G'day from W.A.


New Member

:salam2: respected brothers and sisters in islam! giving a big salams to all from Western Australia :) InshAllah i hope to meet and greet fantastic ppl on these boards and discuss our love for Allah subhanawatallah :D for He truly deserves all praise. Who left the air conditioner on, its winter darn it!

I'm sure you've figured it out by now i enjoy a good ol' laugh now and then but when its time to be serious its time to be serious! :D Look forward to speaking to you all!! inshallah! :wasalam:


make dua 4 ma finals
Assalamu Alaikum :D

welcome to TTI :D to the family :D

aaammm, that was some nice joke :D intro with humor :D way to goo :D but if the title stands for what I am thinking about......it might not be appropiate for this forum.....

may Allah guide you and all of us...bleesss you and all of us.ameen

Allah hafiz now and always and enjoy your stay:D:D:D:D:D:D

wasalamu Alaikum :D:D


New Member
wow, some ppl need to learn how to relax and take a joke,

and what is wrong with the title? g'day from w.a.? in other words good day from western australia?? lighten up and drink some chai pplz. looks like honest opinions are also whacked. tsk tsk!


make dua 4 ma finals
wow, some ppl need to learn how to relax and take a joke,

and what is wrong with the title? g'day from w.a.? in other words good day from western australia?? lighten up and drink some chai pplz. looks like honest opinions are also whacked. tsk tsk!



sorry about that....It was not clear :D....no dear bro....honest opinions are not whacked:D sorry for taking it the other way:shymuslima1::shymuslima1:


New Member


sorry about that....It was not clear :D....no dear bro....honest opinions are not whacked:D sorry for taking it the other way:shymuslima1::shymuslima1:

wasn't talking about you sister, it seems my last post forgiving someone was also deleted. kheir inshalalh inna lilla hi wa inna lillayhi rajioon!


Fixing da foundation
Assalamualaikum bro! welcome to TTI - I'm from New Zealand :) so hey hey hey
Im not so far away :D