Why does it seem that to be Muslim is to become Arab?


New Member
Why is it that when many people come to Islam they began to dress like Arabs and take Arabic names? Instead of calling one Yusuf is it acceptable to go by Joseph, or perhaps instead of Maryam, Mary?


Junior Member
Assalamu alaykum

[GREAT I just typed a loooong one and it was deleted!]

Dear you can read up on names at this thread whereby I have cut + paste a fatwa regarding names - click

I speak as a Muslimah, that wearing a single long garment people tend to go like "You're arab wannabe" when it's not the case, because I only feeling wearing as such is most efficient in breaking the body form and covering the awrah. So, it's not an issue of arabic or not, I spose the culture here where I reside ladies wearing "hijab" wear jeans, etc all the time, so wearing something proper like a long piece of garment abaya may appear "arabic". Would not know about the men though, perhaps a brother can answer this, but perhaps it is the sunnah of our beloved Prophet salallaahu 'alayhe wa sallaam and afterall, he IS an arab!

My dear, why to go along with the name Joseph, Mary, JESUS etc. why? The Qur'an clearly states "Yusuf", "Maryam" and it is a pure and original scripture of Allaah taela and not distorted and tainted like the bible whereby the Prophets seemingly have English names! On this too, perhaps someone may give a clearer explanation but for me personally, the Qur'an will suffice, and the names as give in the Qur'an are as such I will not change it ;)


Why is it that when many people come to Islam they began to dress like Arabs and take Arabic names? Instead of calling one Yusuf is it acceptable to go by Joseph, or perhaps instead of Maryam, Mary?


If you're talking about Abaya/Hijab/Niqab, these are not Arabs' clothes but islamic ones. They're meant to cover the body.
As muslims, we have to dress according to Sunnah (qamees for men for example) and Fardh (hijab).

They take arabic names because they want to do so.

Many New Muslims may feel obliged or indeed pressured to change their names to Arabic names because they sound more Islamic. In Islam however all names are good as long the meanings are not the names of idols or anything against Islam. Names carry meanings, many people will be influenced by the meaning of their name. We are required to call our children and ourselves by good names with good meanings, so that they will be influenced positively by our names.

Here's the whole article


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member

When people become Muslim and choose to change their name from Mark (for example) to Abdul-Rahman (Servant of The Compassionate) it is them identifying with their Islamic identity..and if they wear a thawb (the long shirts men wear) and a kufi..sort of a bigger version of the cap looking piece Jewish men wear on their heads called yarmulke or kippah..(hopefully I got the names right..if I didn't please correct me!)..

This is not Arabization by any means..in fact if you are to take the manner of dress *alone*...the long thawb is not Arab..and neither is the Kufi..these things are both influenced by the *Islamic* manner of dress.."Arab dress" for men and women varies from one country to another..as Arabic countries are diverse culturally..and many having subcultures within the overall culture! (for example..I am Arab..and in my country alone..there are about 5 manners of dress representing the different ethnicities there)

Like I said earlier..the step taken by our convert brothers and sisters is an initiative towards identifying with the Muslim identity..there are many Arabs who though born into Islam may not have Arab-sounding names..or names that are Arabic even!..and many Muslims (Arab & non-Arab)..specifically them men..wear jeans..shirts..nikes..and look like any average person passing by...if you consider women..then a woman wearing hijab is a different story..because that's an *obligation*..and it is not a choice..

Thus I think your statement might be a generalized observation which requires some deeper review and some corrections

I hope I have not offended you in any way..and do not hesitate to ask questions..until you word your wonderments..you may never turn them into *certainties* :)



New Member
Thank you ladies for clearing my misconceptions up. So it seems more popular piety than anything mandatory as far as taking arabic names and an arabic look.


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
Thank you ladies for clearing my misconceptions up. So it seems more popular piety than anything mandatory as far as taking arabic names and an arabic look.

You summed it up quite wonderfully! :)..glad we were all of help to you!



Praise be to Allah!
As salamu alaikkum. Honestly speaking none of the arab clothing to what my knowledge says, is that none of them were like the clothes of Prophet Muhammed salallahu alaihi wa salam. Because our beloved Messenger of Allah salallahu alaihi wa salam wore a cloth around his waist (izar), and not a long thoub. However the only reason I wear thoubes are because it properly covers the awrah, compared to jeans or tracks. That is only reason I wear it, or I would have switched back to my jeans and tracks ages ago if it was not for this reason.

P.S It matches my turban as well :D