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  • Assalamu ALaikum,
    Jazakallahuma khair for your advice. Inshallah this time things will turn in my way . As i always say please do keep me in your prayers.

    May ALLAH SWT keep you safe from the all the difficulties of this world and the hereafter. Ameen.

    :salam2: sis
    stop writing touching msgs..they make me cry(seriously don't..i love them)
    i have someone that is there for me whenever i need them..tht is YOU

    here is something for u
    "Real friendship is a rare and precious gift, strong,
    stable, yet fragile, and never to be taken for granted."

    "Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows."

    i don't know what i would do with u..i need u sis so stay with me forever :hearts: May ALLAH bless you and keep on guiding you to the straight path and forgive you for all of your sins.AMeen

    I love u soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomuchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    take good care of yourself
    and if u ever need me ..u know where to find me well first u have msg me ..lol
    jumbo dumbo hugs and kisses to the most sweetest, awesomest, coolest,kindest, sister ever
    always smile too:)
    walikum salam
    asalam alaikum
    i just want to say thank u sis for helping me out
    ur words mean so much to meeeeeeeeeeee
    an di actually smiled today after a very long time
    MAy ALLAH bless you and grant u janat ul firdous.
    MAy ALLAH make everything easy for you.Ameen
    big jumbo dumbo hugs and kisses
    take care
    walikum salam
    walikum salam my dear sis
    thank u sister sor ur kind words....
    u mean the world to me
    inshallah i will be okay
    take care
    love u tons
    jumbo hugs
    walikum salam
    salaam alykum dear

    i am really sorry for the delay i just saw your msg i dont come here often .and i am glad that you are ok . salaam
    Jasmine :)
    Aww ukhti ur soo sweet :D may Allaah bless you :) Love u lots tc sweet abayo or is it amboya, anbayo?? :confused: lol
    Asalaamu'alaykum sister. Sorry we couldn't talk much the other day. InshaAllaah I hope we can talk soon. Fi amaan Allaah. Take Care sister. <3 <3 x :):) x
    Assalamu Alaikum Sister,
    Thanks for your dua and support. Inshallah i shall recite it everyday. May ALLAH SWT bless you with the best in this world and in the Akhira. Ameen.
    Do remember me in your duas.

    Jazakallahuma khair.
    asalam alikum sister
    lol..the whole msg made me laugh
    sister please pray for me...I am not doing good these days..keep me in ur duas please
    loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee u very much
    thanks for always being there for me
    take care
    talk to u soon inshallah
    walikum salam
    strong lol :D hahahahaahahaha... im not sure :tongue: loOoOoOoll just kidding lol :D

    InshaAllah when we go Jannah, you'll know how much i loved u sis :)
    loOoOoOoOoll....haahahah... i forgot we're in dif time zones lol :D
    Where did u say u lived? :redface: lol :)

    yup, i love u more more more lol
    loOoOoOoll... ur like me.. lol.. posting in ur own profile hahaa :D

    Fridays over now lol
    Alhumdulillah we have a break for two days lol :)
    Im oki Alhumdulillah ... make duaa for me pls :)

    Love me more.... ? not possible ;)
    Salaam, and I am PERFECTO today bc it's friday! my fav, NO school for TWO days...aaaah, hw I luv that! anyways, sis u r not ALONE! lol, I donno any of the languages well...it's jst bits and peices that I knw:D
    hw abt u?? hw r u today???
    HUGS! luv u moooooooooooooooooore and MOOOOOOOre, Mwaah:D
    Wasalamu alaikum:)
    lOoOoOoll.... haha :D :D
    More than three languages, yet i dont even know one fully lol :D even my enlgish is baaad lol :D

    Love ya too sis
    Hope ur well today inshaAllah :)

    lol...u need to learn more urdy from me..lol
    u r so funny
    lol..no there is no teacher here..finally..i am so tired today..i hav ebeen in college for more than 8 hours an dwhen i cam ehome i was touchign everything like i have been away for 10 years lol
    yes sister we need to finish the list inshallah we will
    i like it when i get long msges..so i don't mind at all
    me love u very much
    man couldn't u live liek next door:shymuslima1: i want somebody like u in my lyfe ..u r already in my lfe..but i want u next door
    lol don't mind me ..i need sleep
    take care my sweetest marshmallowy sister
    i love so much
    walikum salam
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