Following both christianity and islam


Junior Member
Asalamwalaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakathuhu..

I've been recently asking for help to give an answer to this non muslim sister. As now am really busy i have less time to give to her :( So i just wanted the help of you brothers and sisters here..It's also a very confusing situation for me and am fiding it quite hard to answer her regarding this matter..In past messages i have told her soo many times about Tawhid and all the most important things in islam which you tell a non-muslim..But she still comes back to me with all this.. :/

Islam wants to bring the non-Muslims to Islam so we can be unity and so does Christianity but we are already in unity because we all love God. Why are we so hooked on seperating each other??? I mean I have had my Christian friends tell me to stay away from my Muslim friends, that their a bad influence on me, and they don't like it. Yet I tell them I will not stay away from my Muslim friends and what sin have I committed by being with them, did Jesus not reach out to everyone??? of course they had no come back and I did the same with my Muslim friends when they got mad at me for wearing the hijab what sin have I committed?? what sin have I made against God praying like you do?? I guess what bothers me is that were so into converting each other why not just love each other for who the person is??

Many Muslims that I know who want to convert me try to by slaming Christianity and showing me how it's wrong with proof but I have learned that is a big turn off and once you do that I am no longer listening to you and they are pushing me closer to my faith instead of away from it..But there are a few Muslims who I know that teach me Islam but never tell me, my faith is wrong or try to show me proof it's wrong...I tend to listen more and be interested in what the person has to say:) They tell me this is what I believe and you can do what you want with it...So I guess what bothers me and stops me from converting is this fact....Plus I can't let any Muslim or Christian influence me because I have come to realize that I am influenced way too much and this keeps me from knowing what is the truth to me...I am easily influenced in good or bad ways I have learned this recently and I learned were all my frustration is coming from regarding Islam. First some of it is Satan playing with my head but the other part is from everyone telling me what I should believe on both sides...So I finally took everyone out every Muslim and Christian including my own parents..I only selected a few Muslims to teach me and ask them questions and so far one Christian and that is it....Those who have not been picked I don't tell them what I think or allow them to teach me the big things about Islam or Christianity...I have to say that I am so much happier now:)

I have decided right now that I don't want to choose either faith...I already practice Islam by praying five times a day at the times we are suppose to, wearing the hijab, and reading the Quran but I also go to church, pray the Rosary, and read the Bible...I have seen within myself that doing this has made me more positive and happier:) Now I know that there are Muslims and Christians who would be mad at me for doing this and that I am not following the true faith and even making a mockery of the faiths which ever one but I disagree and will not let them influence me...I have had Christians tell me if you are friends with the Muslims and wear the hijab then I don't want to be your friend. I tell them I will do as I please and you can leave but remember the sin is on you not me...Sis I have never been this happy before:) I am tired of trying to figure out who is right...I mean I am still favoring Christianity right now but that could change in time... This is better for me and I have had Muslims ask why do you do all this Islamic stuff when your not being award for it but I don't do it for an award I do it to please God and how does that person know that God is not awarding me have they talked to him to find out??

Now when it comes to paradise I have one question how do you know I am going to hell because I know the truth about Islam but did not convert?? because the Quran said so....But God can do anything he wants and I teach Islam to my Christian friends and clear up their misconceptions...Now God could look at that and say well she didn't convert but because she helped people understand Islam, I am going to allow her into heaven...We don't know what will happen to us...I mean Rehana you could end up in hell (Inshallah that won't happen) and I end up in heaven yet you knew the truth but for some reason you ended up in hell..We don't know so why do we go around saying if you don't believe in my faith your going to hell....That's what I love about Christianity because we don't preach that or were not suppose to...Either way sis I am not worried about going to hell because I don't believe I will in either faith but that is my feeling...I believe in both faiths there is something big missing...Something that Allah has not revealed to us that will surprise everyone..I just have that feeling... But here is the twist to all of this....I have already converted in a sense:) how?? when I saw this video called Jesus chatt and this guy on there made no sense to me and so I talked to one of my best friends and told her I was ready to convert...I told her I felt Islam was right and was ready but she told me she will not convert me because she wants me to dig further which is true I need to do....but I heard that once you accept Islam in your heart and no matter if you go back to your original faith or never say the shahadah...You are a Muslim....If that is true then sis I am already a Muslim just a confused one...

JazakaAllah-khair :)


Junior Member
Ukhti you may want to bold the email the girl sent you or it may cause confusion, making us think that you wrote this.

It seems to me that she doesn't want to let go of Christianity because she has been a Christian for her whole life the the thought of her leaving what she grew up with isn't something she's comfortable with. This shows she's not 100% Islaam is the truth, otherwise she would have reverted a long time ago.

You can't be Christian and Muslim at the same time...that is like saying you're half pregnant. It doesn't matter how much dawah or prayer you do when you're a non-Muslim, you either take Islaam as a whole or leave it.

Allaah azza wa jal will surely surprise us...with the Day of Resurrection that is!

She is right, we all don't know where we are going, heaven or hell? That's why we ask Allaah subhaana wa ta'aala at least seventeen times a day for that straight path. We seek refuge in Him from Jahannam. Hell is a reality and anyone can end up there, so why not warn about it?

