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  • Some points:
    • Majority of the scholars do not differentiate between Fard and waajib.
    • Mandoob is the same as Mustahabb and is used more commonly in the books of Fiqh. Also Mahthoor is the same as Haraam.

    The first 5 are in terms of a action before it takes place.

    The author says: "
    1) Waajib Is anything for which one is rewarded if performed and will be punished if left out.
    2) Mandoob is anything for which one is rewarded for if performed and not punished if left out.
    3) Mubaah is for which one is neither rewarded nor punished for performing the action or leaving it.
    4) Makrooh is anything for which one is rewarded if left out, and not punished if performed.
    5) Mahthoor (Haraam) is anything for which one will be punished if performed and rewarded for leaving it out."

    Example: If it is before the time of Dhuhr, then to perform Dhuhr salaah is Haraam, but if it is the time of Dhuhr then it is Waajib to perform Salaatul Dhuhr.
    Some notes on it...

    The author says:"Fiqh is knowing the rulings of Shari`ah which are reached through ijtihaad"

    Al Ahkaam (the rulings) are that which have been legislated by Allaah (SWT) which means they are extracted from the Qur'aan and Sunnah. Al Ahkaam which are extracted from the Qur'aan and Sunnah are of two types:

    1) Knowledge without ijtihaad (Evidences are clear)
    2) Knowledge through ijtihaad (Evidences are not clear)

    Ijtihaad requires two things: A person to research for evidences and for a person to contemplate and ponder.

    According to the mu`allif (the author: Al Juwaynee, rahimahullaah) Fiqh is not when knowledge is reached without Ijtihaad, but rather Fiqh is only when it is knowledge reached through ijtihaad.

    The Author says: "The ahkaam (the rulings) of Shari`ah are seven: Al-Waajib (Obligatory), Al- Mandoob (recommended), Al- Mahthoor (Forbidden), Al-Mubaah (permissible), Al- Makrooh (offensive), As-Saheeh (sound) and Al-Baatil (invalid)"
    i see brother, shukran jazeela

    because the last time i clicked the on the brothers only section a message shows that i don't have permission. but it's done now.

    min samaahatik Akhi can i gain access to the brothers club? or are there any special conditions other than being a "brother"? :)
    Wa 'alaykkum salaam wa rahmatullaah, yup I did talk to akbar, he clarified that its not the same brother who teaches him. They are working on getting him to our local mosque, alhamdulillaah.

    To be honest, I won't be shocked at that price, cos I have heard a lot of forgery in terms of 'ijaazah. Few brothers who studied in egypt told me that there are forgeries going on whereby they forge their ijaazah by giving money to the Qurra', Allaahu a'lam
    Wa'alaykummusalam wa rahmatullah,

    Shukraan katheeran for your time. Do you happen to have any references of the discussion on this matter where I can get a better understanding and insights?

    Jazakallahu khayr.
    No akhi unfortunately. Its not where I read, but it was from a brother who told me that. I saw what he wrote on this one site and asked about it. Thats when he told me about it. I believe he is of the Hanabilah madhab but Wallahu a'lam. I also told him that this is the first time I heard such thing.

    What he said:

    Aqeedah ASWJ is divided to 3 based on views of ulema by including the Aqeedah of Ulama Salaf, Ulama Asy'ariyah and Ulama Maturidiyah. If you know Ulama Salaf's Aqeedah, you'll find that it opposes Aqeedah of Ays'ariyah and Maturidiyah. But here i'm not arguing Asy'ariyah and Maturidiyah, just to mention it for those who deny the Aqeedah of Ulama Salaf and claim only Asy'ariyah and Maturidiyah to be ASWJ. Athari (or Atsari), is the aqeedah following the Ulama of Salaf, also known as aqeedah of Hanbali.
    Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh akhi,

    Hope that you and your family in the best of health and imaan always. InshaAllaah.

    One question I would like to ask. Have you come across that the aqeedah of ASWJ is divided into 3 sects?

    Would like to gain some clarification on this matter inshaAllaah.
    :salam2: akhi Kashmiri,

    Did you get a PM from me ? If so, do you think that you can inform me something regarding the hadeeth I sent you ?

    I am sending you a VM, because of the time constraint on my end. I hope I am not being an annoyance. My apologies if I am.

    JazakAllahu Khayran.

    Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi
    Assalamu Aleyka Warahmatullahi Wabarakaathuh, Ya Akhi Abi Uthman, Keyfa Anta?

    URGENT REQUEST! [click here!]

    Jazakallahu Kyran wa Barakallahu Feeka, Ameen. :)
    :salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa baraktuhu

    hope you are in the best of health and imaan akhi!!

    plzz ,lemme know if you have time.sorry!!....i just want to give my sister some advice on what she wants to become i've written my views,tried to back it up with Quran and sunnah but b4 i PM it to her i want my good brothers and sisters to review it first incase something needs to be added or i removed,incase i need correction in the act of correcting someone!!you think you can do!!today??
    So how many doors did you break today????

    Btw do you think my thobe size matches your shirt size???
    Ok Maybe its not Grandad... Suhail??? Nah suhail is always revising ma shaa' Allaah and loves his revision. We first years actually get distracted by the older lot to be honest :cool: Well I do atleast :)
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