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  • Aameen. Ow yes, Al-Hind!!! Not the best place to be in, but way better than Fitnah central lol. Nice break from the fitnah (not to mention these indians got their own little fitnah going on here lol).

    Internet is rubbish out here, not worth trying skype here, I might as well give him a call. Thing is, he needs to sort out home schooling for my sister lol, that's why I am worried. Hope ramadaan is going good out there.

    BarakAllaahu feekum
    Was salaamu `alaykkum
    Assalaamu `alaykkum.

    Akhi, do you know when Muhammed Juneja is leaving to Madeenah? I am in india at the moment lol (holidays during ramadaan *sigh*). He told me that you are the first person to tell him that he got in.

    Anyways, problem is he does not check his mail or anything, so no point emailing him, so if you find out, do let me know.

    JazakAllaahu khairaa, and hope everything in Fitnah central (london) is going good *smile*

    Was salaamu `alaykkum
    wa 'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullah

    I completely forgot that. Shows how much my Arabic grammar needs revision *sigh*

    On the grammar note though... just to point out you wrote "You guys are write." on the Pastor Terry thread lol. Not a big deal at all but just thought I'd mention.

    JazaakAllaah khayr akhi... and please at any time do correct any mistakes I might have in my post, if you see it either grammatically or in my words. I worry about speaking about that which I don't have the right to, or putting forth an opinion which lacks basis. So please do correct me if you ever see that?

    BarakAllaahu feek!
    Hmm yes it's been a while. Apparently, I missed you people so I'm here once again. Just been hammered with life lately, but InshaAllah I plan to stay somewhat active. I hope your Ramadan is going well =)

    Jazaakumullahu khayran for the encouragement akhi, it means a lot to me right now more so than you probably think.

    Masha Allah i'm happy for the brother that got accepted this year, btw how old is he now?

    regarding going in person to apply.. qadarullah the financial conditions of my family is bad right now so i can't afford to pay for umrah and apply personally. so the only thing i can do right now is to entrust my documents to my friend who are studying in madinah.

    but alhamdulillah i've calmed down and regained my spirit and enthusiasm because i've gained a lot of ibrah from this event. insha Allah this ramadan i'm going spend a lot of time to reflect upon myself, especially my intentions for talabul 'ilm.

    ramadan mubarak akhi, its been a quite a while since i logged in, anything interesting happening these last few weeks?

    btw i just saw the list of new students of islamic university of madina, sadly i failed again.. my name doesn't come out..

    *sigh* this is going to be a sad ramadan, pray for me brother so that Allah grant me a better place to study..
    Asalaam alikum :D

    Assalmou Alikom dear Brother,
    Just checking if everything is okay.
    It is been a while since the last time we spoke.
    Take care,
    Akhi sorry but did you get a PM addressed to a sister!!!i didn't change the name and it came over to you.can you resend it so that i can send it where it is meant to be
    :salam2:wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu...

    bhai can you please take a look at sister h--n's threads.i haven't read them but judging from the comments she got looks like she's using the finger pointing appraoch to convey her messages.

    Also,i wanted to ask if i can share your message with some of my sisters.who i believe may act upon the advice better then i did's still in my inbox^_^for reminders!!.

    here are the threads:

    and others...
    Assalamua'alaykum wa rahmatullah,

    I have looked at the thread you linked and unfortunately I am unsure what the meal is. But are you really sure it is an Indonesian meal? Could it be "bakso"?

    Anyways, regarding the "Thoughts for Sister Kayleigh" thread - I dont see where the discussion is leading to. Again - people are 'debating' about women etc etc. Actually, things has been quite heated in the sisters' club a few weeks back and now it is heading at the lounge.

    I'm sure you have looked upon that particular thread. Just that I feel it is unnecessary to go around and around, wasting time over that thread. Your thoughts?

    Thank you for your time. Jazaakallahu khaayr.

    akhi, i've replied in your thread about the dish.

    btw have you listenen to the sharh of haa'iyyah of ibn abee dawood that i posted in sister samiha's thread i really recommend you to download and listen to them (especially the arabic ones if your fluent in it) if you haven't done so in the past.
    asalam o alykum
    brother m having problem in "security token was missing" i dont know wats dat so m unable to post any thread or post hope u ll guide me how to fix this wsalam
    jasakAllah kahir
    Assalamua'alaykum wa rahmatullah respected akhi,

    I guess I just feel like letting it out a bit. I have realised how things has been pretty tough and heated here in TTI this past few weeks or months maybe. I for once feel a bit uncomfortable reading useless arguments that actually leads to nowhere/ not of much benefits.

    But alhamdulillah, you are still on the look-out on threads that could actually lead to such discussion. Jazaakaallahu khayr Brother Al-Kashmiri for that.

    I have always love reading the articles here. But recently, I actually feel its nice to be away for some time. To seek for some peaceful moments. Just for the sake that our mind will function better in spite of the ongoing arguments happening here. Astaghfirullahal atheem.

    I am not sure the core reasons of this useless arguments.

    I hope Allaah will shower us the strenghts to convey that of Al-Haaq always. Thank you akhi for your efforts. Barakallaahu feek.

    Aasifah for the vent.

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