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  • aslam o aliakum wr wb sister, first of all im very very sorry for such a late reply i had exams and when those got over i had other things come up and i didn't want to rush and not reply to u properly.
    i hope ur doing well in the best state of imaan and health InshAllah

    please i should be the one who shud apologize for late replies cuz i always reply late and mashALlah u always do it in the best of time.
    there is nothing to forgive, time has no barakah these days it goes by so fast its hard to keep track of it unfortunately but May Allah (swt) put barakah in it for all of us and help us make the best of this time - ameen
    wa iyak, my advice are very short and not very wise but if they help you achieve something then its the mercy of Allah (swt) on u and may Allah (swt) bestow his endless mercy on u , ur family and the muslimeen around the duniya - ameen
    SubhanAllah not very hard working wish i was inshAllah something i will work upon. ameen to ur dua JazakAllah khair for those
    Salam sis!
    how r u doing? and hws ur family? whats new on ur side :D
    tc! *hug*
    remember me in ur dua...
    ASSALAAMU ALAIUKM dear Asja :)

    How r u and ur family ??

    Your poem was so cute MASHA ALLAH

    I got ur mails too :) keep them coming :)

    Love u so much my friend for the sake of Allah Azzawajal :)

    Take care a lot

    assalamualaikum warohmatullah Asja, hope you are in good are young right? how old did you say you were? as you know i'm a mother of three. My first boy is 25, second boy, 21 and my daughter 16. all growing up real fast now. i am writing my thesis, last chapter. i always seek for Allah's guidance all the time in what i do now, always praying for the best for my children, hubby and my father. Without Him i don't think i can ever survive in this life. Alhamdulillah, life has been good. And i hope you too dear having a good life.
    Are you a student too or teaching? i'll be going back to teach when i'm done with my studies. any plans coming to Malaysia? if you are, do contact me. I love meeting people, good people like you and the rest of some sisters here in TTI. Have a great day! Assalamualaikum warohmatullah
    Wa`alaykum us-salaam warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh

    Sorry I didn't get back to you. From what I've gathered the other mods are dealing with it and in contact with you?

    salam alaykum dear sis
    subhana Allah
    your post is really sweet ... masha Allah may Allah swt bless you in this world and the hereafter :hearts:

    thank you soooo much my dear sweet sis
    assalamualaikum warohmatullah dear Asja,
    it's so sweet of you.. how are you? may your days be blessed always.
    Assalamualaykum wa rahmatullah,

    Sister Asja, thank you, Jazakillahu khaayr for your all loving and inspiring words. I hope all is well with your studies and family, inshaAllaah :)
    sister,thank you very much for the phrase you posted.I have no words to say.since the day I subscribed my profile on tti,I found many islam friends and many good sisters to talk misses only to meet you.:hijabi:Maybe we will meet one day in sh Allah.may Allah bless you.orry if I wrote so late,but I had no time to connect to tti:shymuslima1::wasalam:

    My Sister Asja,

    ~May Your Life Be Beautiful Always~Amin!


    Take Care!
    ~Wassalam :)
    Waalaikumus salam wa raahmatullah wa baarkatuhu sister Asja,

    No need to thank that much..ITS MY DUTY.. I am glad that i was able to play a small role in it.

    lol not that i want to do alot of this work but SubhanALlah im just put into this position but i dont mind Alhumdulilah everything has its own benefits and our Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) did it and helped his wives than this only leads to good Alhumdulilah.
    no dont apologize :) its good Alhumdulilah my family didn't leave i actually left to continue my studies InshAllah may Allah (swt) unite us soon - ameen
    ameen to ur dua ukhti that was a beautiful dua.
    May Allah (swt) bless you and ur family too - ameen

    and this time i apologize cuz i wrote alot
    JazakAllah khair for ur duas, stay blessed, safe and healthy
    Assalamu allaicum wa raahmatullah wa baraktuhu
    ameen to ur duas, and please ukhti any message or even a word from my bro/sisters are beautiful to me, dont apologize for your msges.
    {new msg reply}
    ameen to ur dua and I hope ur in the best state of faith and health as well ALhumdulilah im glad to knw ur feeling much better thats good ALhumdulilah
    no plz dnt ask forgiveness :) im busy but inshALlah i shud take time out for bro/sis and yes MashAllah wat bro ibnAdam77 shared was a beautiful hadith and it shows how merciful our lord is SubhanAllah
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