What would be the main reason to become a muslim?

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Junior Member
If you would please take the time to read this small booklet, I believe some of your questions would be answered. *Removed*

I will be watching for your response.


Junior Member
I offer this webpage as a response to: Cordially I invite you read the Quran and let your conscience find any contradictions in it, you can get the help of "experts" if you want. Just come and tell us when you find one.




Junior Member
I offer this webpage as a response to: Cordially I invite you read the Quran and let your conscience find any contradictions in it, you can get the help of "experts" if you want. Just come and tell us when you find one.


answers my questions please be so kind am sure you do no need the help of anybody to represent your faith just trust the holy spriit and answer please here again with your own words please
hi there and welcome
whom did jesus pbuh die as a ransom to god or to the devil! and did he die as a god as a man or as both!the relation between mary and adam how are they related to each other could you tell us something about that if you don t mind it would be nice ! and please be kind an stick with us a little
take care


Staff member

Here on TTI, I'd like to remind the situations as it is, that you are the questioner and we just seek to answer your questions. Now this would change dramatically if one were to become the accuser, because as you see, this is just pure blindness.

Our goal is to correct misconceptions and spread truth. If one comes as a questioner, we would like to hope to think their mind is open to such ideas and come un-biased. Now if one comes as an accuser, one does not seek to learn anything, merely retort as quickly with as much opinion as possible. Opinion which is clouded by the emotions of wanting anothers position brought down in what they feel is an intellectual war to be proven correct.

If you want that sort of thing, I encourage you to seek a separate forum. As we do not tolerate people coming in that sort of way. We also do not tolerate preaching, that is not the purpose of our forum either.

If you want to ask more questions, by all means do so. But be forewarned not to come with links which either promote the preaching of Christianity nor from website which skew the truth and present them. If from those website you DO HAVE a question, ask it as such, but not as has been placed before, as an accusation of sorts, and please read the Qur'aan yourself before if you would be so kind. Or else it's as if being told that your nose is green, but never looking in a mirror yourself. Plain ignorance and blindness is all that prevails, and now you follow an incorrect assumption of a green nose.

As stated, we do not mind dialouge but there is a clear line and distinction between that and just plain nonsense in which one party continues in trying to answer and the other not even going to review what has been presented before.

What I encourage you, is to open your eyes. If you truly WANT to approach Islaam and the Qur'aan in the correct manner, do so without former hatred, preconcieved notions or any such thing. Clear your mind and look with a fresh eye. Actually read the Qur'aan, it speaks better than any of our words may. I dont want you to have to feel that you have to disbelieve in the Bible to read the Qur'aan, such is not the case.

Just read it and find out for yourself, and please if you do have time look over the reponses here carefully.

We do not wish to offend, nor slur Christianity nor any faith... we believe in ALL of the Prophets, from Adam (as) to Jesus/Isa (as) and we believe in what they brought to be the correct knowledge and pure guidance.

Thank you for your participation. I hope you stay and continue to seek the truth, and ask questions.


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