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  1. muslimaislam

    Website Problems

    As-salam Alikum As most of you guys would of notice brothers & sisters have been having log in/email notification/posting issues. I believe this site use's the popular Vbulletin software. I am totally aware that the brothers & sisters that help run this wounderful website are really...
  2. muslimaislam

    Mecca Adhan

    As-Salam Alikum What is the brothers name, who does the very well known Mecca Adhan? Salam
  3. muslimaislam

    Cover up!!!

    As-Salam Alikum Well I have notice some thing. As muslim women we are suppose to cover up. Often wearing a long shirt, skirts, long clothing to cover our selfs. It is also optional to wear gloves,socks & also cover our faces. If you think about it, it makes sense too do all this because...
  4. muslimaislam

    Organ Donations???

    As-Salam Alikum I know that we can donate a kidney while we are alive because we can remain alive & in good health with one kidney. My questions is; once we have died are we able to donate our organs to be used by other people to improve there health & way of life? I know that we should...
  5. muslimaislam


    As-Salam Alikum You hear that the Saudie Kingdom is corrupt or link to terrorism, about Palistine, Pakistan, Irag War, Afghanistan War & that Yemen is next. We all hear about it. I don't believe that there is a Islamic country in the world that has not been corrupted or is/has been at...
  6. muslimaislam

    What shall this Brother do?

    As Salam Alikum I am writing this on behalf of a muslim brother in need of help. He wish's to remain unknown. The girl that brought this brother to Islam got married to this brother. They soon had agruement & she went to her parents house for 1 night. That was 8 months ago & the brother still...
  7. muslimaislam

    What came first???

    What came first the Chicken or the egg? We all know Allah made them but which one came first?