Salam Alyakum reverts :)


Junior Member
Wa Alaikome Salam...

What a wonderful idea you have here with these threads!!!! I want to say Jazakalllah Khairan for this from the bottom of my heart. I love you all on this website for the sake of Allah as my brothers and sisters in Islam and you are all in my dua. May Allah reward you for your efforts.

Let me answer because I am a very new revert.........first yes I feel very alone where I live because in this country (Islam is the fastest growing religion they say) but I dont see it. All I see are Christians everywhere I look. The masjid is very far and actually exists in another state from where I live so I need to travel to go there. My family are all non-muslim so I cannot share with any of them without getting the rolling eyes and smirks because they will never understand why I reverted. They all think I am now "lost" because I know Isa is a prophet and not the "son of God" as they still believe he is.

I feel alone in my deen but I do NOT feel sad. On the contrary.......I feel SOOOOOO blessed and SOOOOOOO lucky and thankful that Allah chose to show me the truth. In this crazy and confused life I was given such a great gift from Allah. I feel like I am not deserving and often I wonder why he decided that I should be saved but I dont question his wisdom and live day to day trying to learn as much as I can about this beautiful religion so I can be the best muslimah possible for me to be. I feel in my heart this is the only way I can show Allah and prove to him how much I love and appreciate him and the gift of Islam he has given me.
Obviously I am still learning about Islam and I must say I feel I have a long road ahead but it is finally the right road and I am happy to be on it and in the right direction for the first time in my life.

When I visited an Islamic country recently to take my shahada (Morocco) I felt very different than I do here in the country I live (USA). I felt a kinship with the people there that I have NEVER felt here in my own homeland. I cant even explain or describe what I felt but its as if I "belonged" to a community of people who were at heart just the same as myself even though there were obvious differences in appearance such as my skin is very white and my eyes are very blue/green and my hair is not dark. No I am not talking about outward appearance which is superficial anyway and doesnt matter. I am talking about something much deeper inside the heart than I could ever imagine. I love Islam and I love my brothers and sisters in Islam for the sake of Allah. And even though I feel lonely I am sooooo happy to be a muslim.


thank YOU for posting, and you are welcome. mashaAllah, welcome to Islam :). that is just great sis :), you sure are blessed, mashaAllah :) your post is so amazing, that im not sure what to say :SMILY33:. thats great that you felt what its like to be sorrounded by Muslims. not ''as if you belong'', but ''you DO belong''. so sweet, im glad you decided to post here. im glad you found true happiness, and may God take away that loneliness that sorrounding you. :)


Junior Member
salam aleikum
unfortunately since I reverted to islam , I feel very alone . All my family rejected me, they asked me to leave so afterwards I have to manage my life on my own . I had no place to go , and in that difficult situation I decided to wear hijab without money , without house . It was very very hard for me . Alhamdulilah sisters help me to find somewhere to live . Afterwards , a lot of brothers wanted to marry me when they heard about my story ; but I wanted first to talk to my parents to announce my decision wearing hijab; the really hardest thing I have to say to my israli father and my jewish mother . I told them and they say to me avoid my look .
It was 10 years ago , I m married now and I have 3 wonderful children, unfortunately , I still feel alone . Sisters take care of their families , my family in law don t like me anyway, and it s very hard to me . I m muslim and proud to follow the real message but I m not looking for happiness . It sounds so impossible to me . barakallahoufikoum . As salam aleikum all.

Dear sister your story is very inspiring ....I think you are a blessed sister. Feel happy that you gave up many things for the sake of Allah swt. I pray that Allah reward you in the Firdous Alaala .


Junior Member

i want to start this thread, from brother Shaheerpak's idea, i thought maybe to start small and here for now. so the question is for reverts, and pls join. how has your life been since you revert, lonely or full of people? how has special days been. i intend to write more, but havent got the time. i hope you understand this thread, so pls join and share.

salam alikom

:)excilent post masha allah , well go ahead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!may allah reward you aljannah


Love Fishing
Allah knows the best

salam aleikum
unfortunately since I reverted to islam , I feel very alone . All my family rejected me, they asked me to leave so afterwards I have to manage my life on my own . I had no place to go , and in that difficult situation I decided to wear hijab without money , without house . It was very very hard for me . Alhamdulilah sisters help me to find somewhere to live . Afterwards , a lot of brothers wanted to marry me when they heard about my story ; but I wanted first to talk to my parents to announce my decision wearing hijab; the really hardest thing I have to say to my israli father and my jewish mother . I told them and they say to me avoid my look .
It was 10 years ago , I m married now and I have 3 wonderful children, unfortunately , I still feel alone . Sisters take care of their families , my family in law don t like me anyway, and it s very hard to me . I m muslim and proud to follow the real message but I m not looking for happiness . It sounds so impossible to me . barakallahoufikoum . As salam aleikum all.

salam.i truly believe that Allah test His slaves according to what they can handle.Alhamdulilah when i converted to islam 2 years a go,i was in my final semester of my bachelor degree and another 1 week for my final exam.i din't go through that much of trouble because my mother knows well my intention of converting islam since i was 10 years old.she was shocked yet accepted me and we live normal life and always talk to each other through phone calls.before graduating i asked Allah to send me a nice man to teach me islam and guide me in the right path.Alhamdulilah finally i got married with an egyptian and Allah gave us one beautiful baby boy(4months old now)
whenever we are in trouble,we should seek help from Allah...
just remember this:



Miss Aaliyah

Junior Member
I have since I converted lost all my friends and don't have anyone left. My family don't know about my convertion but my friends promised to keep it secret. Well, and then left me. Doesn't give you any courage to tell your family right. But why I can't possibly tell them yet is another story. When I do they will scream, order a priest, lock me in and then throw me out. Yeah weird system maybe, but I know them by now. I am not scared of what the inhabitants may think even though I am the only muslim here in my village, I guess you've understood by now that I do not wear the veil yet although it's for now my biggest dream ever. But well. I am totally alone here and no friends but found my sisters and brothers over Internet. It's not the same, but it keeps you strong.


