U.S. Kills 100 Afghan Civilians

Afghan police are saying today that over 100 people were killed in this week’s US air strike in Farah Province. 25 to 30 are suspected Taliban, while the vast majority were civilians. A Red Cross investigative team confirmed the findings, saying they had seen “dozens” of bodies in two separate locations and that civilians were still digging through the rubble of their mud-brick homes looking for others.

The US military is still conducting its own investigation of the killings, and President Obama has expressed “regret” for the deaths, promising (as has been so often the case) to make every effort to avoid a repeat. Yet General David McKiernan is not so certain, he and other officials are claiming that the entire incident may have been manufactured by the Taliban.

The incident stands as the largest civilian toll in Afghanistan since August, 2008, when the US killed at least 90 civilians in the neighboring Herat Province. In that case the US angrily denied the allegations for months, finally admitting to killing many civilians but insisting it was legitimate.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai, in Washington DC today for a summit with US President Obama and Pakistani President Zardari, has ordered his own probe into the incident, and promises to once again bring up the issue of mounting civilian casualties with Obama. Karzai’s repeated complaints about the massive civilian toll of the US operations has soured his relationship with the international forces, still prosecuting their already eight year long war with no end in sight.

Source: http://news.antiwar.com/2009/05/06/us-strikes-in-afghanistan-kill-100-mostly-civilians/

As always we get a "We are deeply sorry" from the U.S military officials.

May Allah swt punish these evil war mongers both in this life & in the hereafter.


Staff member

Can we call this 9/11 (or 7/7) of Afghanistaan ?

If yes, then who is going to hunt down the American Terrorists this time ?



Junior Member
^We dont need to use such words like kuffar..
They have attacked us many times. i dont care whether this amrekan soldier is evil and the other is good.
Either u leave the amreekan army or not!

About Afghanistan there are as i know 25 foreign countries under the name of ''NATO'', ''ISAF'', peacekeeping force and so on.

And american officials in kenya are discussing ''terrorism in Somalia'', they will insh'Allah cause problems.


Pearl of Islaam

Assalamu Allaicomu

I am so sorry for my beloved brothers and sisters in Afghansitan.May Allah reword them with Janntul Firdows,and stop these kuffars,and help to Muslims in Afghanistan soon.Ameen.

If Americans think that they can destroy Islaam and Muslims,they are really WRONG.No they can not SubhanAllah,because Islaam is the greatest!!!!And Allah is the Greatest Protection for Muslims and for His religion Islaam.

May Allah protect all Muslims.Ameen.:tti_sister:



Junior Member

Allah is the All Just and inshaallah He will punish this terrorists humiliating our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan, Iraq...etc...

when will the muslim states unify like the europeans...? when will we stop hating each other? if we stay united then who will dare to attack us? Quran and sunnah are the solution... but when many of us don´t open the book to read just put it on the shelves how will they gain this knowledge wich will protect them from fitnah and the evil of shaytan and bad people, and.....jahannam? How long will we hold tight on nationalism and culture instead of Islam? May Allah guide us to the straight path and make us become one body again.



Junior Member

Can we call this 9/11 (or 7/7) of Afghanistaan ?

If yes, then who is going to hunt down the American Terrorists this time ?



this is maybe the 100´s maybe 1000´s maybe 10000´s.... 9/11 of Afghanistan!

Nobody! cuz there is no muslim Army existing who is defending the rights of muslims! Who will care for the affairs of the muslims accept the muslims...? and when even muslims don´t care for each other... what can be expect from all the others...?



Junior Member

As always we get a "We are deeply sorry" from the U.S military officials.

May Allah swt punish these evil war mongers both in this life & in the hereafter.

Killing innocent people and civilians is un-excusable no matter who's doing it. But, in this corrupted world the wrong has become right and the right has become wrong. May Allah help our Muslim ummah. Ameen.
