AlhamduliAllah, walahi, it makes me feeeel GREAT to hear that u r better! "hug" I am soo happy to hear that
inshaAllah, Allah will accept your repentance, ameen to ur dua sweety, and dont feel shy
i am ur sis, and between us, there is nothing to be shy abt
JazakaAllah khairan for you deep wishes, I wish the same for my sis
ameen to your dua and I ask Allah the same for you ukhti
may the one for whose sake u LOVE me LOVE you dear.ameen
I <3 you tooo for Allah's sake
JazakaAllah khairan for you deep wishes, I wish the same for my sis
may the one for whose sake u LOVE me LOVE you dear.ameen
I <3 you tooo for Allah's sake