Junior Member
I have since I converted lost all my friends and don't have anyone left. My family don't know about my convertion but my friends promised to keep it secret. Well, and then left me. Doesn't give you any courage to tell your family right. But why I can't possibly tell them yet is another story. When I do they will scream, order a priest, lock me in and then throw me out. Yeah weird system maybe, but I know them by now. I am not scared of what the inhabitants may think even though I am the only muslim here in my village, I guess you've understood by now that I do not wear the veil yet although it's for now my biggest dream ever. But well. I am totally alone here and no friends but found my sisters and brothers over Internet. It's not the same, but it keeps you strong.


awwwwwww this is such a sad situation sister....
you are in my du'as inshaAllah...may allah swt make everything easy for you...amiin...

you have lots of brothers and sister here at TTI so keep smiling... :) :)



Junior Member
salam.i truly believe that Allah test His slaves according to what they can handle.Alhamdulilah when i converted to islam 2 years a go,i was in my final semester of my bachelor degree and another 1 week for my final exam.i din't go through that much of trouble because my mother knows well my intention of converting islam since i was 10 years old.she was shocked yet accepted me and we live normal life and always talk to each other through phone calls.before graduating i asked Allah to send me a nice man to teach me islam and guide me in the right path.Alhamdulilah finally i got married with an egyptian and Allah gave us one beautiful baby boy(4months old now)
whenever we are in trouble,we should seek help from Allah...
just remember this:




thank you very much for posting :). mashaAllah, since you were 10... you sure are blessed and also lucky that your mum is accepting of your decision. alhamdulillah.. your last part of post is sure an inspiration :) . may Allah bless you and always be with you and your family


Junior Member
I have since I converted lost all my friends and don't have anyone left. My family don't know about my convertion but my friends promised to keep it secret. Well, and then left me. Doesn't give you any courage to tell your family right. But why I can't possibly tell them yet is another story. When I do they will scream, order a priest, lock me in and then throw me out. Yeah weird system maybe, but I know them by now. I am not scared of what the inhabitants may think even though I am the only muslim here in my village, I guess you've understood by now that I do not wear the veil yet although it's for now my biggest dream ever. But well. I am totally alone here and no friends but found my sisters and brothers over Internet. It's not the same, but it keeps you strong.


thanks very much for posting :) mashaAllah you must sure be a strong person in your iman! :) you lost all your friends, your still going on. you do it in secret, you can still go on. you are the only Muslim where you are, you are still going on.. mashaAllah that is amazing.. may Allah bless you and make things easy for you sis.. im glad the sisters and brothers can keep you strong. take care


Junior Member

just want to thank the sisters and brothers for helping out on the thread.. oh ya :) try to bear with the orange text..haha (sry)


Still trying to increas Imaan
What is the exact difference between reverts and converts?
I was carrying impression that everybody is born a muslim and only needs to revert to faith by saying shahadat and accepting muslim living.


Junior Member
i dont realy know:(.. i think revert is a Muslim but who doesnt practice most of the Islamic teachings, but he/she is known as Muslim. so when he/she changes to good, he/she reverts, as a revert is someone that has gone back on the right track. the other we say converts, because although everyone is born Muslim, but these people, were not Muslims in things they do, not Muslim by name. so he/she becomes converts when he/she says the shahadah, therefore becomes Muslim. if i made mistake or anyone want to explain better, go ahead..


Junior Member
^ ya maybe some scholars had done that. but i dont think there any scholars here.

Lonely, I'd say, but part of that is because I'm shy so I don't reach out to other Muslims ever.

but are you happy, although your lonely coz you dont try to reach out other Muslims?


Love Fishing
revert means going back to the original state/form.
since we are all born muslim,so we convert to islam to revert back to the original state which is islam.

hassana elkoussi

Junior Member
I hope some scholers will throw light on differences in reverts and converts.

As-salamu alaikom,,

Well, I'm not really a scholar, but this is just a linguistic issue.
The prefix "re" means "again" e.g "rewrite" means to write sth once again
The prefix "con" means " the contrary" or " the opposite" or " against" e.g "contadict", " controversy", etc..

So since we're all born Muslims, the use of "reverting" to Islam is more appropriate, since you go back to the original state, you turn once "again" to Islam. The word "convert" would then be more appropriately used for someone turning from Islam:astag: to a different religion, as they would be turning against their orginal state.

Hope this helped isA & jazakom Allahu khairan for this interesting thread.

Salam :hearts:


Junior Member
:salam2: ^

i dont think the word convert is more appropriate for someone turning from Islam. a word for that i think would be apostacy, if i can remember corectly. i think you call them converts because although everyone's born Muslim, they never said the shahadah, whereas reverts, those Muslims who were already Muslims, but might have not practiced most of Islamic teaching, we call reverts, because they at least had said the shahada. but anyhow, if new Muslims would want to be termed as reverts, i think thats fine with them.

Hope this helped isA & jazakom Allahu khairan for this interesting thread.
jazakAllah khayran


Junior Member
revert means going back to the original state/form.
since we are all born muslim,so we convert to islam to revert back to the original state which is islam.


nicely said. sounds like for new Muslims, you have to convert in order to revert:D. jazakAllah khayran