Would this be considered ''idol worship''?


to Allah we belong

writing Allah along with Muhamed :saw: is not prohibited.

it depends on person's intentions...if a person think that His prophet is equal to Allah...then its pure *shirk*.


Love Fishing
As salamu 'alaikum

Brother what makes you to think that we worship the picture written Allah?

We do not worship any picture or anything written Allah. we worship Allah by not refering to anything.

So if we do not worship anything which has written Allah, same goes to the name Muhammad :saw:

I hope it is clear now in sha Allah.

Allah knows the best


Muslim Guy

Hello brothers and sisters. Today, I stumbled across a picture on the internet and was wondering what you think of it.
(click or copy and paste and go to the web adress)

Would that picture be considered ''idol'' woship because the name Muhammad and the name Allaah are put next to each other? Or is it not? thanks

To be honest, I've always wondered why they put "Allah" and "Muhammad" in Arabic writing in front of the mosque, in the direction we are praying.

It's true that our "intention" is what counts, but then we don't really consider the 'intention' of pagans or Christians with the cross, when they say they are not really worshipping the man-made object.

If it's up there as a reminder, it can be put on the side?

Also, I wonder why the crescent and the star is present on so many mosques, even though Islam is not meant to have any symbols...

Assalam alaikum.


Allah swt Knows Best!


Hello brothers and sisters. Today, I stumbled across a picture on the internet and was wondering what you think of it.
(click or copy and paste and go to the web adress)

Would that picture be considered ''idol'' woship because the name Muhammad and the name Allaah are put next to each other? Or is it not? thanks

To be honest, I've always wondered why they put "Allah" and "Muhammad" in Arabic writing in front of the mosque, in the direction we are praying.

It's true that our "intention" is what counts, but then we don't really consider the 'intention' of pagans or Christians with the cross, when they say they are not really worshipping the man-made object.

If it's up there as a reminder, it can be put on the side?

Also, I wonder why the crescent and the star is present on so many mosques, even though Islam is not meant to have any symbols...

Assalam alaikum.


Allah swt name next to The prophet Muhammad s.a.w~
Though The Prophet Adam alaihisalam is the first man
Allah swt created
BUT This was what The Prophet Adam alaihisalam saw
written in heaven while meeting Allah swt


~May Allah swt help and guide us~Amin!

Take care!
~Wassalam :)