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  • Yeah I have got one..

    Chachu has throat infection as well! And my sister..!
    And mum has a fever.. and dad has severe backache..
    And chacha has fever too...
    Jeez! WAnt me to tell you more..;)
    I can barely speak two words without coughing and you are telling me that I should talk to Sarah?!!
    Trust me, I am not faking it.. I am really really sick!!
    behna yaar i'm fine,sorry :confused:i couldn't reply to ur post.

    been busy actually.:SMILY176:papers honay walay hein.plz duah karna.told my mum i won't go online on tti.but i can't concerntrate on my studies without giving this site a sneak peek atleast:biggrin::biggrin:.aur app sunnao what's up:)...................i mean apart from ur room's roof.:tongue:
    feeling so happy....:D:D:D:D:D......................................................................
    waAlaikum salaam dear sis Fatima,

    AlhamduliAllah ukhti, by the grace and mercy of Allah......I am doing good:) AlhamduliAllah,
    SubhanaAllah, I missed u and all my TTI family,
    mwahhss right back to u dearly, Allah bless u for askin me hw I was......:D ameen
    tc sis,
    salaam alaikum,

    fatima behna...ansari bhai ne aapki kahaani phir "the end" kardi. :D

    nai kahani shuru kardi....bulbul ka bahcha :D:D
    hello dear sister
    how are you??
    tomorow is my first UNIVERSITY exam please make dua for me to do well:tti_sister::tti_sister::tti_sister:
    Great yar! Your school must be the ONLY school where sendups are in December!!
    Oh i am so sorry for trans..:( I hope she gets selected the next year! :D
    Do congratulate her from my side...
    Yes I am taking care of myself.. Cups of qawa, tea, coffee.. soups.. steam.. inhalers..hehehe. I am really getting fed up!!
    No chachi didn't come.. Only chachu. But he went away today.
    Hey, please make dua for me.. I am sick of visiting the hospital three times a day.. Am taking 3 different medicines including steroids and not to mention the disgusting syrup..:(:(
    I have to study for sendups so please make dua.
    How did Trans's speech go? I hope it went good.
    Take care.
    Fee Imaan illah.

    cool sister here to its dinner time
    same pinch im too gonna start studying my dear sis
    may allah bless both of us

    take care
    c u :SMILY139::SMILY139::SMILY139::SMILY139::SMILY139::SMILY139:
    Walaikumu salam sweetyyyyy :D

    Alhumdulillah Im doing well ;) and you...I hope you are doing SUPER well :p
    Ohh you are doing SUPER well!!! Oh thats SUPER good. Im SUPER happy now ;)

    Hmm wats up. Nothing much actually, I was just annoying my baby sis :p hehe its fun!

    How about you? Hows family and everyone? :)


    *big fat hug* LOL
    و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته
    I'm okey my dear , how about u ?? did u start schooling again ??

    In Sha'a Allah I'll remember you :)

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