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    What If I Die?(PLZ READ)

    I make dua that we all die in a state of imaan. Ameen!
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    The Mean inside is coming out

    Remember, every thought you have should be monitored because some of those thoughts are the whispers of shaytan. If we see a benefit to our akhirah, then let that thought pass. If there is no or negative benefit, then remember that your most hated enemy is trying to lead you astray. Block that...
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    to my history teacher, re: Islam spread by the sword

    I had a zionist for my middle eastern politics module. She told me after awhile 'im worried that your bias might affect your grades'. A bad attempt at a subtle threat
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    Some Helpful Links to Leaning Arabic

    anyone used quranic words on iphone?
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    Children and the Knowledge of Hadeeth

    May Allah(swt) blesss the children of this ummah with piety and ilm. Ameen
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    How many languages do you speak ?

    2. And shwai shwai arabiya
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    Video Abel Xavier Converts to Islam

    We need morenew muslims :)
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    isreal wants to start again?!

    Giving charity does what? We give money to rebuild, Israeli F16's blow everything up. The muslims of palestine dont need charity, they need the soldiers of this ummah sittins chained to their barracks to be released.
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    Americans Dressed as Afghans Caught With Weapons in Islamabad

    These 'false flag' operations are quickly being realised. Blackwater (known as xe in pakistan) are behind a lot of the bombings in civilian areas. They are contracted out by the US military and are off the radar due to them being a private entity. We expect this from the enemies of Allah(swt)...
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    Your Words..

    Indeed the tongue can lead to the hellfire. JazakAllah
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    If anyone thinks the debate in France is about the burka then they need to take another look. There are roughly 1,900 sisters in France who wear the burka our of a population of 6 million muslims. There has never been any security threat linked to burka clad women in France to my knowledge. So...
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    Please help

    Asalam Alaikum Im glad you shed some more light on the issue with your last post. Haqooq ul ibad and haqooq ul islam are terminologies invented for what purpose? The classical ulema never spoke about islam in such a manner. Instead, they divided the categories of actions into Fard, Mandoub...
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    to my history teacher, re: Islam spread by the sword

    The hypocrisy that those who claim Islam was spread by the sword, do not critique their nations involvement in spreading democracy through the barrel of a gun.
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    How come we hate death?

    Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik, the caliph of the Muslims during the time of the ummayads asked a prominent scholar of the time called abu hazm "how come we hate death?" abu hazm replied "because you constructed your dunya and destroyed your hereafter, so u hate to go to something destroyed from...
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    This is really sad - palistinian kids talk about their daily horror! (OFFICIAL)

    May Allah(swt) purify them through their suffering. They do not need charity and dua's alone. They need the armies of the muslims to liberate them
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    Its Me

    Asalam Alaikum How are you?