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  • Salaamalaykum akhi thariq,

    I hope you are doing well Alhamdulillah. :)

    JazakAllahu Khayran akhi for typing all that out. I hope that the brother is better now.

    You had mentioned in your post that it is recommended to hear ayahs that prevent affect of sihr by a Qari who recites with proper tajweed. I was just trying to recollect the name of the Qari.After messaging you, it did occur to me that you had mentioned *Fares Abbad*.
    Salaamalaykum akhi,

    I remember reading a post from you where you mentioned that one of your friend/acquaintance was listening to ayah of the Quran by a particular Qari and he heard popping sound from his knee or something like that.

    I am trying to locate that post. Could you help me out ? BarakAllahu feek.

    Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi
    Lol maa shaa' Allaah. I wanted to study that but as many tullaab have said, such a subject should be studied in Arabic. If I recall correctly, one Shaykh said it defeats the purpose of teaching usool to study in other than Arabic. When I spoke to Mu`aawiyah, he did mention however that there are of course elements of Usool ul-Fiqh that would directly benefit us, even if the medium isn't in Arabic (an example could be what you posted). But alhamdulillaah, I found someone willing to teach me Usool in Arabic, not started yet though.
    Maa shaa' Allaah

    I only wanted that first Arabic page, and its subsequent English follow up (to test you, and me). But you gave a lot more!

    Al-Juwayni.... So you studying Al-Waraqaat?
    "Any thing by default in its foundation has either of the 5 ruling: Waajib, Mustahabb, Mubah, Makrooh or haraam."

    Since you been doing that course, can you provide a definition for each, in Arabic (smile).
    As-salaamu `alaykum

    I spoke to my tajweed teacher... He isn't the brother who teaches Akbar. I was mistaken in what I said about mine, he only has ijaazah in Hafs (three), Khalf, Shu`bah, Al-Kasaa'ee and Ibn `Aamir maa shaa' Allaah. He has read back all the other qiraa'aat but said ijaazah costs 10,000 EGP!!!

    Wow, that can't be right?
    Wa`alaykum us-salaam

    Haha! No akhi, I tried your idea and "broke into" DCS... The door was too weak for it to be of any real excitement lol.

    Nice one... My thobes are even bigger...
    Being in London, I guess the dawah would be in full swing. We haven't had a well known shaykh visit us in ages. If I remember correctly, you had about 9-10 in a single event SubhanAllah (that you posted on TTI).

    Do you brothers do door to door dawah btw ? set up tables on the street etc ? Have seen some good stuff on Hyde park as well.

    Take care Akhee.. Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi
    :salam2: akhee,

    I wouldn't have guessed it that you were from South India. It's a good thing that I messaged you. :).

    That's nice, you got to live in Saudi Masha Allah !.. I have plans to be there soon Insha Allah, if all the paper work comes out fine...

    I actually switched from mechanical engineering to Industrial. Our mech engg faculty is housed in one of the oldest buldings on campus, there is a very gloomy vibe coming from it. Could be part of the reason why I switched actually ;).

    About the dawah, well its not that much actually at our campus. We have a few brothers associated with the tableeghi jamat thing. Then there is the MSA folks who are mostly organising picnics, bball games etc. The dawah is limited to Masjid open house and few clearing misconception lectures on campus. In a few words, we need to do a lot more..
    Salaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi akhee,

    Just wanted to make sure that you had noticed my questions below \/ \/ .. ;)

    Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi
    Salaamalaykum akhi,

    I hope you are doing well Alhamdulillah.

    Here's a brief background about me. I am from North India and have spent most of my childhood in UAE (in a small beautiful city called Al Ain). Currently, pursuing a degree in Industrial Engineering in Texas.

    I see that you know a lot about statistics Masha Allah(from your page I mean). We use a lot of statistics in our branch of engineering too. I had to take 2 stat classes in college and one of my major projects involved analyzing data using discrete distributions. Quite fascinating though I prefer maths more.

    Go ahead akh. Tell me about yourself. What do you study ? Where are you from ? etc. I know that you are one of the many brothers that reside in London. I wish I was there to attend all those nice Islamic events the city hosts. :)
    But he's doing a masters... Surely he must care lol, and he's doing well and revising hard every time I see him... Until you first years distract him... Have you got the right person in mind?
    Lol no. Abraham Lincoln is a certain brother who we say looks like the dead president. I'll give you a clue, it's his beard!
    as-salaamu `alaykum

    How's revision? Haven't been around last few days but I should be in tomorrow. Where's Abraham Lincoln revising these days?
    Assalamu alykum

    Bro my Stats deadlines been extended to Thursday. Anyhow I fully understand what to do now, and your explanation helped out on it. All I have to do is get it down on paper!

    Jazakkallhu khayran
    OK bro, I understand using them in my coursework will get me a better grade. My title is:
    "Does the mode of travel affect the height and weight of pupils". So I want to compare between people who walk, take the bus, car, and tram.

    However, I want to sample every 10th person from my data. I have 1177 pupils and their mode of travel, height and weight,so how do I fit every 10th person with their mode of travel. I gotta feeling its gonna be biased. This is where I am really confused :redface:

    Hope it makes sense.
    Ameen, may Allah accept our actions. I`ll start now :)

    Can you tell me the formula for standard deviation, and Spearman`s rank coefficient, why they are good in presenting data?
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