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  • :salam2:wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu...

    jazakallah khairan akhi.what i wanted to kno was answered by someone else.actually i didn't ask my Question correctly.i just copy pasted it to you and i didn't realise that the Question was missing.

    it was about how bad is following them and not using our own mental ability or to what extent should it be used....

    anyways it's clear i think.jazakallah khairan
    And I would also like to remaind you brother for the sake of Allah, we should never say this may happen or not happen, neither we can know when is the right time, without before saying "InshAllah", becouse nothing happens without will of Allah.

    As I said before there is no reason for apologise, but it would be good if you would Inshallah open a thread and apologised to other sisters on the site becouse they also belong to the sister group, and they were also hurted by the thread and its content.

    Wa la hawle wa la quwete illa billahi

    May Allah guide us all.Ameen

    Assalamu Allaicum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu
    Wa Allaicumu Sallam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu

    It is not the right thing only for one persone to bring decision for what benefits and what not benefits for the mayority.
    I understand that maybe you brother "Alkashimiri", do not have enough knowledge about some isues related for Islamic subjects, and in this case is better to be silent, but there are brothers and sisters here who have more knowledge MashAllah, and we are blessed from Allah to have opportunity to learn from them, this is why it is not good to take away that benefit from us, like in this case.

    To correct you brother please, this is not only my opinion or only my feelings, but opinion of all sister, feelings of all sisters, but what is the most important word of Allah Allhamdullilah.
    And how we are "respected" Ya Allah??? Respect is shown by deeds and not with words.

    There was not good reason for closeing, neither for delateing thread, as it did not took you a loot time for that, but it will take a loot of time to some sister or brother who felt confused after reading that thread.

    And Allah teaches us that we need to learn to recogines needs of our brothers and sisters in Islam, and to put them infront of our own needs, like our beloved Prophet Mohammed s.a.w.s. has done toward his Ummah.

    May Allah forgive me if I have said something wrong and all of us.Ameen summa ameen

    Wa Allaicumu Sallam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu
    Assalamu Allaicum wa rahmatulah wa barakatuhu

    There is no reason for apologise, but for good explanation of why something what benefits to all of us is removed from being seen and also not explained when the purpose of this site and of all of us is that, to corect mistakes made about Islam and its teaching.

    As you are moderator brother "Alkashmiri", and as you well know that the name of this site is "Turn to Islam" you should also remember that duty of moderators who are leading the site is to give explanation of something which has not been explained like in this case, and it should have been well explained for the sake of Allah and its message, and us sisters which have got very offended with many things that have been written there, and the most that some "unknown author" is takeing us the place that Allah has given us.
    PS Just for the ref, Arab news is a *rubbish* news source. In my estimation of past content, they have a very clear and obvious agenda. WaAllaahu'alem.
    I was about to reply to it ..slightly different to the way you did, then my point suddenly became invalid on preview. Good thing too, I would have regretted the post.


    akhi can you clear a space in your inbox just for one private message, i have something very important to discuss with you..
    Allaahu akbar, thats quite sik. Our teacher said everyone should have no excuse for not learning arabic and memorizing Qur'aan. And he has mentioned it enough times now, ma shaa'Allaah. What he said is that, if a person does usool ul fiqh, mustalah al hadeeth etc in english for the time being, then when he goes through it in arabic later (after he learns arabic) then it gets deep rooted in the person. Allaahu a'lam, but what that shaykh said makes sense too. I might start with mu`awiyah once i come back from my holidays in shaa'Allaah
    Yup al-Waraqaat, finished it on monday walhamdulillaah. Lol I only pasted the notes on that cos I got on exam on it on tuesday, so I thought I'd revise while I paste some of the notes *smile*
    Some points to remember: If a person travels for no reason then this is Mubah, but if he is travelling to do an act of forbiddance then this travel is haraam for him. And if he is travelling to do an act of righteousness, then his travel is Mustahabb/Mandoob

    • The first 5 are in terms of the aakhirah.
    • For a person to be rewarded for performing an action, then he has to meet two conditions: Ikhlaas and in accordance to the sunnah. Similarly, leaving something (example: staying away from drinking alcohol) that can be rewardable is only rewarded when done with ikhlaas.
    • As for punishment then it should be known that this person is only deserving of punishment since Allaah can forgive his sins.
    • The last 2 points (i.e saheeh and baatil) are in terms of the dunya.
    In terms of Ibaadat,
    Saheeh basically means that the person does not need to perform the action again, on the other hand, baatil means that the person needs to perform the action again.

    Example: In terms of Saheeh, if a person is praying Dhuhr and he met all the conditions before salaah, requirments of Salaah, then his salaah does not need to be performed again. As for Baatil, if person who is praying dhuhr does not meet one of the conditions, then his salaah needs to be performed again

    In terms of Transactions,
    Saheeh means that he is allowed to utilise the place, thing etc, but if it is baatil then he is not allowed to use it or utilise it

    Example: If a person bought a house or he purchased it in a way that is halaal etc, then saheeh for him to use it, as for Baatil, then if the house is haraam or he purchased it in a way that it is haraam etc, then it is baatil for him to use it.
    And the last 2 are in terms of a action after it has taken place.

    He continues: "
    6) Saheeh is anything upon which completeness hinges, and [that which] is of consequence.
    7) Baatil is anything upon which completeness does not hinge, and is of no consequence."

    Saheeh basically means that the person does not need to perform the action again, on the other hand, baatil means that the person needs to perform the action again.

    If a person has performed Dhuhr before the time of Dhuhr then this action is Baatil, but if a person performed Dhuhr during the time of Dhuhr then his action is Saheeh.
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