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  • im posting a beautiful dua below hope it will be of good use to u : )

    Allahumma arinal-haqqa haqqan warzuqnat-tiba'ah, wa arinal-batila batilan warzuqnaj-tinabah, bi rahmatika ya arhamar-rahimeen.

    O Allah! Let us see the good as good, and bless us with following it. And show us the falsehood as falsehood, and bless us with staying away from it, with Your mercy, O Most Merciful!

    InshAllah keep working hard sister, you will do great in Exams InshAllah taa'la, may Allah (swt) make it easy for you for your exams and marriage - ameen

    InshALlah :) the proposal is for the best, remmeber to make istikhara

    My advice to you is sis, even if you take break from hifz classes dont stop revising cuz Quran can be lost really fast, not everyone gets teh oppurtunity to hold on to it very strongly.
    wa'alykum aslam wa raahmatullah wa baraktuhu
    ukhti i will reply to ur last msg as i promised before i move on to the new ones, i know im busy but im sorry im not able to take much time out for my brothers and sisters, InshAllah May Allah (swt) put barakah in our time - ameen
    wa iyak :) for the hadith its our duty to share as our Prophet (PBUH) said
    Bukhari :: Book 4 :: Volume 56 :: Hadith 667
    Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr:
    The Prophet said, "Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single sentence, and tell others the stories of Bani Israel (which have been taught to you), for it is not sinful to do so. And whoever tells a lie on me intentionally, will surely take his place in the (Hell) Fire."

    SubhanAllah ur so right, everything that our deen has taught us has wisdom and beauty and when this sweet nectar touches ur heart no one can describe the love and joy, May Allah (swt) keep our emaan strong and firm on his path always - ameen
    Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri and Abu Huraira:

    The Prophet said, "No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that."

    Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 70, Number 545
    walaikum salam
    sis forgive me im so busy with school i got alot to do plz dont mind me if i reply to you in short msges, i felt so bad for not being able to reply u hope u understnd InshAllah.

    Alhumdulilah my family is well and im good too just miss them alot SubhanALlah, being away from family is tough u dont realize it how tough it is till ur actually very far.

    How u feeling now? I hope ur well, yes with changing weather these things happen I hope ur well now InshALlah

    SubhanAllah u knw honestly i barely study properly alot of time goes by doing house chores :/ weird thing for a guy to say but yea cooking and cleaning takes alot of times especially cookin since im nt very good as u might remmeber : )
    JazakAllah khair for ur duas
    Make Allah (swt) give you success of the duniya and aakhira - ameen
    fi amaniAllah tc Aslam o alaikum
    InshAllah will reply to remaining soon : )
    You are right everything comes for the sake of Allah (swt).
    MashAllah hope ur exams are going well i just finished mine and ALhumdulilah they went better than i expected, All praise due to Allah (swt).

    ameen to your duas and i wish the same for you and your family which is the goodness of both worlds - ameen
    ALhumdulilah my family is good too , with the blessing of Allah.
    How is your family?
    how is your hafiz program going and are you married yet? lol remember you had a good proposal come?
    you take care as well
    may Allah (swt) bless u and your family too - ameen
    walaikum salam
    remember me in ur duas like u do : )
    aslam o alaikum wa rahmatuALlahi wa barakatuhu,
    I apologize for the late reply, ALhumdulilah im doing very well Alhumdulilah very thank ful to Allah (swt), Alhumdulilah im glad to know ur well as well , ameen to ur dua and May Allah (swt) reward you for your kindness as well - ameen
    MashAllah im happy to know you still remember me, even thou it had been a very long time since we last talked.
    JazakAllah khair for the duas, its the most precious gift from a bro/sis in islam that anyone can ask you, May Allah (swt) reward you for this beautiful gift that u give us all the times. - ameen
    what you said abt praying for others reminded me for this hadith

    Bukhari :: Book 1 :: Volume 2 :: Hadith 12
    Narrated Anas:
    The Prophet said, "None of you will have faith till he wishes for his (Muslim) brother what he likes for himself."
    As salam alaykum sis.... :D :D
    yeaaaaaa i am soooooooooooooo happppppyyyy there was some problem my IP address Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah.. now its working missed you sis alottttt :hearts:
    assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
    Alhamdulillah i m fine ,jazakallah its nice to hear:) that u remember me dear.
    love you for sake of Allah my sis :SMILY252:
    May Allah keep you also safe under HIs Mercy and bless you
    take care Assalam!
    aslam o aliakum sister,

    SubhanAllah been very very long i thought i say salaam to u : ) i hope things are going well and u r in the best state of health and eeman - ameen

    remember me in ur duas InshAllah
    aslam o alaikum wr wb
    Asalamwalaikum sis..Thankyou for the request :), i think it has worked but am not really sure how this site works :/ But i hope your all good sis.. :)
    waalikumassalam wa raahmatullah wa barkatuhu dear sis ,

    alhamdulillah my father is way better now alhamdulillah , may allah swt give him health ameen , sorry sis but i cant stop myself from thanking you for making dua's for my father alhamdulillah ,

    when something get lost or when u feel ur losing that precious thing he or she realises the worth of that valuable thing ,

    like parents how much valuable they are to us , alhamdulillah we might not think of it out ignorance but when we seriously think over it , alhamdulillah how much sukra we should do to our parents after allah swt , specially mother , when we havent born she took so much pain for us when we grow up we dont even take a small amount of pain in comparise to what they took really , may allah swt make us more loving , caring and respecting children towards our parents ameen .
    assalamualikum sister how ru ? i hope ur fine and doing well , may allah swt bless u and ur family ameen , thank you so much for praying for my dad jazakhallah .

    Dearest Sister Asja,


    Thank you for the reply,
    ~May Allah swt reward your super kindness~Amin!
    Take care!
    ~Wassalam :)

    Dearest Sister Asja,


    ~May Allah swt blessed upon you
    And Your Family~Amin!

    Take Care!
    ~Wassalam :)
    thanks ukhti...I am rushin to logg out. But wanted to thank y for ur kindness !! i am doing just fine and got busy with dunya stufs:( from skool to work to just abt everything else.
    I hope u r doin great btw,
    I love that image....I miss YOU and everyone else at TTI:(
    Awwh sis, it was okay. Just the flu going around here, it's getting cold and I usually get sick for climate changes. =p
    JazakAllahu khair for your duas, May Allah grant you the same. And yup, thanks for reminding , hehe. :)

    How sweet! it really brought the tears to my eyes..
    sister, so do I MISS You and Allah knows..
    I wish we'll meet one day, if not in this world in the next, in jannah inshaAllah my lovely sister..

    because I love you for the sake of Allah.. :) <3

    wassalam yours Nermin
    :) Jazakallhu khair sister.

    Exactly, it represents a Muslimah. Sorry about the late reply, I had been sick. :p

    May Allah strengthen your iman as well. Take care~
    Subhanallah sister jazakallah khyera I almost cried wallahi adiim; I missed you too sister. I will try to contact you sister!:(
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