you have posted. I have the same feelings...Sometimes I wake up after very tireing day and I'm proud that I did much, but then I think"Ok, is that REALLY what I'm looking for?"....I agree that we need to remember what is the true treasure....Islam