She can't let go of certain aspects of Christianity that she likes, maybe that's why she's stuck. She doesn't like it when people slam Christianity because she feels it is the truth to her, but Islaam may be truth to her too. Only Allaah can guide such people, and what you can do is as much dawah and du'aa' as you can, but it seems you tried to explain Tawheed and important things about Islaam already but she is comfortable in the middle. May Allaah guide her.


Junior Member
All I can say is, your basing what you believe is "salvation" based on the influence of other people. This is unfortunate to hear.

No one should influence you, you should not be effected by how others judge you or what they say. This is one of the fundemental teachings of Islam, it tells you to find the facts our for yourself. Forget what someone tells you about Islam or Christianity, you have the internet, you can contact religious Scholars, go find out the truth about each one and then base your decision on what you think is the right path.

I don't get how you can be satisfied knowing your probably a "Muslim-Christian merge" because that's how your environment shaped you to be.

When you turn to Islam, you don't do it because he said this or she said that, you do it because you believe in the revelation brought through the Prophet Muhammad(pbuh), you do it because of God and no one else. This is the relationship between you and the Creator, nothing can or should interfere in this relationship. That's what seperates being a Muslim from the rest.


You Need Help badly sister.

all my brother and sisters in Islam.

Dear sister,
I like to put
it that you are in a big delimma!

You doesn't know what the different
between Islam and Christian???:astag:

You too an unknowledgeable person,
STOP!!! making Christian as part of you,
I hope you get help soon in Islam
because you are in desperately need before you gone too far.

Only Allah swt Knows what in your heart!

I am so very proud what many new muslims making achievement at their own
initiative getting to Islam,
Though most are even born catholic and Christian some even coming from Jews(Yahudi)and
but their strong will and wanting understand so much.
Making many new muslims successful muslim today,and many even start helping others getting to know Islam.

And this too at the hard working involvement showing by our brothers and sisters in the excellence guiding them!

Female Professor of Neuroscience converts to Islam

image of Dr. Abd-al-Haqq Bruno Guiderdoni.

Dear sister,
You should get your non muslim friends(if they are interested)
and yourself to get guide from good scholar and Islamic religious council
because franky speaking, you are in no state of teacher them about Islam
because you didn't even know god .

~May Allah swt help and guide you~Amin!

Take care!



Junior Member

Most of her questions have already been i am not going to repeat the same,....... Just replying to the last paragraph of her short speech!!

Her speech is attractive but far from reality.....take this as an example.

Its like saying that i want to become doctor..but i am not going to follow the procedure prescribed by Medical College.......i will take arts but read the books of Medical by myself.. but will not follow any of their procedure(Taking admission , attending classes, exams etc)..........

Will i ever become Doctor????

NO, no matter how much knowledge i gain......but without following the right procedure..everything is useless!!!!

Now Question arises am i right in cursing Medical college??
Is Medical College unjust in not giving Degree to me???

Answer is simple.........."NO"

Similarly .....path to heaven is set we have to follow that without any If and But 's......... one of the essential criteria after tauheed is... Don't commit shirk.

Its so simple follow the path revealed by God..........not that by any human being.

Quran 13:14
To Him [alone] is the supplication of truth. And those they call upon besides Him do not respond to them with a thing, except as one who stretches his hands toward water [from afar, calling it] to reach his mouth, but it will not reach it [thus]. And the supplication of the disbelievers is not but in error
[i.e., futility]


On the first page of Quran all such claims have been nullified by it is clearly mentioned that Christians are astray from right following their path will take you to................................!!!

Quran 1:6-7
Guide us to the straight path
The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger (Jews)or of those who are astray(Christians).

wa salam


Junior Member
Please ask your friend to watch the video on youtube--Dr Laurence Brown on the Deen Show in which this eminent religous scholar explains how by practicing Islam you actually also following Jesus Christ may Allah peace be on him much more than the Christians


Junior Member
Please ask your friend to watch the video on youtube--Dr Laurence Brown on the Deen Show in which this eminent religous scholar explains how by practicing Islam you actually also following Jesus Christ may Allah peace be on him much more than the Christians

Think you mean this one brother;



Junior Member
JazakaAllah-khair for the reply and am sorry if i confused some of you brothers and sisters with this conversation.
She wrote all this starting from the 2nd paragraph....
Brother Tariq the last post was useful and i said everything that was written there but i suppose the sister is repeating her questions. May Allah guide her..And thankyou eveyone for helping!...


Junior Member
JazakaAllah-khair for the reply and am sorry if i confused some of you brothers and sisters with this conversation.
She wrote all this starting from the 2nd paragraph....
Brother Tariq the last post was useful and i said everything that was written there but i suppose the sister is repeating her questions. May Allah guide her..And thankyou eveyone for helping!...


Sister Rehana,

You are doing what you can......... rest lies upon her.

Give her some time.....

May Allah give her hidaya.

wa salam


Junior Member
Healthy topic and answers. Allah bless you all. I just hate it when others try to push others to follow their faith. You try your best then Allah completes the rest. If the girl is meant to be Muslim, she will be a muslim. The fact that she listens to your words without fear and judgement itself is wonderful.