What is my religious identitiy?


Staff member
Wa-alaykum salaam sis,

(Hope you're well!)

As for your question ..alhamdulillaah, you're a muslim.


Junior Member
You don't have a religious identity. You have a complete way of life established for you 1400 years ago, as do I and as do all the people who came after the Prophet :saw:'s revelation. Some have accepted and followed this way of life to the best of their abilities, others have tried to change it, others have ignored it, others have ridiculed it, and others have fought it. And this way of life has a name, Allaah choose this name for it and it is Al-Islaam.

The term "religious identity" nowadays refers to what you label yourself to be. Labels are meaningless and don't tell the whole story. So if anyone asks me the question, I would say to them: Allaah will not ask me what my identity is, Allaah will ask me what have I done to deserve eternal happiness or eternal despair.


Islam is a way of life
You don't have a religious identity. You have a complete way of life established for you 1400 years ago, as do I and as do all the people who came after the Prophet :saw:'s revelation. Some have accepted and followed this way of life to the best of their abilities, others have tried to change it, others have ignored it, others have ridiculed it, and others have fought it. And this way of life has a name, Allaah choose this name for it and it is Al-Islaam.

The term "religious identity" noawadays refers to what you label yourself to be. Labels are meaningless and don't tell the whole story. So if anyone asks me the question, I would say to them: Allaah will not ask me what my identity is, Allaah will ask me what have I done to deserve eternal happiness or eternal dispair.

All respect due to you, but in this life we follow labels all the time. It's how we find people with like-minds and similar lifestyles.

So, I think saying One is Muslim/Muslimah is okay. Just my 2 cents.


Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

You, I and all here, inshaa'Allah Ta'ala we r the best of the humankind, and the great news is we know this.....Alhamdulillah.....WE R MUSLIMS......

Jazakallahu Khair
barkallahu feeke


to Allah we belong

you are a muslim. FULL STOP

being about hanafi, shafi, salafi.......its about following them in minor matters or fiqh which we cant find out ourselves.