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Aisya al-Humaira

الحمدلله على كل حال
Assalamua'laykum wa rahmatullah,

I pray that may everyone is in the best of health and imaan always. InshaAllaah.

Not trying to steer this thread away, but something that I would like to share here.

Well, sometimes during our form of communication, be it in writing or face-to-face, it is always possible for others to misunderstood our message. Many times, it can actually leads to unneccessary hurt or fights. (Im talking it as in general)

Therefore as Muslims, its always nice for us to make it crystal clear on the message we're trying to convey and as the listeners/readers, when we feel that we need more explanation, we can always ask to make things clearer. What I really want to emphasise here is we also should have khusnu al-zhaan, خسن الظن (thoughts of goodness) of our brothers and sisters in Islam; mostly in every matters that can actually cause doubts.

Sorry for the long "talk". Alhamdulillah explanation has been given from Sister Shahnazz, so lets خسن الظن, eh? :)

Waa'laykummusalam wa rahmatullah.


Muslim Guy
I beg your pardon? The responses and reactions are addressing an act of discrimination. There's no speculation involved.

I wrote a few more sentences last time, they didn't come up for some reason...

There is no proof that this act of discrimination on the bus had anything to do with the "two Somalis" that were arrested earlier that morning, other than a co-worker's opinion. My friend got pushed once on a bus, and it wasn't because of his hijab. Sometimes, people are just annoying bullies.

As for this case, if the lady was picking on you because she was racist and discriminating against you because of your hijab, she would have been like this for a while, and she wouldn't have become racist just after reading one article. She would have been just as annoying yesterday or the day before that.

Also, there have been more significant failed terror plots over the last few years than this one where the case against these two guys are weak, with nothing more substantive than mere allegations. If this lady's action was due to a backlash, it's highly unlikely to be due to this event (link below).

And they weren't even Somalis. One was an Arab-American and the other a Hispanic-American. They were alleged to have wanted to go to Somalia for terrorist training, although "the men had no contact with Somali terrorists, according to officials and court documents" as stated by the press. Anyways, what I meant was that your colleague's assessment of things are just a speculation. Her advice is good though, generally speaking, for Muslims.

Assalam alaikum.


Love Fishing
Assalamualikum.In the beginning I said no comment because I want to see all the comments and as expected argumenst and dissagreements.

Only one thing can keep us silent.I am not an old woman giving advice but a young lady willing to share and learn together.

Every single thing happnened because of Allah and even if it is bad,it happens because of Him.He test us and it depends whether we pass the test or fail the test.

I know many non Muslims aren't good out there yet it doens't give us permission to act like them.We are people of knowledge and wisdom and let prove it to the world.

Just say "Alhamdulilah I am still alive".This wound on the face might heal but the words and the way we talk bad about people need their forgivess.So how are we going to do that?

Each action and each words are being recorded.

Even if people are bad to you,don't be bad to them as they are Allah's Creation as well and we must also at least respect our enemies.

Our beloved prophet pbuh went through worse things than any man could go through yet he wasn't angry and all he did was being kind and loving and this attitude calls many people to islam in sha Allah.

I know we are all here to learn and do not be upset if someone post something that you do not agree with.There are many wise members in this site that we can learn from.Before replying back(with anger) lets take a step back and think about what that person wrote.If we are just going to reply to hurt that person,lets just remain silent.

I have learned a lot from this site and the way I think and this site has changed me a lot alhamdulilah to a better person.

We learn from mistakes right :)
So in sha ALlah next time not only you but all of us better do not address people according to their colour,race and nationality.

We do not judge people.Allah alone judge people.I was descriminated when I was a non Muslim and I am not going to mention who descriminated me.But now I am a Muslim.If we keep on descriminating non Muslims and keep on talking bad about them,then we are dancing to the tune of syaitan.Our job is not to judge and not to descriminate but TO CALL THEM TO ISLAM.


Allah knows the best.Assalamualikum :)

Ibn Uthaymin

Junior member
As-salaamu `alaykum

To illustrate, whenever something 'bad' has happened down here, pretty much everyone knows that generally speaking, black people are far more supportive towards the Muslims than anyone else. I grew up seeing nothing but this, and found that this is more so the case in America...


Walaykum assalam. Your right, black people are more supportive


I'm not what you believe
I never had an experience like yours,cause I never worked in my life and I am so shy,that I can't go by bus or by train none can disturb me.maybe that woman was nervous...the women of nowdays are more aggressive,they behave like men,but they no physical strenght,so they use to scream and to swear bad things.
So don't care and continue to live your everyday life...:ma:


a lonely traveller
As salamu alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh

In any case, we cannot know the intention of a person's action, which lie in the heart. So my brothers and sisters, please stay vigilant and careful. Travel in a group of 2 or more. Always be in touch with your father, husband or brother if you are going somewhere by yourself. After reaching your destination, let them know that you have reached safely. Make du'aa before you travel and after you reach your destination. Know your Rights and Responsibilities. If you face abusive behavior while traveling; let the transport company know, that you faced such discrimination while traveling in their bus.

