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  • lolz- i dont know how u manage 2 luv em sis! :lol: well, i'm ip right now making a cake 4 my lil cuzins birthday. i'm ok i got 100% on a scence test! it was a unit final. Alhamdulilah.other than that-nothing much. u?:D
    ohh sis..im fine alhamdulilahh..hope you are doing greattt..:D:D

    Im up with my exam midterms and stuff soo please pray for mee...thankssss mwaa!:):)
    yep- i'm done it- but i still have those quizzes!! aghhhhh! today have a math one :(- but thats okay---- only a quiz-rght? :) so sis- how r u?
    ooo- i will. gw/ i have 3 TESTS THIS WEEK- AND I COULDN'T STUDY 4 THEM CAUSE I WAS SICK!!! :( :lol:- i'll just have to try
    lollllllll yes we should all complain and ask schools to delete maths :D:D:D
    wa anti min ahli ljaza' sis jaan ! :D cold in pakistan means 20 degrees? :D :D because here it means -20! :D
    chalo main sone jaa rahi hoo my eyes are red :D:D:D
    big huggggggs :D
    wa salaamu alaykum
    lolz- sis. actually, i didnt get it! hehhehhe! i almost wish i did though- i forgot what pain was!!!!!! lolz :lol: bigg hug!!!!
    looool i hate maths too sis :D
    well if u need any help im here inshaAllah :D ive done soo much maths :( lolll
    ameen to your duas sisss youre soo sweet. jazaakillahu khayran
    may Allah give u all that and more ;)
    :D the weather is cold? :D u gotta come to canada inshaAllah, u'll never say its cold again hahaha :D

    my fam is ok alhamdulillah thxx siss
    theyre all faaaaaaar away :D
    aww im happy ur happy siss ;) hows ur fam

    big huuggss
    wa salam :D
    i fine alhamdulilAH but i have some problems and my study make busy.....make dua for me sister am in need
    no its ok sis :D im sorry too
    hope u forgive me inshaAllah
    love u too for the sake of Allah swt :hearts:
    may Allah alwadood love youuuu

    nothing up this days :D just studies
    what abt u ? :D
    Wsalaam :SMILY139: Alhamdolilah i'm well, just a lil busy these days with work. What about you sis, hows khi (karachi) doing? :)
    HERE TOO CYCLONE formd so heavy rain nearly 4 days
    in tat i had my coll xam too
    but really very nice enjoying alhamdhulillah
    how abt u dear sis
    Walaikumu salam

    Im doing very well my sis :D How about you?

    Thnkxx for dropping by and leaving a msg ;) I know i dont replyy very fast, but I still want u to leave me msg's okk :D:D:D

    i luvv youuuu!!! ;)
    I'm good- i stopped being sick! actually, today i'm going to get a shot------ like , the first one in a year-ooooooooo :lol:
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