for improving my English


Junior Member
Salam alaykoum,

I am french speaker, I want to meet people (sisters) who can help me to practice and improve my English. I can help english speaker to improve her french.
I live in Toronto.

Baraka Allah fikoum


Junior Member
Salam my sister,

I try but it's difficult I have a french accent. It does not help:angryred:

Baraka Allah fiki


Subhana Allah!

asalamu alaykum sister
don't worry about ur english it takes practice. i have learned english too. find sisters that live tronto with u and ask them to help u. insha Allah ur accent will be gone before u know it. don't make such a big deal out of it.

the more u worry the harder it will be for u.



Junior Member
Sister :hearts:Zaynab123:hearts: and :hearts:Aisha. joyo:hearts:
Baraka Allah fikoum :mashallah:
Allah awards you El Firdows :tti_sister:


Junior Member
I also need help my english is not good I m a urdu speaker from Pakistan also help me plzzzz to improve my english i cannot speak i stutter and cannot make sentence very often



New Member
Slama u alikum..
so let us help each other we can do it believe me ..
dear Amella however iam not naitive speaker but iam reay to help u if u want..

take care


Junior Member
Salam alaykoum,

Baraka Allah fikoum:hearts: you are :mashallah: I want to meet sister at coffee shop and share conversation.
Gad bless you:tti_sister:


Son of Aa'ishah(R.A)
Having a regular and continuos conversation with the one who knows good english will help u lot Insha-Allah...