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    Family needs your Dua's

    VERY SAD Salaam, This is VERY SAD NEWS. The little Sister (7yrs old)belonging to the family with the mother and 3 siblings that died the day of the fire had died today. PLEASE make dua' for her father to get thew this tragedy.
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    What Did You Revert From?

    I was Catholic.
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    Family needs your Dua's

    I have a little up date; two of the little girls in the hospital are still in critical condition. These children are the sisters of the 5 dead children. The mother is with them now. and the 3 other kids who died belonged to a Sister that died in the fire, Please pray for her husband (our...
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    Salaam, Optimum online has channels from Islamic countries. But you have to pay for them.
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    Family needs your Dua's

    Salaam, PLEASE make Dua' for this family, 9 people died in this fire, 8 were children, 5 of the children were brothers and sisters under the age of 12. This is a very sad story.
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    Video Jermaine Jackson About Islam, Being Muslim and Michael Jackson

    Salaam My husband has a song on his pc, it is supposedly Michel Jackson. He sings about Allah. Has anyone heard this? I will have to find the link.
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    women priests

    :tti_sister: We are = so I dont see a problem.
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    Must a Woman Wear NIQAB (Veil)?

    The Quran does not specifically say we must cover our face; this is now based on opinion. Do what YOU feel is correct, dont worry about the scholars because they will keep debating this until the end of time and still not have 100% proof either way. :tti_sister:
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    Weight issue

    Salaam, Sister i go to weight watchers! I love it! The people are very motivational.
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    What are we eating??

    Salaam I have been really thinking about this lately! I really dont know how or where Islam stands on this but someone better get into gear! And if it dont have a lable we would never know, so I know of many that WOULD GIVE UP MEAT... Even if my Iman said it was ok to eat, I STILL would not...
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    What Islam Says about Christmas

    Thanks for posting this!:tti_sister:
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    Where do you live?

    I will go first; Long Island , NY.
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    question for single women and marrired ones

    Most women wont leave there home country or even marry a man that may want to move away from her home country. I told my husband up front before we married I am not going to his home land. We would be way below poverty level and that is very scary, jobs are next to none and travailing is a long...
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    Asalaam Aluakum, I am a convert. I converted in aug 2002. I am sorry to say I have lost my way. I believe in Allah but I am confused about the rest! I am and have been praying for guidance. I married my DH 2 years ago! He is a wonderful man, but he is like me and lacking in some aspects...