Men of Allah
Ya Allah,Ya Rahim.
Wa alaykum salam ...
Welcome. Try and take one step at a time.
We all sin. Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihe Wasalam (peace be upon him) has said the best of sinners is the one who repents. Allah has created us a nation of sinners. Use your sins to remain humble and ask for forgiveness. Allah is All Merciful and he would readily accept your repentence if you are sincere.
Try live in a balance of hope and fear. Hope that Allah will forgive you for everything but don't let it be to the extent that you become complacent. Fear Allah but don't take it to extremes. Strike a balance.
We are told that if you go walking toward Allah he comes running toward you. Be sincere and talk to him from your heart whilst you make dua (supplicate).
Welcome. Try and take one step at a time.
We all sin. Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihe Wasalam (peace be upon him) has said the best of sinners is the one who repents. Allah has created us a nation of sinners. Use your sins to remain humble and ask for forgiveness. Allah is All Merciful and he would readily accept your repentence if you are sincere.
Try live in a balance of hope and fear. Hope that Allah will forgive you for everything but don't let it be to the extent that you become complacent. Fear Allah but don't take it to extremes. Strike a balance.
We are told that if you go walking toward Allah he comes running toward you. Be sincere and talk to him from your heart whilst you make dua (supplicate).