Death may be at anytime

Hasana jafreen

all praise 2 allah
brothers n sisters i really wish to share this situation with of my relative 30 yrs old man was working in russia.he was married last year n left his wife in india after 2 months n went to russia.he was staying with few male working there.on this eid dec 8th he was little late so every one left him n went for prayer.he went for a bath that time.when every returned from their prayer he was still bathing.they knocked the door n he did they got sacred n broke the door.they found him dead inside the bathroom.they were helpless.after pstmrtm doctors said it was because of gas from the heater he died.they were not able to send his janazah to india.infact he was burried after 3 days.his family was really in pathetic condition.his wife was speech less.even i cant think abt this.his death started reminding abt my death every day.
Our death can be at anytime at any place.only allah knows we should not waste our life.let ur for the sake that allah made us.may allah bless us.
Allahu akbar


From Allah we come to Allah we shall return.

We should all live each day as it is our last, but sadly we do not.:girl3:

You are right, death can be at any moment, so lets ask Allah to prepare for this day before its too late.:tti_sister:

Jazakallahu Khairan for the reminder.

hassana elkoussi

Junior Member

Yes sister, this is true. We're constantly facing reminders of sudden deaths and accidents , but still our life is a distraction . Umar Ibn al Khattab ( May Allah be pleased with him ) used to wear a ring on which was written " O Omar ! Death is a sufficient reminder/ preacher for you" just to remind himself that this life is nothing but a passageway to the Hereafter. Hope we can keep these words in our minds too.

By the way,sister, it's nice to have someone sharing my ursername,too. lol :hearts:


Allahu Akubar!!!!!

:salam2: brothers and sisters, Thanks for sharing this reminder with us, and May Allah give you patient for the lost of your relative.


Hubbi Li Rabbi
Staff member
La Hawla Wala Qowta Illa Billah...

I only ask Allah to grant us shahada upon the arrival of final moment in this dunya...
and to take our souls back to Him upon His deen

May Allah bestow patience upon the brother's family...and May He (swt) have mercy on his soul..



Junior Member
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Remember more often the destroyer of pleasures - death.''

Being heedful and talking about death checks man from being lost in the worldly pleasures and seductions. We are, therefore, supposed to remember death frequently and to avoid remaining indifferent to post-death affairs and occurrences.

La Hawla Wala Quwata Illa Billah..