
Allahu Akbar

allahu akbar...who has been married young here??? and at what age???
Just curious because i want to know if i'm not the only one who is marrying young!!!
because i'm living with hindus here and i really want to practice my diin and i was wondering if i marry at 18 if its too young???
i dont want to has to be done


Waalaikumsalam warahmatullah

MashAllah...May god relieve you of your stress..

Marriage is a big decision...

My advice is go to an imam or an islamic scholar .....even if means travelling long distance...


Im Proud 2 B Me!

If he is a Muslim, than yeah u should marry him. Its hard for u to practice ur religion at ur parents house, so if i were you i would make the choice that allows me to practice my religion.

U know what u need to do, just do it!

Here u need this. Make salat Al Istekharah!!

صلاة الاستخارة

الحمد لله وحده . فإن العبد في هذه الدنيا تمر به محن و محن ، ويحتاج إذا وقف على مفترق الطرق أن يلجأ إلى ربه ويفوض إليه أمره ، ويسأله الدلالة على الخير . ومن أعظم العبادات حال تشتت الذهن ونزول الحيرة بالإنسان صلاة الاستخارة التي دل عليها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا قال :

(( إذا هم أحدكم بأمر فليصلِّ ركعتين ثم ليقل: " اللهم إني أستخيرك بعلمك ، واستقدرك بقدرتك ، وأسألك من فضلك العظيم ، فإنك تقدر ولا أقدر ، وتعلم ولا أعلم ، وأنت علام الغيوب . اللهم إن كنت تعلم أن هذا الأمر - ويسمي حاجته - خير لي في ديني ومعاشي وعاقبة أمري فاقدره لي ، ويسره لي ، ثم بارك لي فيه . وإن كنت تعلم أن هذا الأمر شر لي في ديني ومعاشي وعاقبة أمري عاجله وآجله فاصرفه عني واصرفني عنه ، واقدر لي الخير حيث كان ثم أرضني به " )) . [ البخاري ]

All praise be to Allah Almighty, alone.
A person may go through trials and hardships in his life, and at some occasions, he/she may find him/herself standing at a crossroads and faced with the need for making a decision on important matters. In instances like this, the best that a Muslim can do is to turn to Allah and sincerely seek guidance of where the good maybe. Asking Allah for this guidance is called Istekharah, which was one of the consistent traditions of the prophet (S) and his companions. Istekharah is also a great type of worship. So, not only the person who is doing it gets the benefit of being guided by Allah (S), he/she also gets the reward of doing it. Following, you can find a translation of the duaa which the prophet (S) used to utter when making Isthekharah:

"O ALLAH! I seek good from You on the basis of Your knowledge and I implore for Your high grace through Your great powers, for You are Powerful and I have no power, You are knowledgeable, and I have no knowledge, and You are the knower of the unseen. O ALLAH! if in Your knowledge this thing (one should mention one's specific need at this point) is good for me, my faith, my worldly matters, as well as my hereafter, then make it possible, achievable, and then bless it for me. And if You know that this thing is harmful for me, my Deen (religion), and my worldly matters, with regard to its ultimate results, then keep it away from me, and protect me from it, ordain for me what is good and beneficial, wherever it be, and cause me to be satisfied and content with it".

:(Important notes) تنبيهات

1- عود نفسك الاستخارة في أي أمر مهما كان صغيراً .

1. Make Istekharah a habit of yours whether you’re dealing with small or big matters. The companions used to do it when seeking guidance in minute matters.

2- أيقن بأن الله تعالى سيوفقك لما هو خير ، واجمع قلبك أثناء الدعاء وتدبره وافهم معانيه العظيمة .

2. Be certain that Allah will guide you to what is best. While making the duaa, concentrate on it, think of what it is about and understand its great meaning.

3- لا يصح أن تستخير بعد الفريضة ، بل لابد من ركعتين خاصة بالاستخارة .

3. Istekharah should be done in the following manner:
  • Pray 2 Sunnah Raka’ahs with the intention of Istekharah. Istekharah can not be done after an obligatory prayer (a fardh salat). It has to be done after a Sunnah salat. Say the Duaa right after making the Tasleem (i.e. after finishing the salat.)
  • You can either memorize the duaa or read it from a sheet of paper. (Note: It is good to praise Allah and offer salat at the prophet before starting the duaa.)

