Wa'alaikum salaam.
First, I honestly don't understand this "God" Christians go on and on about. There's apparently God the "creator"(Father), God the "savior"(Son) and God the "Holy Ghost"(I think they mean Jinns by this?) so how many Gods exactly? Is it 1 in 3 or..3 in 1 God(s)?!
And as for her first comment, in Islaam(unlike Christianity) we do not just go to the mosque.. Whenever we go there, we get closer to her and build our faith. We feel peace whenever we are there as it isn't just a 'place' of worship for us but, Allaah Most High's house on earth! That alone gets many Muslims to respect and follow the right etiquettes of being in there. Unlike churches, where some people just 'go' there without benefitting from it, When we're there we are on the way to pleasing Him as we are increasing our 'Ibaadah.. on top of having(or working to have) a firm eemaan.
And, we believe Jesus('Isa) was sent as a messenger to the people before us. But in Islaam, He was sent for the best of purposes; to spread the deen. To teach people the Onness of Allaah. To show those people the correct of paths.... to teach fairness. But how can he "die" for people's sake? Isn't that going against his own teachings ? He isn't even being fair to his own self if he "died" for 'other' people. And unlike Christianity, in Islaam, Believing in Allaah(God) and believing in His messengers go hand in hand. You can't really believe in one and deny the other. You either accept God and His messengers or you don't.
And the second part...which "God" does she even mean? The "God" that needs accepting..? But either ways, Islaam changes persons for the better. There are good and bad people everywhere. But eemaan has a way of increasing one minute and decreasing the next. Muslims are to do their best in becoming "good" people. Good here is basically someone with a firm eemaan. If your eemaan is low, you work to increase it. If it is at a Good stage, you've already went through believing in God(Allaah). Now you're at a point where you stay strong and not let your eemaan weaken. You HAVE to be a good person to accept God(Allaah) and believe in Him. If a 'bad' person says they believe in God(Allah) but not really adhering to His deen...how is that really accepting ? Why do you claim to "accept" Him if you won't accept the commands He has set for you?
We(Muslims) aren't perfect. We sin as everyone else sins, but there is one thing we do that other religions don't. We have HOPE when praying to God and asking His for Forgiveness. We arent given powers to know if we 'are' forgivenn. No one knows that but He. So instead of acting so "sure" that God has accepted our prayers from us, we have Hope! That's why we dont just pray once and "stop". We continue to be the loyal servants we are to be and..keep on praying. Yes, God(Allaah) is Oft-Forgiving but we need to be devoted to Him in order for Him to forgive us. He's the master. We the Servant. So the Master does His part only if the Servant does His. Its like a two way street. Don't expect to just be "forgiven" if you haven't really put much effort into it.. That's just rubbish. You HAVE to do your part as well.
Salaam alaikum wa rahmatullah.