Boonaa Mohammed - Signs


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member

I don't think that this type of *Islamic* rap is permissible. It resembles to a way of singing of the disbelievers. It would have been better if he presented it in the form of a poem.

It is better not to listen to material like this, to be on the safe side. There are plenty of lectures by our pious scholars on various topics, from which we should understand deen and gain motivation from.

And Allah knows best.

Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi

Ibn Uthaymin

Junior member
Walykum assalam

I dont agree with you bro. I think its a positive alternative to mainstream - trash - music thats widespread even amongst Muslims, especially youngs ones.. And at the end of the day, its only poetry, no music, so its fine to me.

Allah knows best.


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member
Walykum assalam

I dont agree with you bro. I think its a positive alternative to mainstream - trash - music thats widespread even amongst Muslims, especially youngs ones.. And at the end of the day, its only poetry, no music, so its fine to me.

Allah knows best.

Salaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi,

Well, no offense but we don't need an alternative to something we are not 'even supposed to be listening to'.

It is an imitation to a way of singing of the kuffar, which itself is prohibited in the folds of Islam. Poetry has notable differences from rap and that is well known who has listened to people *reciting* poems and others *singing* rap.

I was listening to a lecture by Sh Abdur rehman Dimashqiah who also spoke against such kind of *rap* and mentioned that there was nothing 'Islamic' in it.

Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi


make dua 4 ma finals

This is 'rap' ..or even an alternative? Thats news to me. It just sounds like poetry recited aloud? At some stages he is literally 'speaking' the words and there is no hint of a rhythm at all.

Try saying a verse of poetry out loud ..any verse! Naturally, we attach a certain way of saying a verse of poetry, every poem has a rhythm which is distinct and noticeable compared to when we're talking normally, or giving a speech, or even reading aloud from a textbook or something.

Anyways, I like Boona Mohammad's poetry for its powerful imagery, excellent word choice, simplicity in performance but heavy in the message..

"David is to Goliath as truth is to silence"

"You may have every title, every big shot degree,
But you still can't explain: Alif laam meem"

Nice. JazakAllaah khayr for sharing.

Assalaamu alaikum,

I agree with you.....I think this is just a poem recited aloud. Allaah knows best though,
I love his poetry as well....and the Alif laam meem part was priceless! subhana'Allaah:hearts:

Ibn Uthaymin

Junior member
Salaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi,

Well, no offense but we don't need an alternative to something we are not 'even supposed to be listening to'.

It is an imitation to a way of singing of the kuffar, which itself is prohibited in the folds of Islam. Poetry has notable differences from rap and that is well known who has listened to people *reciting* poems and others *singing* rap.

I was listening to a lecture by Sh Abdur rehman Dimashqiah who also spoke against such kind of *rap* and mentioned that there was nothing 'Islamic' in it.

Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi

Akhee take a step back. Im 17 i know what Muslims my age listen to.This is a good alternative And i strongly disagree that he is imitating the disbelievers, my teacher said when he was learning with his mashaykh in Madeenah they would teach with a little melody.

Its a bit like this:

When my teacher taught me Tuhfatul Atfal he taught me in the same manner the Shaykh in the video is reciting.
Its universal, not intimating kufar


La Illaha Illa Allah
Staff member
Akhee take a step back. Im 17 i know what Muslims my age listen to.This is a good alternative And i strongly disagree that he is imitating the disbelievers, my teacher said when he was learning with his mashaykh in Madeenah they would teach with a little melody.

Its a bit like this:

When my teacher taught me Tuhfatul Atfal he taught me in the same manner the Shaykh in the video is reciting.
Its universal, not intimating kufar


I thought it would be good to warn from what I heard. However I do understand that this (warning) coming from a layman, it's going to find little or no acceptance from the youth on TTI.

So fair enough, ask the learned at your masjid/community centre etc if this form of *rap* is permissible. InshaAllah you can gain from their ilm.

As for the poem, it is noticeably different from what Boonaa Mohammad performs. I don't agree with your view on it and I think it is an erroneous way of justifying listening to such material.

May Allah azz zawajal increase us much in knowledge. Ameen

Wasalaamalaykum waa rahmatullahi


Logical Believer

Waoh , i never heard this guy but he is awesome, it is like i am listening again and again and it is really good. his way of saying and poetry makes a perfect sense.
JazakAllah khayr for sharing brother, i should check more of his videos on youtube.. it is better to listen to him rather than music.


Junior Member
Just as a point in fact, not a judgment as to whether it is Haram or Halal....this is called in the realms outside of Islam is in the style of "Poetry Slam".
A poetry slam is a competition at which poets read or recite original work (or, more rarely, that of others). These performances are then judged on a numeric scale by previously selected members of the audience.

Typically, poetry slam is highly politicized, speaking on many issues including current social and economic issues, gendered injustices, and racial issues. Poets are judged not only on the content of their slam but the manner of delivery and passion behind their words.