4- إن أردت أن تستخير بعد سنة راتبة أو صلاة ضحى أو غيرها من النوافل ، فيجوز بشرط أن تنوي الاستخارة قبل الدخول في الصلاة ، أما إذا أحرمت بالصلاة فيها ولم تنوِ الاستخارة فلا تجزئ .

4. It is possible to make Istekharah with a regular sunnah (e.g. the 2 Fajir Sunnah, the 2 Zuhur, the 2 Maghreb, or the 2 Isha.) However, your intention before starting the salat should be for both Sunnah and Istekharah. If you start the Salat without making the intention for Istekhara, then you can not make istekharah with this Salat.

5- إذا احتجت إلى الاستخارة في وقت نهي ، فاصبر حتى تحلَّ الصلاة ، فإن كان الأمر الذي تستخير له يفوت فصلِّ في وقت النهي واستخر .

5. Avoid the times in which offering optional salat is not recommended. This includes the time after Fajir salat until the time of sunrise, and the time after Asir Salat until Maghreb time. However, if you do need to make Istekaharah for an urgent reason, then you can do it during the above times.

6- إذا منعك مانع من الصلاة - كالحيض للمرأة - فانتظر حتى يزول المانع ، فإن كان الأمر الذي تستخير له يفوت ، فاستخر بالدعاء دون الصلاة .

6. If you urgently need to make Istekharah and the circumstances do not allow you to make the needed salat, then say the duaa without making the salat.

7- إذا كنت لا تحفظ دعاء الاستخارة فاقرأه من ورقة أو كتاب ، والأولى أن تحفظه .

8- يجوز أن تجعل دعاء الاستخارة قبل السلام من الصلاة - أي بعد التشهد - كما يجوز أن تجعله بعد السلام من الصلاة .

9- إذا استخرت فأقدم على ما أردت ولا تنتظر رؤيا في ذلك .

9. If you make the Istekharah, then start doing what you need guidance in, and Allah will help you decide of whether it is a good thing for you or not. Sometimes, you’ll clearly feel you’re your heart is leaning towards one matter and is pulling away from the other options. At other times, Allah will just make it impossible to follow the “not so good” options. There is no need to do Istekharah at a particular time or to wait for seeing a dream showing you what is good.

10- إذا لم يتبين لك الأصلح فيجوز أن تكرر الاستخارة .

10. If you’re still unsure about what option to take, then you can repeat the same Istekharah as many times as needed.

11- لا تزد على هذا الدعاء شيئاً ، ولا تنقص منه شيئاً ، وقف عند حدود النص .

11. There is no need to add to this duaa, or take away from it. Just say it in the way it is narrated.

12- لا تجعل هواك حاكماً عليك فيما تختاره ، فلعل الأصلح لك في مخالفة ما تهوى نفسك .

12. Do not let your personal desires dictate your decision. You should be prepared to accept what Allah has willed for you even if that is against your wishes. This is because your knowledge is very limited and Allah’s knowledge encompasses many more things. He knows what is really best for you at the present time as well as in the far future.

13- لا تنس أن تستشير أولي الحكمة والصلاح واجمع بين الاستخارة والاستشارة .

13. Do not neglect seeking the opinion of those righteous ones. Indeed, you should combine between both Istekharah and people’s opinions.

وفقك الله لما فيه الخير والصلاح

May Allah guide you to what is best. وصلى الله وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

Take Care,

Allah Maak! May Allah help u make the right choice.


Junior Member
If you think he's the right one for you, then yes - marry him. If you're not sure ask Allah for guidance. If you don't really think he's the right one and only want to marry him so you can practice Islam, then don't marry him. Marriage is a big decision and if you don't think its right its best not to go through with it, even if that means not being able to openly practice Islam.

Just a question - why couldn't you pray in your room and hide it from your parents? If not your room, is there anywhere in the house you could go where people wouldn't find you (besides the bathroom)?


Allahu Akbar
I'm really at a cross-road brother,because i love my parents so much,but laa illaha il allah....i cant and dont want to be a hindu ...i want Jannah...and i want to worship my Lord....but i cant do it home at my parents because i'm considered a hindu here and i cant perform salat or fas t or anyting...i kno marriage is a big step but when coming to my diin...i have to make sacrifices...but its so hard,,,,i'm so young...i'm only 18:girl3:


Im Proud 2 B Me!

