What Did You Revert From?

Your beliefs before Islam

  • Atheism

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • Agnosticism

    Votes: 3 5.4%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Christianity

    Votes: 31 55.4%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • Jainism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Judaism

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Sikhism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (please state).

    Votes: 17 30.4%

  • Total voters


In my case I'd have to say agnosticism.


Technically, I was a Christian. Although religion played no part in my life. I wouldn't say I was agnostic, because I didn't even ponder the existence of a God. I wouldn't necessarily say atheism either, because it's not like I made a point of not believing in God...I just didn't care :astag:


Junior Member
I was a "christian". Not a very practising one, though.

Mom is christian, dad is an atheist.

My husband came from a very practising family of Jehova Witnesses.


Junior Member
I always belived in God , my family is christien but i did not feel right about the position of jesus(PBUH) so i did not know what my religion antil a found islam !alhumdullila!

abou haytam

Junior Member
i said ... Others ...cuz i am born muslim and was good muslim and stop for a while to pray and go with pleasur of life..and now i consider myself convert again hamdo lillah loll.


i said ... Others ...cuz i am born muslim and was good muslim and stop for a while to pray and go with pleasur of life..and now i consider myself convert again hamdo lillah loll.

Happy for u...Alhamdulilah... Try to be better than when u were a good muslim..Maybe make yourself more useful where others can rely on u..

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Alot of these brothers adn sisters are reverts! Wow sister umm hussein, I thought you where a born muslim because I never thought a revert would use that name. :D

Abdul Hasib

Student of Knowledge
Wow brother Muhammad! I've nver heard of Jainism Agnosticsim! What about materialism? You know, people that are neo-Atheist and beleive in evolution of humans from apes.


Junior Member
Following my time of study. For 35 years I had nothing more than a simple belief that there is only one God. I belonged to no Church or Faith


Junior Member
It'll shock you!


You guys will be shocked to hear what i am gonna tell you about myself. I am a revert from Islam.Yes, i was born in a household where all the people 'thought' they were muslims (and so does the rest of the country) but infact it was just the religion of their forefathers that they were following. A majority of people in my country commit shirk and they dont even know it, may Allah (swt) save us all from it.

My mum was the only person who prayed but still she had many wrong things incorporated into the deen (not deliberately but remember, "culture"). Anyway, when i was about 19 or 20 this friend of mine took me to a masjid for jumma prayer with him. I had been to the mosque for millions of times before and i would pray whenever i felt like but for the first time i felt like i was a muslim because the man on the pulpit was separating culture from the religion. From that day i believe that i knew what islam truly means. Alhamdulillah i was successful, only and only with the help of Allah (swt) to show the rest of my family where were heading. Now alhamdullillah we are muslims.




You guys will be shocked to hear what i am gonna tell you about myself. I am a revert from Islam.Yes, i was born in a household where all the people 'thought' they were muslims (and so does the rest of the country) but infact it was just the religion of their forefathers that they were following. A majority of people in my country commit shirk and they dont even know it, may Allah (swt) save us all from it.

My mum was the only person who prayed but still she had many wrong things incorporated into the deen (not deliberately but remember, "culture"). Anyway, when i was about 19 or 20 this friend of mine took me to a masjid for jumma prayer with him. I had been to the mosque for millions of times before and i would pray whenever i felt like but for the first time i felt like i was a muslim because the man on the pulpit was separating culture from the religion. From that day i believe that i knew what islam truly means. Alhamdulillah i was successful, only and only with the help of Allah (swt) to show the rest of my family where were heading. Now alhamdullillah we are muslims.



Unfortunately brother, your story is not at all shocking :(

"Muslims" NEED (I cannot stress it enough) to separate Islam and culture. Belonging to a culture is great...rewarding, fulfilling, something to be proud of. But any culture should be ADDITIONAL and SECONDARY to Islam, not PART of Islam. :astag:


Theres quite a lot of 'others', Whats up with that?


A lot of people who eventually turn to Islam and become genuine Muslims 'dabble' in other religions beforehand, in some kind of spiritual quest.

A lot of these "religions" bear absolutely no resemblance to Islamic teachings and values, and tend to be polytheistic and/or pagan in nature.

BUT, :mashallah:, these people have finally found the true path :)




Junior Member
Assalamu alaikum,

I converted from agnostic. If it is considered converting, because i more realized that there is a god, Allah. This after many things happend in my life and when i start questioning why people die, why i'm here.. Have a lot of friends who are muslims who asked me why i didn't believe. Then when i started study anatomy it all came to me. We can't be accidents and there must be a higher creater. So i started to read more about islam and from that i'm now a muslim. Still studying and learning, but now i'm a more happier person because i believe in Allah.


Junior Member
I was Christian. Was Baptised and then Confirmed as a child/ young teenager. Had Confirmation lesson from the local vicar - who promtly ran off with a local married woman ( he was already married too) :astag:

Anyways thats not the reason i left - I lost interest in something that didnt make sense or seem real or true to me. Too many times things didnt add up or the answer to my questions was "It just is." I then only got 'dragged' to Church at Easter or Xmas before later on at age 23 discovering Islam - ALHAMDULILLAH!! :) :)