May Allah Subhanahu wa Taala save us from the fitnah of this world and make us stronger in our eeman, through the trials and tribulations we face.

Walaykum as salam wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuh.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
As-salaamu `alaykum

Sorry sister, we have taken this off-topic I guess. But just to clarify, it doesn't bother me a single bit to use a colour or description of the persons background when referring to an incident like this, due to what I stated previously...

We call non-believers kuffaar but now many of them find this offensive due to the actions and exaggeration of this word of some from amongst us... Will that make me step down and refrain from using the word? Never (inshaa' Allaah).

Having said that, if the purpose of of adding such a descriptor (i.e. of a person's colour) in the first place is to illustrate a beneficial point, then what is the issue? Unless someone does so seeking to stereotype, blame a community or to express racial hate etc., then I don't see the problem?

In fact, I do this all the time. When I hear of a Muslim hate incident being hurled from a black person or member of some other ethnic minority, I do rant for a bit and explicitly mention their ethnic belonging, for reasons which I've already given. In fact, I think there is an immense benefit in doing so in terms of our own personal security and reflection on the state of affairs.

Funny enough, I know black brothers who will mention the hate of other blacks to Islaam in the exact same fashion as sister Shahnaz did. I don't get how them being black automatically disqualifies their motives from being racist when they word things in the same way, with the same intent? Obviously they're not doing so out of hate (I'd question their sanity otherwise), so if our purpose is the same as theirs, and is free from profiling, then why are we blameworthy???

Perhaps the solution is to ask someone why they mentioned colour before feeling offended about their choice of words. Allaah knows best.

Moving back on topic... Sister, you have had it easy alhamdulillaah. Just imagine, in my area some years back, a poor hijaabi sister was publicly beaten on the tube by a drunk man, may Allaah humiliate him severely (he probably already humiliated himself by drinking his own urine, like the drunks do down here). The other passengers were obviously too coward and not bothered to help in the least, and so just sat watching!!!


Sister revert2007,

There are certain parts of your post that make sense and there are other parts of your post that I can't believe I'm reading. Let me clarify:

I know many non Muslims aren't good out there yet it doens't give us permission to act like them.We are people of knowledge and wisdom and let prove it to the world.

I'm not sure what you mean when you imply that I acted like a non-Muslim. What exactly are you implying I did that resembles the actions of a non-Muslim?

Just say "Alhamdulilah I am still alive".This wound on the face might heal but the words and the way we talk bad about people need their forgivess.So how are we going to do that?

Even if people are bad to you,don't be bad to them as they are Allah's Creation as well and we must also at least respect our enemies.:)

I'm sorry but this extremely offends me. So basically you're saying that when attacked, be quiet, keep it to yourself, forget about whatever damage was inflicted on you (both physically and psychologically) and just make sure that I don't do anything that will offend the person whose victimizing me? First of all, I'm on this board venting to my FELLOW MUSLIM brethren about something horrible that happened to me that was inflicted on me by another human being and the reaction I get is to be quiet and fear Allah? It is extremely disturbing that not only would you consider the needs of a racist person over the one they inflicted damage on but you also go as far as to say that the inflicted one might need the racist person's forgiveness. I have absolutely nothing more to say.

As for doing bad to someone who has done something bad to you, I did NOTHING to this person, either before or AFTER she slapped me so I have absolutely no idea what you're insinuating unless the "bad" that you're implying is me venting about her on this board. Mind you, she's still an anonymous woman so there's no risk of backbiting. Its not like I gave you her name, phone number, address, and favorite hobbies so there's no specific reputation to ruin.

I know we are all here to learn and do not be upset if someone post something that you do not agree with.There are many wise members in this site that we can learn from.Before replying back(with anger) lets take a step back and think about what that person wrote.If we are just going to reply to hurt that person,lets just remain silent.:)

This confuses me as well. Can you clearly identify when I replied back to anyone "with anger"? This is the only reply of mine that has been one of sheer indignation and I have no idea what you're talking about. I was told that my words were considered offensive by one individual and I replied back with an apology. That sounds angry to you?

If this sounds like I'm going over the top, just know that I am EXTREMELY disturbed by these sentiments and the LAST thing I expected to hear when I related this terrible incident was for someone to tell me to fear God and stay silent. This is not an era of oppression and we are not oppressors. Allah hates oppression and He hates those who oppress themselves. We are to speak out against any injustice being committed against human beings. If I don't speak out today because I'm too busy caring about my offender, then tomorrow another Muslim will be offended and then another and vice versa.

Yes we are constantly being tested by Allah and yes we must strive our hardest to persevere. Alhamdulillah I'm alive and there are others that do go through worse. But to minimize someone's trauma and tell them that they're wrong in how they display their emotions is just plain insensitive. I vent to my fellow muslim brothers and sisters on this board because I expect Muslims to be there for me in my time of need, with at least some understanding. There is a way to say things and in my opinion, I'm not sure you realize how to do that.