Wait what is going on 2 minutes ago the thread was asking something else which is why i posted the reply above now the thread has been changed to another question!!!

:confused::confused:Im confused is it just me or was the thread changed!!!:confused::confused:


Junior Member

Wait what is going on 2 minutes ago the thread was asking something else which is why i posted the reply above now the thread has been changed to another question!!!

:confused::confused:Im confused is it just me or was the thread changed!!!:confused::confused:

It did change. I'm confused as well :/

Originally the sister was asking whether or not she should marry to get away from her Hindu family so that she would be able to practice Islam...right?


Allahu Akbar

If he is a Muslim, than yeah u should marry him. Its hard for u to practice ur religion at ur parents house, so if i were you i would make the choice that allows me to practice my religion.

U know what u need to do, just do it!

Here u need this. Make salat Al Istekharah!!

Brother i cant parents wudnt let me...i cant fast either...dont wear hijab>...its really hard


Im Proud 2 B Me!
It did change. I'm confused as well :/

Originally the sister was asking whether or not she should marry to get away from her Hindu family so that she would be able to practice Islam...right?

Yes, exactly which is why i did that long reply to help her!! Alhamdlillah im not the only one that noticed that, i though i was imaging things!!LOL


Im Proud 2 B Me!

If he is a Muslim, than yeah u should marry him. Its hard for u to practice ur religion at ur parents house, so if i were you i would make the choice that allows me to practice my religion.

U know what u need to do, just do it!

Here u need this. Make salat Al Istekharah!!

Brother i cant parents wudnt let me...i cant fast either...dont wear hijab>...its really hard

Actually u can!! let me ask u, are u in the house 24/7? its only 2 rakat u can pray them in ur room ( lock ur room) and if u go out u can just make a short stop at a mosque or any place even on the streets!!!

Take Care,

P.s Im a sister :hijabi:


Im Proud 2 B Me!
I kno i did change it because i thought it was a stupid thing to ask

Please dont say that, Wallah it was not a stupid thing to ask!! we are all here to help one another and to benifit from one another.

We are part of ur family now u can ask us anything at any time!! Insha Allah we will always try our best to help.

Take Care,


Allahu Akbar
Jazak allah kheir...gosh i'm jus so stressed out these days...i do pray sometimes when noones is at home,but u c i cant lock my door!!!its crazy...but noone knows how strict hindus my parents are...and they will do everything in their power to prevent me from being a practicing muslim...i need to make a 18!!!but YaAllah i dont want to marry


Im Proud 2 B Me!

Its Ok, Insha Allah everything will be alright!!

Look, just try to pray the Istakharah prayer when u get a chance and Insha Allah u will know what u need 2 do!!


Junior Member
Jazak allah kheir...gosh i'm jus so stressed out these days...i do pray sometimes when noones is at home,but u c i cant lock my door!!!its crazy...but noone knows how strict hindus my parents are...and they will do everything in their power to prevent me from being a practicing muslim...i need to make a 18!!!but YaAllah i dont want to marry

If you don't want to marry then don't. Allah has a plan for everyone and many converts go through the same problems you are experiencing right now if they come from a strict religious family. As long as you try to do what you can (like praying when no one is home), you can't be blamed for not doing other things that are impossible to do like wearing hijab. One day you'll be out of the house and able to practice openly. Its a struggle now and Allah will reward you for your struggles if you keep trying to remember him and do what you can.

Like Albint Almuslima said - pray the Istakharah. If marrying this man is not right then please do not do it just to get away from your parents. I understand that you want to practice Islam, but if its not right then its not right.


Im Proud 2 B Me!

I completely understand!! ur afraid that u might be taking a HUGE step by getting married!! Look just try to pray, and Insha Allah ur problem will be solved!! And Insha Allah u will be less stressful!


Junior Member
sister i dont even wear hijab!!!:girl3:

I know, but don't feel so bad about it since you can't do it without getting put out on the street. The important thing is that you actually want to wear hijab and inshallah you will when you are able to do so. The only thing you can do now is keep all the other aspects of Islamic dress and modesty. Allah will make a way for you.