Good/bad Jihad & Shari'ah in Western Society


Junior Member

Is there such thing as good Jihad and bad Jihad?

I was explaining what Jihad is to a non-Muslim and giving examples, e.g. me wearing headscarf and abaya is jihad especially in Western society because I may get discriminated for doing so, however, I explained to her that this is my and every other Muslimas Jihad, it's our struggle, we're striving etc.

Then islamic law was brought up, so I said Muslim countries don't even implement shari'ah, the Muslim leaders can't even do it, so how can a Muslim in Western society expect a non-Muslim government to implement shari'ah (in terms of capital punishment etc.). I'm sure this opinion doesn't go against Islam because it is true, look how the Muslim countries are. I'd rather stay in the West than living in the Muslim World because I feel there are more rights and although there are some in the Muslim World, the leaders and law makers restrict rights, even if it goes against Islam. Anyway I'm mentioning all of this because I want to ask is it wrong to say my personal opinion regarding shari'ah in the UK etc. or is there a scholar or someone with knowledge with an opinion regarding Shari'ah in Western socities?

And again with the Jihad, maybe I shouldn't have given this example to her, but I said something like even a mother bringing up her children, clothing, feeding, taking them to school etc. - this too is Jihad. And then the girl spoke to my other Muslim friend and said so gay people being discriminated and fighting for their rights and freedom - this is gay people's Jihad. So now I'm thinking is there good and bad Jihad because yes gay people are striving/struggling for their 'rights and freedom'; however, according to Islam, being gay etc. is seen as a very bad thing. So that's why I'm confused and need to know specifically if there is good/bad Jihad so I can go back and tell her.

Sorry for babbling.


to Allah we belong
wa alaikum salaam,

jihad in a sentence means fighting to uphold the name of Allah.

there are many types of jihad: jihad against one's desires like u said wearing hijab and abaya in western nations mashallah, jihad against innovators/hypocrites, jihad against those who dont allow Shariah system in society, etc.

secondly, if a person struggles to kill a innocent person, thats oppression not the same way if these gay people are fighting for *so-called rights*, thats not jihad, its fitnah!

hope it clarified a little.


Junior Member

So from what youre saying, Jihad is only striving for lawful things :jazaak: for your response akhi.


Junior Member
Jihad is `Ibaadah (worship), just like Salaat, Siyaam, Zakaat etc. We do it sincerely for the sake of Allaah and we do it according to Quran and Sunnah. So it must be for good things and not for bad things. I have never heard of ''bad jihad''.